
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan

author:Reize ancestral culture

Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan

——Overview of the Representative Meeting of the Council of the World Horse Federation and the Representative Meeting of the Standing Committee of the World Horse Congress

Written by/Ma Xuemin

Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan

On the banks of the Huai River, under the Floating Light Mountain, the ancient city of Laiguo.

On June 18-20, 2021, in Xinyang City, Xinyang City, Xinyang City, the fiefdom of General Fubo of Xinshi Houma, the representative meeting of the second council of the World Ma Clan Friendship Association, and the standing committee of the World Ma Clan Friendship Association were held here.

Li Jianguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Xixian County CPC Committee and director of the United Front Work Department, and Wang Jinli, deputy governor of the county government, held discussions with the deputies to the meeting; Zhao Li, vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, attended the "Seminar on the Culture of Ma Aid in Xinxi County," and Xie Guoliang, deputy governor of Congtai District of Handan City, attended the meeting and made a speech throughout the meeting. Fu Minghui, deputy director of the United Front Work Department of Xixian County, gave meticulous guidance and assistance from the preparation and reception of the meeting to the beginning. Wei Yabin, deputy director of the Purple Mountain Office of Congtai District, Handan City, and Zhang Xin, deputy director of the Land and Resources Branch of Congtai District, also attended the meeting.

Ma Hankun, President of the World Ma Clan Friendship Association and Director of the Standing Committee of the World Ma Clan Friendship Conference, attended the meeting online, presided over the opening ceremony and made a concluding speech at the meeting. Present at the scene and offline were: Vice President (Deputy Director) and Secretary General Ma Xiongguang, Vice President (Deputy Director) Ma Qiancheng, Ma Dongya, Ma Xingming, Ma Liang, General Association Advisors Ma Jibin and Ma Shiyong, Honorary President of the Federation Ma Fuguo, etc.

Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan

On June 19, the meeting was held in the multi-functional conference room on the fifth floor of the Xixian Citizens' House. Delegates attending the meeting submitted nucleic acid test reports before the meeting according to the requirements of epidemic prevention, wore masks, and maintained a safe distance to attend the meeting.

The first phase was a one-and-a-half-hour "New Hou Ma Yuan Cultural Seminar" chaired by Ma Xiongguang. Responsible persons of the United Front Work Department, the Propaganda Department, the Cultural and Tourism Bureau, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Cultural Relics Bureau, the Forest Company, the Television Station, the Interest culture research association, and other government departments, as well as responsible persons of the Purple Mountain Office and the Land Sub-bureau of Congtai District of Handan City, also attended the seminar.

Xu Zelin, a special teacher of history in Henan Province, a member of the Xinyang Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and a senior deputy section cadre in Xixian County, introduced his experience and achievements in studying and promoting the inheritance of Mayuan culture in Xixian County for more than ten years, displayed his compilation of "New Xihou Mayuan and Xixian County" and "Idiomatic Allusions Related to Mayuan", especially through the publication of papers and CPPCC proposals to promote the construction of Mayuan Square and the naming of Mayuan Avenue, which was highly appreciated by the participants. After his speech, Ma Xiongguang, on behalf of the General Assembly, issued a letter of appointment as a "historical and cultural consultant" to Mr. Xu Zelin. Li Hongqiang, director of the Main Responsibility Studio of the XiXian Government Office and vice president of the Xi Cultural Research Association, made a speech entitled "Promoting the Spirit of Ma Yuan and Promoting Cultural Revitalization", expounding his understanding of the connotation of the cultural spirit of the new Hou Hou Ma Yuan. Graduated from Tsinghua University, he served as the dean of Handan College, deputy secretary of the party committee, master tutor, executive director of the World Ma's Cultural Information Center, chief consultant of the Handan Xunzi Research Association, vice chairman of the Handan Federation of Social Sciences, and president of the Handan Mao Zedong Thought Society, Ma Jibin, elaborated on the great historical significance of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Xi Jinping and other party and state leaders' appreciation of Ma Yuan and the study of Ma Yuan's spirit; Ma Xiongguang's speech mainly combined with understanding General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional culture. He expounded Ma Yuan's contribution to the excellent culture of the Chinese nation.

Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan

According to incomplete statistics, there are about 3520 kinds of books that record the main deeds of Ma Yuan, 348 ancient poems, Qing Jiaqing's "Records of Xixian County" "famous eunuchs" take Ma Yuan as the first person, and Ma Yuan's biography in the Book of later Han has a total of 8769 words, and there are 26 other places.

Ma Yuan (14–49 BC), courtesy name Wenyuan, was a native of Fufeng County, a Han Chinese, a founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the father of Empress Mingde of the Han Ming Emperor.

In the last year of the new dynasty, Ma Yuan defected to the Long Right warlord Kui Huan and gained great weight. Later, he returned to the Shun Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu and made great military achievements for the unification of the Eastern Han Dynasty. After the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ma Yuan still led troops to conquest, breaking the Longqiang in the west, crossing the toes in the south, attacking Wuhuan in the north, tired officials to the general Fubo, and fengxin Marquis, known as "Ma Fubo". His old age and strength, the spirit of ma ge wrapping the body, was revered by posterity. In the twenty-fifth year of Jianwu (49 years), Ma Yuan died of illness during the crusade against Wuxi Man at the age of sixty-four. After his death, he was framed by others and was reclaimed by Liu Xiu. Emperor Zhang of Han was rehabilitated and posthumously honored as "Zhongcheng". During the reign of Emperor Dezong of Tang, he became one of the "Sixty-Four Generals of the Martial Temple". Emperor Huizong of Song was given the title of "King of Zhongxian Youshun" and ranked as the "Seventy-two Generals of the Martial Temple". Qing Shengzu was from the Temple of the Emperors of the Past Dynasties.

Ma Xiongguang continued to preside over the second council representative meeting of the World Ma Clan Friendship Association. Ma Chenhui, chairman of the Xinyang City Root Pro-Culture Ma Surname Committee, delivered a welcome speech. The meeting was rich in content and a number of resolutions were adopted: Xie Guoliang, deputy mayor of Congtai District of Handan City, introduced the development situation of Congtai District and the construction of Zishan infrastructure, and expressed full support for the construction of the "Mafujun Cultural Garden" project. Vice President Ma Qiancheng gave a briefing on the fundraising work of the Handan Purple Mountain Public Welfare Foundation. The meeting deliberated and adopted the "Planning Plan for the Construction of Ma Fujun Cultural Garden (World Ma Clan Ancestral Hall)" drafted by Ma Xingkang, executive director of the World Horse Association, deputy secretary general and president of the Fujian Ma Clan Friendship Association. The "Ma Fujun Cultural Garden Project Construction Plan" proposed by Ma Jinnan, executive director, deputy secretary-general of the World Horse Association and vice president of the Handan Ma Clan Friendship Association, was deliberated and approved. The meeting voted to appoint Ma Xingkang and Ma Jinnan as directors and deputy directors of the Preparatory Office of Ma Fujun Cultural Garden. The meeting deliberated and passed the "Motion on Selecting the Good Daughter-in-law of the Ma Family at Home and Abroad" put forward by Ma Xuemin, executive director of the World Horse Association, deputy secretary general and secretary general of the Kyushu Ma Cultural Research Association. The meeting voted to add Ma Jibin, Ma Shiyong, and Ma Jinjing as vice presidents of the World Horse Association; add Ma Jianwen and Ma Hong as deputy secretaries general of the World Horse Association; Ma Xiaodong to become honorary presidents; add Zhanjiang Ma Clan Clan Friendship Association, Zhejiang South Ma Clan Clan Friendship Association, and Xixian Ma Aid Research Institute as the governing units of the World Horse Federation; Zhanjiang Suixi Ma Clan Clan Friendship Association as member units of the World Horse Federation; and add Ma Hong, Ma Jinzhong, and Ma Yuchang as executive directors. Subsequently, the newly elected vice presidents Ma Jibin, Ma Shiyong, Ma Jinjing, and deputy secretary general Ma Jianwen made speeches.

Ma Xingming, Vice President of the World Horse Association and Executive Chairman of the 10th World Horse Congress, presided over the representative meeting of the Standing Committee of the World Horse Association. Ma Wanqing, executive director of the World Horse Federation, president of luoyang Horse-aid cultural research institute, and executive chairman of the 11th World Horse Conference (preparation), reported on the preparations for the conference and proposed to postpone the convening of the 11th World Horse Congress according to the current international and domestic covid-19 epidemic situation. The delegates at the meeting raised their hands to vote on the motion, unanimously agreed to postpone the convening of the 11th World Horse Congress for one year, and asked the Luoyang Mayuan Cultural Research Institute to adjust the preparatory work plan according to the decision of the meeting and do a good job in connecting with the local government.

The President of the World Horse Federation, the Director of the Standing Committee of the World Horse Congress, and Datuk Ma Hankun of Malaysia participated in the meeting throughout the "Tencent Video Conference" in Malaysia, congratulated the smooth convening of the Conference, affirmed the meticulous preparation of the meeting by the county and the secretariat, expressed approval of several resolutions deliberated and passed by everyone, and welcomed the newly admitted governing units, vice presidents and deputy secretaries-general.

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Ma Hankun stressed: Through this conference, it is necessary to further do a good job in the study of Ma Yuan's culture and Ma Yuan's spirit, inherit family style and family training, spread Chinese virtues, and carry forward China's excellent traditional culture. Regarding the construction of the MaFujun Cultural Garden project, Ma Hankun pointed out that this issue has lasted for several years, and it is a major event for our Ma family, rewarding zuen and descendants, and the merits are in today's day, and the benefits are in the thousands of autumns. The next step is to work closely with the government, implement the special class, assign the responsibility to the person, come up with a practical and feasible implementation plan as soon as possible, and enter the substantive construction stage as soon as possible. It is necessary to vigorously publicize, extensively mobilize, and mobilize the vast number of Ma clan relatives at home and abroad to pool their wisdom and wisdom, unite their wills, gather their armpits into qiu, and actively donate funds to build the "MaFujun Cultural Garden." To make people out of people, money to pay, powerful to contribute, and things to produce. The preparatory work requires the participation of a group of volunteers, and volunteers can be recruited to participate in the relevant work. I hope that every able clan member will be duty-bound, unshirkable, generous and generous, and enthusiastically donate. The ability to do good deeds is no matter how big or small, the donation is not divided, every penny will be used for the general shrine, and the daimyo and the good deeds will be stoned on the left side of the temple, forever recorded in the annals of history, and will be passed on for hundreds of generations.

Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan

Before the meeting, the participants went to the Ma Yuan Cultural Square to pay homage to General Ma Yuan Fubo, and Ma Qiancheng, Ma Dongya, Ma Xingming, Ma Jibin, Ma Shiyong, Ma Liang, and others presented flower baskets. Ma Xiongguang read out the "Tribute to The General Ma Yuan of the New Emperor Fubo", which he personally wrote:

On June 19, 2021, representatives of the Ma clan from all over The country gathered in Xi County, Xinyang City, Henan Province, the holy land of the Eastern Han Dynasty, to attend the "New Hou Ma Yuan Cultural Seminar". Above the Huai River, the ancient city is leisurely, only to see the new Hou galloping on horseback, swinging the division to attack, can't help but make people think of reverie, passionate. Here, we pay tribute to the great patriotic general, the founding hero of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the famous ancient military figure General Ma Yuanfubo.


Xin ugly midsummer, hot sun high light; centennial party celebration, Kyushu Song'en.

The county is flowing, above the Huai River; the sages gather to reminisce about the history of the country.

The country is strong and the people are rich, and the generations have struggled; Ma's ancestors are patriotic models.

The first ancestor was a luxury duke, qianqiu Ying's name; Junfeng Mafu, Sun Rongma's surname.

Wenyuan aided the Duke, born Fufeng; Han Ma clan, mainly source stream.

Less ambitious, strict and self-disciplined; serve for many years, and honor widows and sisters-in-law.

Serve as a post inspector, mercifully imprisoned; pardon and obey the rules, engage in pastoral farming.

There are thousands of cattle and sheep, tens of thousands of valleys; charity is given to people, and guests are attached.

The new Cheng Da Yin, the first heroic appearance; General Suide, emerged.

Judging the hour and sizing up the situation, choosing the Wise Lord wisely; trying to mediate, the ancestors were pleased.

Pile rice for the mountain, dedicate the plan to victory; guard the cool, and accumulate good names.

Pacify long right, heroic spirit; Longxi built meritorious service, the people live in peace.

Ordered by Fu Bo, the southern expedition was crossed; the thief was beheaded and won a great victory.

Sergeant Ma Liu, tun soldier reclaiming the land; cast copper pillars to declare the Han dynasty.

Sowing rice, introducing Han laws; Central Plains civilization, spreading Lingnan.

Meritorious service, fengxin marquis, three thousand food, nine qing.

To the subordinates, to comfort the sergeant; to thank the zero, long live the prostrate.

Speaking out, the dignitaries are self-controlling; encouraging future generations, and holding on to their own positions.

Brother Yan Dun, good argument on right and wrong; strict words to discipline nephews, family training inheritance.

The Xiongnu did not withdraw and it was difficult to sleep; the horse army arrived, and the thieves fled.

Wuling barbarians, thwarted the Han army, and over the age of Hua jia, asked themselves to fight.

When old and strong, we should not give in; we will not lose our courage when we fight on the battlefield again.

The head of the pot is a strategy, the horse loses its front hoof; the villain retaliates and frames it successfully.

With grievances, there is no place for burial; General Fubo, Ma Ge shrouded the body.

A hero, the sunset falls; the two eight clouds, no name.

Time passes, and the snow is lost; the heavens and the earth are righteous, and they are models for all eternity.

Throughout his life, he was loyal to the king and served the country; he had a broad mind and a noble character.

Descendants of descendants, Great Glory; Guangzong Yaozu, cultural inheritance.

Thousands of generations, the nation is prosperous, the universe is always new, and the world is the same.


The participants also visited and studied in Xizhou Forest Park, Madame Xi Memorial Hall, Guraiguo Cultural Park, Liu Deng Dajun Duhuai Memorial Hall, Xinyang Museum, and Xixian Alben Enterprise.

Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan

The list of delegates to the meeting is as follows (in no particular order):

Ma Hankun (Malaysia, online), Ma Qiancheng (Handan), Ma Xiongguang (Nanning), Ma Dongya (Russia), Ma Xingming (Liulin), Ma Liang (Xiangtan), Ma Jibin (Handan), Ma Shiyong (Wuhan), Ma Jinjing (Nanning), Ma Fuguo (Xinyang), Ma Wei (Leping), Ma Xingkang (Ningde), Ma Xiaobiao (Fuzhou), Ma Jinnan (Handan), Ma Xuemin (Heze), Ma Jinxi (Fufeng), Ma Jianwen (Fufeng), Ma Hong (Zhengzhou), Ma Hongwei (Hefei), Ma Wanqing (Luoyang), Ma Changming (Heze), Ma Xiaobo (Handan), Ma Chenhui (Xinyang), Ma Zhiwei (Liulin), Ma Daiguang (Beijing), Ma Yunxiang (Liyang), Ma Qingquan (Xiamen), Ma Biao (Renhuai), Ma Zhenwei (Qinzhou), Ma Ming (Guest), Ma Guanghui (Yulin), Ma Jincheng (Beihai), Ma Hongzhang (Luoyang), Ma Shijian (Luoyang), Ma Yingjun (Zhengzhou), Ma Shizhou (Xinyang), Ma Chengdi (Chongqing), Ma Liquan (Chongqing), Ma Yuchang (Yulin), Ma Zhiping (Yulin), Ma Xiaoping (Hefei), Ma Yufu (Anyang), Ma Huiye (Anyang), Ma Fuwen (Lingbi), Ma Fei (Daye), Ma Yuliang (Civil Rights), Ma Jinzhong (Xi County), Ma Zhengao (Xi County), Ma Chuanyu (Xi County), Ma Long (Xi County), Ma Wei (Xi County), Ma Hong (Xi County), Ma Jianjun (Xi County), Ma Jinshan (Xi County), Ma Junmin (Xi County). In addition to President Ma Hankun, ma Xiaodong (Nanning), Ma Gui (Huizhou), Ma Aibing (Wuhu), Ma Rujiang (Shanghai), Ma Hongkun (Luzhou), Ma Fei (Xiangtan), Ma Fangbiao (Langfang), Ma Jiaxiang (Haikou), Ma Jianhui (Huaiji), Ma Hualai (Zhanjiang) and others attended the meeting online.

Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan
Carry forward the excellent traditional culture and inherit the spirit of the new Hou Ma Yuan


Mayuan Square is located in front of The Forest Park in Xixian County, invested and constructed by the county government, covering an area of 58,000 square meters, of which the main square covers an area of 29,800 square meters, the building covers an area of 390 square meters, and the parking lot covers an area of 20,000 square meters. The entire square adopts the Architectural Style of the Han Dynasty, which is the same as the era in which Ma Yuan lived. The statue of Ma Yuan is 21 meters high, which is taken from the meaning of Ma Yuan's assistance to Emperor Guangwu of Han for 21 Spring and Autumn Festivals; the total height of the statue is 8 meters, symbolizing that he enjoyed the title of General Fubo for a total of 8 years; the platform of the main square on the second floor is 63 meters deep, symbolizing his death at the age of 63. The first-floor plaza is divided into four levels of platforms, representing his four expeditionary achievements.

Xixian Gulaiguo Cultural Park, also known as the World Lai Clan Ancestral Hall, is located in County Road 001, Baoxin Town, Xixian County, Xinyang City, Henan Province. Founded in November 2013, it covers an area of 62.5 acres and a construction area of 18,500 square meters. It is a national AAA-level tourist attraction, and also an ancient architectural garden-like cultural park with functions such as worship, clan friendship, cultural research, and tourism. The park is composed of physical buildings such as the Lai's Ancestral Grandfather Shuying Cemetery, the World Lai's General Ancestral Hall, the Wenwang Hall, and the Daming Hall, which add a heavy historical background and cultural connotation to Xixian County.

Liu Deng Dajun Duhuai Memorial Hall is located on the bank of the Huai River in a beautiful environment, which is a national AAA red tourist attraction. The project is approved by the county party committee, the county government approved to build a tourism project, is a set of commemoration, tourism, cultural display, ecological landscape, leisure and recreation as one of the venues, red memorial and the history of the county blended venue, the total investment of the project is about 60 million yuan, the construction site is located in Dabukou East Xiaowangwan conference site, the main construction content includes: memorial square, cultural square and its ancillary facilities. The total area of scenic spots is 75 mu, about 49950 square meters, and the total area of construction land is 68.2 mu, about 45500 square meters.

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