
General Fu Bo is waiting for Ma Yuan's second and third affairs

author:Nothing can be done in the small

<b>"Huangshi Gongji" said: "Soft energy makes steel, and weak energy makes strong." Those who give up the near and seek the far will work and have no success; those who give up the near and seek the near will have an end. Therefore, it is said: Those who work in the vast land are desolate, those who work in the vast and the virtuous are strong, those who have their own are safe, and those who are greedy and have are cruel. A government of destruction, though it succeeds, will fail. ”

General Fu Bo is waiting for Ma Yuan's second and third affairs


Ma Yuan, the character Wen yuan, is a native of Maoling County, Fufeng County. Ma Yuan lost his father when he was a teenager and followed his eldest brother Ma Yuan to make a living. Ma Yuan has great ambitions since he was a child, and the eldest brother looks at him differently, often saying that Ma Yuan will definitely become a great instrument and become a late bloomer. Later, my brother was unexpectedly ill, and after his death, Ma Yuan kept the system for many years, and never left the side of the tomb. He also respected his widow, was not dressed properly, did not dare to meet each other, and was rumored to be a beautiful talk in the township.

General Fu Bo is waiting for Ma Yuan's second and third affairs

Later, Ma Yuan became the governor of Fufeng County, and once when he was escorting the criminals to the official palace, the criminals were wailing and wailing, and Ma Yuan did not feel pity for them, so he simply released all the prisoners and fled to the north himself. At that time, he happened to encounter Wang Mang's amnesty decree, so he settled down and raised livestock to reclaim the land for a living. After a few years, the number of cattle, horses and sheep has increased to thousands, and the valley has reached tens of thousands. Many people in the vicinity came to defect. Ma Yuan often said to the guests: "<b>The big husband should be poor and strong, and the old should be strong!"</b> The guests also sighed that it was the most important thing in life!

In the last year of Wang Mang's reign, the four parties rose up together, and Ma Yuanfu sighed: <b>"When you save property in life, you need to help your relatives and friends, otherwise what is the benefit of being a slave to money?" </b>Then he divided the family property between his brother and his former old friends, and he wore only sheep fur pants and defected to Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor. Later, because of his outstanding military achievements, he was awarded the title of General fubo of the New Silk Marquis.

General Fu Bo is waiting for Ma Yuan's second and third affairs

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