
There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

author:Unfettered lonely wind

Yù :A horse with a black body and a white crotch.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

King: Yellow and white horses.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Lí: A pure black horse.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Yellow: Yellow and reddish horses.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Zhuī :A horse of green and white.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Pī (pī): Yellow and white horse.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

骍 (xīng): A reddish-yellow horse.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Qi: A horse with green and black stripes that resemble a chess path.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Tuó : A blue-black horse with spots like fish scales.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Locke: A horse with a white horse and a black mane.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Liú :Red horse with black mane.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Luò :雒 (雒): A horse with a black horse and a white mane.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Yīn: Grey horse with stray hairs.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Xiá :Red and white hairy horses.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

dàn: A horse with white hair on its calves.

There are so many more ancient horses, you know?

Fish: A white-haired horse with eyes next to it.

(I really didn't find this)

Listed here is the Book of Verses. The 16 names of horses mentioned in The Lu Song (駉(jiǒnɡ) are listed here, and many others will not be listed here.