
6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less

author:Beijing Satellite TV: I'm a big doctor
6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less

People are most afraid of aging when they reach middle age, and white hair has always been regarded as a symbol of "old age", and a small handful will make people several years older.

Recently, many friends have left messages in the background, anxious for their white hair: obviously they feel that they are well maintained, and their white hair is still rubbing and growing; some are not too old, but there are more white hair than people who are ten years older... In addition to normal aging, what factors will accelerate the growth of gray hair?

6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less

In general, Asians will have gray hair in their late 30s and 40s, which is genetically determined, and the earlier the parents develop gray hair, the earlier their children will usually grow gray hair.

In addition, disease factors can also accelerate the growth of whiteness. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, when there is a problem with two organs in the body, it is easy to produce gray hair.


In Chinese medicine, it is said that hair is not only blood, but also published in the kidneys, that is, the nutrition of hair comes from blood, and its vitality root is the kidneys. The kidney essence is sufficient, the qi and blood in the body are full, and the hair grows luxuriantly under its nourishment, and it is dark and bright, and it is not easy to fall off.

Therefore, if there is a sudden increase in gray hair, or the hair becomes dry and the hair loss increases, it is likely to be caused by kidney deficiency, and it is necessary to supplement the kidney properly.

Black fungus breakfast sauce

This is a national-level famous old Chinese medicine doctor Chen Yiping Chen Lao uses every day. The method is very simple, wash the fungus and put it in a blender with a few cloves of garlic to beat into a paste, and then add seasonings such as soy sauce, oyster sauce, and peppercorns according to your personal taste. Eat half a bowl every morning to nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood, which is very suitable for use as a daily dietary remedy for kidney supplements.
6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less


When the liver hides blood, when the liver function is running normally, the blood gas is strong, and the hair can also be black and dense; if the liver function is not running smoothly, the liver qi is depressed, it will also aggravate the symptoms of gray hair, hair loss, etc., and may also be accompanied by two ribs full of pain, chest tightness, constipation, limb weakness, laziness and little movement.

Hepatic loose gas tea

Take jasmine flowers, bergamot flowers each 1.5 ~ 3 grams, with water brewing substitute tea can be, can play a role in the liver and gas, and stomach effect. However, patients with qi deficiency and fatigue and loose stools should not drink, and people with serious insomnia should try not to drink at night.
6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less
6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less

In addition, some lifestyle habits will also accelerate the production of gray hair, quickly check to see if you have it!

(1) Unbalanced nutritional intake

Partial eating, picky eating, unreasonable weight loss and frequent eating of takeaway are easy to cause uneven intake of nutrients, if the human body lacks B vitamins, copper, iron and other nutrients for a long time, it will also change the hair color.

(2) Lack of exercise

People who are sedentary, the blood circulation in the body is easily blocked, it is difficult to nourish the scalp, which will lead to a decrease in the secretion of melanocytes in the scalp, and the gray hair will grow longer and longer.

(3) Long-term smoking

Smoking increases the production of oxygen free radicals in the body, which not only destroys melanin, causes gray hair, but also leads to increased hair loss. According to statistics, smokers are 2.5 times more likely to have premature graying of their hair than non-smokers.

6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less

(4) Stay up late often

Lack of sleep will disturb the body's autonomic nerves, affect blood circulation, make the function of hair mother cells decline, melanocyte function weakened, resulting in an increase in gray hair.

(5) Do not take care of your hair

Frequent perming and dyeing, tight hair tying, washing the hair without blow drying and sleeping directly will also increase the risk of gray hair and hair loss.

(6) Improper management of emotions

When you are under high pressure, nervousness, anxiety, irritability and other emotions for a long time, it is easy to grow white hair. Because mental stress can also affect the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system, disturbing the secretion of melanin in the scalp.

6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less
6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less

No one wants white hair to come too early, after the liver and kidneys have been conditioned and bad habits have been corrected, is there any other way to delay the graying of hair? The following set of scalp massage exercises may be able to help!

Step 1

Massage the top of the head into the 100 points

The Cave is located in a depression in the center of the head. When kneading, put the index and middle fingers of both hands together, and press down vertically with the abdomen of the fingers, with a slight soreness.

Step 2

Tap the horn hole behind the ear

The horned sun acupuncture point is located at the tip of the ear straight into the hair, and the two thumbs and abdomen of the hands are used to tap the two side acupuncture points separately, and the force should not be too large.

Step 3

Tap the wind hole behind your ear

The acupuncture point is located under the earlobe, and the depression between the papillae and the angle of the lower jaw behind the ear can also be rubbed with the abdomen of the thumb.

6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less

Step 4

Press the wind pool hole

The vent hole is in a depression at the back of the neck and on both sides under the occipital bone. When rubbing, you can tilt your neck slightly back, and use the thumbs of both hands to push the abdomen upwards to press the acupuncture points, and the strength is appropriate to have a feeling of soreness.

Step 5

Tap Less Cave

Slightly flex the elbow, and the depression on the inside of the elbow joint and at the end of the horizontal stripe is the less sea cave. Press with your arm straight, hold the acupuncture point with the thumb of your other hand, and hold the elbow joint with the remaining four fingers.

Each acupuncture point is pressed for about 1 minute, and it only takes 5 minutes a day to promote blood circulation, speed up scalp metabolism, slow down the development of whiteness, and make hair stronger and thicker. At the same time, there is a good refreshing effect!

6 Bad Habits Accelerate Hair Whitening! It only takes 5 minutes a day to refresh the mind and prevent "whiteheads", and hair loss has become less

In addition, many friends may want to ask whether eating more black sesame seeds can make the hair black.

From the perspective of modern medicine, the melanin in black sesame is mainly polyphenol pigments, its absorption rate is relatively low, it is difficult to convert into pigments on hair in the body; and black sesame oil content is high, eating more may also lead to health crises such as fat.

However, black sesame contains a variety of trace elements that can nourish hair; and Chinese medicine says that "black into the kidneys", black sesame, black beans, mulberries and other black foods can supplement the kidneys and improve sperm, thereby delaying the growth of white.

Overall, eating black food has certain benefits, but it needs to be moderate and long-term adherence; at the same time, we must also pay attention to a balanced diet