
The story of spring is wonderful

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

Shenzhen, Lianhuashan Park Peak Square. The 6-meter-tall statue of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, dressed in a trench coat, with resolute eyes, striding forward.

The statue faces the central axis of the central area of Shenzhen. Looking at a large area of Shenzhen Huayan Rhododendron, which symbolizes perseverance and tenacious endeavor, not far away are shenzhen library, Shenzhen museum, Shenzhen Children's Palace, Shenzhen Civic Center and other buildings, many people are nearby for leisure and entertainment; looking at the distance, the city center is lined with high-rise buildings and beautiful skyline is clearly visible. Standing here, the prosperity of Shenzhen, a modern city, can be seen from the bottom.

Shenzhen is a brand-new city created by the party and the people after the reform and opening up, and is a wonderful interpretation of socialism with Chinese characteristics on a blank piece of paper.

Before Deng Xiaoping's Southern Speech in 1992, China was facing a complex international and domestic situation. On the one hand, in the process of multipolarization, after China broke the "sanctions" of Western countries, the room for maneuver increased. On the other hand, the deep-seated problems existing in China's economic operation have not yet been fundamentally solved, and during the period of governance and rectification, the speed of economic development has slowed down. At the same time, the twists and turns of world socialism have also had a certain negative impact on our country.

At this important historical juncture, from January 18 to February 21, 1992, Comrade Deng Xiaoping inspected Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shanghai, and other places, delivered important speeches, and clearly answered many major questions of understanding that had long plagued and shackled people's thinking. For example, the basic line must be managed for a hundred years, the criterion for judging the surname "society" and the surname "capital", development is the last word, the essential problem of socialism, and so on.

The oriental wind comes full of spring. Chen Xitian, then deputy editor-in-chief of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Newspaper, who recorded Comrade Deng Xiaoping's inspection of Shenzhen throughout the whole process, told reporters that for the people of Shenzhen at that time, Comrade Deng Xiaoping's arrival was like a spring breeze blowing through, which rejuvenated the vitality of the city.

After Deng Xiaoping's southern conversation, a soulful song "The Story of Spring" sang the great river north and south: "In 1992, another spring, an old man wrote a poem on the south coast of China, and the spring tide swayed between heaven and earth, and the mighty sails were raised on the journey..."

Nearly 30 years have passed, and the land of China has written one "spring story" after another, creating one miracle after another in the history of human development. In the future, "Spring Story" will definitely have more wonderful interpretations!

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