
Beautiful countryside new picture well-off life happy long

author:China Youth Network

CCTV News (News Network): At the meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly announced that we have achieved the first centenary goal and built a well-off society in an all-round way on the land of China. This Mid-Autumn Festival is the first Mid-Autumn Festival ushered in by many people in poor areas after they got rid of poverty and lived a well-off life. When the moon is full and the dream of a well-off is fulfilled, we follow the reporter into the countryside to see the great changes after the vast number of farmers have lived a well-off life, and share their joy of the festival.

Beautiful countryside new picture well-off life happy long

Zhaojue County, Liangshan, Sichuan, is located in the "three districts and three prefectures" deep poverty area, and is the last batch of poverty-stricken counties in Sichuan to remove the hat. This Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, the cliff village of Zhaojue County is lively, and it greets guests from all over the world with a new look.

Everywhere you look, there are new scenes. From climbing vine ladders to walking steel ladders, from being poor and white to being connected to water, electricity and the Internet, from poor villages to tourist Internet celebrity punch cards, Cliff Village is a microcosm of Zhaojue County's dream of being well-off. In the hinterland of this Liangshan Mountain, hundreds of thousands of Yi people have lived for generations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been concerned and thoughtful. In February 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Zhaojue County to investigate.

Beautiful countryside new picture well-off life happy long

The general secretary's concern makes everyone feel warm and brings inexhaustible motivation. Today, in Zhaojue County, after the comprehensive poverty alleviation, villagers have moved into new homes under the mountain, children are going to school at the doorstep of their homes, and the masses can find employment in the nearby industrial park. Relying on unique tourism resources such as rugged and majestic mountains and original ecological Yi villages, tourism development projects centered on cliff villages have begun to take shape.

Villager Serabo is now an employee of a tourism company, acting as a guide for tourists.

A certain Serabo said that in the past, he farmed and worked odd jobs, and he earned more than 4,000 yuan a year, and now he can earn so much in a month. With the more perfect facilities in the village, more complete commissaries and homestays, more and more guests will come to Liangshan for tourism. He believes that rural tourism will surely realize his dream of becoming rich.

A thousand-year dream, the fulfillment of this dynasty. Whether it is the snowy plateau, the Gobi Desert, or the cliffs and rocky mountains, the achievements of poverty alleviation cover all poor areas, and the achievements of comprehensive well-off have benefited all the people. The Hotan region of Xinjiang, adjacent to the Taklamakan Desert, is also particularly lively during the Festival in Yutian County. In recent years, this small desert city has adapted to local conditions, accurately planted cash crops such as forest fruits, roses, and marigolds, and completely bid farewell to the history of poverty by developing characteristic industries. To celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival after poverty alleviation, people gathered together, played Dutar, and sang about the new life.

Beautiful countryside new picture well-off life happy long

The full moon coincides with a bumper harvest. All localities continue to promote industrial integration, extend the industrial chain, and promote the development of agricultural modernization. The new village of Panjin, Liaoning Province, also develops crab and rice co-cultivation three-dimensional agriculture, while also creating tourism agriculture, so that the first, second and third industries are organically integrated, helping villagers to continue to increase their income; Gansu Lanzhou New Area vigorously develops facility agriculture, creating fresh cut flowers, hydroponic vegetables and other industries, and the flowers are sold as far as Singapore. Modern agriculture makes it easier for local farmers to work, and their wallets are getting bigger and bigger.

Guizhou Wangmo, which was also the last batch to get rid of poverty and remove the hat, was covered with chestnuts hanging from the branches. After intensive treatment, leisure snacks made of chestnuts, chestnut wine, etc. can also be sold to the whole country through online live broadcasting. On these two days, the villagers made chestnut mooncakes and chestnut feasts to celebrate the harvest and also celebrate the first Mid-Autumn Festival after poverty alleviation.

Source: CCTV

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