
Homemade slimming tea scrape oil to remove lipid plastic curves

author:Pacific Fashion Network
Homemade slimming tea scrape oil to remove lipid plastic curves

June Snow Beauty Slimming Tea

Ingredients: June snow 3 g, chrysanthemum 5 g, Ume 3 g, licorice 3 g, goji (hex) 10 grains

Directions: Place all in 500cc of boiling water and fry for 20 minutes.

Effects: Slimming, lipid reduction, detoxification, skin beautification, thirst quenching, heart detoxification, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Goddess Fat-Reducing Tea

Ingredients: 15 g of goddess grass, 12 g of root leaves

Directions: Chop the herb and roots, brew with 300cc of boiling water, remove the leaves and drink the juice.

Benefits: Degreasing. Regulates human fat synthesis and prevents hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease.

Homemade slimming tea scrape oil to remove lipid plastic curves

Kelp slimming tea

Ingredients: 20 kelp knots, 3 plums, 20 goji berries

Directions: Wash the ingredients and put them in 400cc of boiling water and fry for 10 minutes (the tea ingredients are edible, the soup is drinkable).

Benefits: Complement iodine, prevention of thyroid lesions, cholesterol reduction, fat removal, muscle tightening, curve beautification, weight loss.

Homemade slimming tea scrape oil to remove lipid plastic curves

Double Flower Slimming Tea

Ingredients: 15 g chrysanthemum, 15 g honeysuckle, 15 g hawthorn

Directions: Place all in 500cc of boiling water, fry for half an hour and remove the dregs from the juice.

Efficacy: Cellulite, anti-drying, heat dissipation, intestinal digestion, treatment of vertigo, sore throat, prevention of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, prevention of wound infection.

Healthy spleen slimming tea

Ingredients: 10 g orange peel, 15 g lotus leaf, 3 g fried hawthorn, 3 g raw malt.

Directions: Put all ingredients in 500cc of boiling water, cook over low heat for 20 minutes, remove the dregs and drink the juice and serve warmly.

Efficacy: Strengthen spleen, dissolve body fat, reduce lipids and lose weight

Homemade slimming tea scrape oil to remove lipid plastic curves

Lotus leaf hawthorn slimming tea

Ingredients: Hawthorn 15 g, lotus leaf 12 g

Directions: Bring to a boil in 500cc boiling water, add all ingredients, boil for 5 minutes and drink with juice.

Benefits: Prevents hypertension and obesity

Tip: Drinking tea to lose weight is best to stick to it, not that drinking once in a while can play a role in weight loss! (Image source: canopy)