
The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

Braised baby chicken, tender and delicious meat. The ingredients are simple and home-cooked.

By Xu Xinhui

One chick

Ginger slices 2 pieces

2 cloves of garlic

1 piece of cinnamon

Octagons small half

2 tbsp sugar

2 scoops of cooking wine

Vinegar 1 scoop

1 scoop of soy sauce

Salt to taste

Yellow chili sauce A chopstick head

The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

1, chicken feathers, chop the pieces over the water. After passing through the water, the unfinished fine villi can be removed.

The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

2: Pour oil into the pot, add white sugar, and prepare to give the chicken nuggets sugar color.

The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

3: Ignite and heat, melt the sugar completely, pour the chicken nuggets.

The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

4: Stir-fry the chicken nuggets in a pan until the sugar is even.

The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

5: After the sugar color is uniform, add salt, cooking wine, vinegar, soy sauce, yellow pepper sauce, stir-fry evenly.

The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

6: Add enough boiling water, ginger slices, garlic cloves, cinnamon, star anise, and prepare to simmer.

The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

7: Pour chicken nuggets and broth into a rice cooker and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.

The braised chicken that eats well learns in a few minutes

8: Cook the rice cooker and finish. The meat is delicate and the taste is delicious braised chicken ^ ω^

Baby chicken, choose the baby rooster, buy in the supermarket about two pounds of net chicken can also be. Yellow chili sauce is not required only as refrigerators are in stock. It can be replaced by soybean sauce, bean paste, chili sauce and the like according to personal taste.

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