
Meishan, which has grown and grown

author:Happy Meishan

As the youngest prefecture-level city in Sichuan, since the establishment of the district, Meishan has always adhered to the "integration into Chengdu" without wavering, from "dislocation development" to "integrated development" to "same city development", and has realized the trend of early start, rapid development and good results of Chengmei cooperation.

For many Meishan people, the same city is not a big and suspenseful concept, but a considerable and perceptible reality around them, which is the embodiment of a sense of gain and happiness. Bus in the same city, industry in the same chain, life is homogeneous... Since the Fourth Party Congress of the City, more and more people in the "circle" have enjoyed the dividends of development in the process of the development of Chengmei and the same city, and they have illuminated the ideal into reality with the pulse of urban integration.

Meishan, which has grown and grown

The Expressway (left) of the Huantianfu New Area and jiannan Avenue (right) connect to form a fast track connecting Meishan to Chengdu horizontally and vertically.

It's closer

Chengmei builds a "half-hour traffic circle"

On November 3, Liu Jun, the driver of the S101 bus, could not help but sigh to his colleagues when he turned over: "Now the road is getting better and better, and the distance between cities is getting closer and closer." ”

On January 10 this year, after the opening of the bus S101 from Pengshan North Railway Station to Huanglongxi Bus Station, Liu Jun served as the driver of the line. A 24-kilometer journey and 60 minutes, Liu Jun runs an average of about 9 times a day, and the average daily passenger capacity reaches more than 2600 people. "Most of them go to school and work in different places, and everyone is lamenting that the traffic is becoming more and more convenient, and it is more and more convenient to take the bus, and you can get to Chengdu for 2 yuan." Liu Jun said.

Pengshan ren Liang Fang is a regular passenger of bus S101, working in Chengdu and living in Pengshan, he often leaves Pengshan early on Monday morning, and sometimes chooses to take the high-speed rail. "It is very convenient to go back and forth between the eyebrows, and if there is an emergency, it will not be a problem to go back and forth that day." Liang Fang said.

In December 2019, the Pengshan section of Mindong Avenue completed the delivery acceptance of the whole line, and the road was connected to Jiannan Avenue in the north, Qingshenle Mountain in the south, and Huanglongxi, Pengzu Mountain, Jiangkou Ancient Town and other scenic spots, becoming the core traffic trunk line for passenger and freight transportation between Chengmei and Mei.

"The semiconductor wet electronic chemicals in pengshan economic development zone, the kiwi fruit of the Xie family, the grapes of Guanyin, and the citrus of Huangfeng are mainly transported from this road to Chengdu, and the tourists who travel to and from the Huanglongxi Scenic Area and the Pengzu Mountain Scenic Area also feel the convenience and comfort brought by the development of transportation." The relevant person in charge of the Pengshan District Transportation Bureau said.

It is understood that the Pengshan section of Mindong Avenue is divided into Meipeng section, Jiulongshan Tunnel and Chengpeng section, with a total length of 25.26 kilometers, built according to first-class highway standards, with six lanes or four lanes in both directions. The end point of the route is located at the boundary of Pengshan District - Shuangliu District, which was originally a chengmei broken head road, and after the joint efforts of the two places, it was connected with Jiannan Avenue, realizing the seamless docking of Chengmei and the two places, which is of great significance for Pengshan to better integrate into Chengdu and play the role of "bridgehead" for the development of Chengmei and the city.

The reporter learned that at present, Leshan City has also launched the planning and design work of extending Jiannan Mindong Avenue to Leshan City. At that time, Jiannan Mindong Avenue will become an important transportation link between Chengdu, Meishan and Leshan, and will play an important role in economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges in Chengmeile.

Into the same city, traffic first. The data shows that between Meishan and Chengdu, which is within the range of one-hour commuting, the number of commutes of the population is about 123,000 on weekdays and 197,000 on weekends. This also shows that there are more and more "migratory bird families" who work or live in Chengmei. What they are most looking forward to is that the express line between Chengde Meizi can be directly connected.

In the urbanization of Chengde Mei capital, the modern traffic circle with efficient connectivity makes the wishes of "migratory birds" shine into reality.

Since the Fourth Party Congress, Meishan has made every effort to promote the development of the transportation base and the same city, and fully integrated into the Chengdu rail network, the urban trunk road network, and the public railway and air hub network. The data shows that in recent years, the traffic between Chengmei and Mei has undergone great changes, the density of the highway network has been 3.3 times that of the province, and has entered the era of "double high and double ports"; the number of trains running between Chengmei has increased to 83, and 4 cross-city bus lines have been opened. The two places have formed 20 major passages in the same city with "5 highs, 3 tracks and 12 fast".

This year, the municipal party committee and the municipal government issued the "Implementation Opinions on Building a Traffic Sub-hub in the Chengdu Metropolitan Area and Striving to Build a Strong Traffic City", which made specific arrangements and arrangements for the construction of a strong transportation city in Meishan, and proposed to accelerate the implementation of the "155" project, realize the global layout of aviation, rail, high-speed roads and other multi-mode, multi-channel, high-grade transportation networks, and form 3 "half-hour" traffic circles (Chengmei half-hour commuting circle, intercity half-hour access circle, and half-hour traffic circle in the city).

Meishan, which has grown and grown

The first Guowei pharmaceutical production workshop to be stationed in the "Western Medicine Valley".

Better development

Industrial aggregation and collaborative division of labor

At 9:00 a.m. recently, Zhang Yuhui, general manager of Sichuan Guowei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guowei Pharmaceutical"), presided over the meeting at the company's conference room located in Meishan Economic Development Zone on time. Guowei Pharmaceutical headquarters and R & D base in Chengdu, production base in Meishan, for Zhang Yuhui, Chengdu, Meishan "two-end running" is a common thing. "From Chengdu headquarters to Meishan base, it is about 1 hour, which is very convenient!" Zhang Yuhui said.

Zhang Yuhui still remembers the scene when he first came to Meishan. After inspecting the surrounding areas of Chengdu, Guowei Pharmaceutical decided to become the first enterprise to settle in the "Western Medicine Valley" of Meishan Economic Development Zone and invest in Meishan.

The reasons for choosing Meishan, Zhang Yuhui summarized as five: location, policy, service, accumulation, and talent.

First, it is close to the headquarters in Chengdu and has convenient transportation. Second, there is supporting policy support, and enterprises have low costs and less expenditures. Third, the park has a professional team service, and enterprises can engage in R&D and production with peace of mind. Fourth, the accumulation of the pharmaceutical industry not only has a perfect industrial chain, but also related supporting facilities. Fifth, high-end talents are relatively easy to find.

"It turns out that we made the right choice." Zhang Yuhui said that in 2019, Guowei Pharmaceutical, which used only 60 mu of land, achieved an output value of 588 million yuan in the first half of the year, and paid taxes of 60.4964 million yuan, becoming the first enterprise in Meishan to contribute "more than one million" to the average tax contribution per mu.

Zhang Yuhui also obviously felt that the number of pharmaceutical companies settled in the Western Medicine Valley was increasing.

In 2019, Western Medicine Valley introduced Luhui Pharmaceutical, the investor is Sichuan Novide Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. from Chengdu, the company invested 600 million yuan in Meishan to build a new oncology drug and generic drug production base.

In 2021, Chengdu Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. also invested in two production bases in Meishan.

In the past 10 years, Meishan's pharmaceutical industry system and spatial layout have been basically formed, the industrial agglomeration effect has initially emerged, the scale of pharmaceutical enterprises has continued to grow, the product variety has gradually enriched, and the product innovation system has been basically perfected.

Based on the industrial foundation of the Medicine Valley in the west of Meishan and the precipitation of cooperation between Chengmei and the two places in the field of medicine and health, on December 29, 2020, Wuhou District of Chengdu City and Dongpo District of Meishan City were officially concluded as friendly zones, and the two sides proposed to carry out all-round cooperation in the fields of administrative approval, business expo, and big health industry to further deepen the development of Chengmei and the city.

From the perspective of the construction of the industrial ecosystem, the "friendly zone" has been concluded very precisely. Located in Wuhou District, Chengdu, the Huaxi Health Industry Functional Zone has the advantages of scientific research, finance and talents in biomedicine, while Dongpo District is forming a whole process of biomedical research and development, production, logistics and supporting services.

"We are cooperating with wuhou district pilot 'headquarters + base' investment promotion, hoping to form a division of labor pattern of 'research and development in Chengdu, production in Meishan'." The relevant person in charge of Dongpo District said. After many inspections and consultations, in May this year, Wuhou District and Dongpo District initially reached an agreement on the cooperation agreement of the "Enclave Park" to jointly build the "Chengmei Tongcheng City Health Industry Pioneer Demonstration Park".

The "habitat of two places" of enterprises is the best evidence of the industrial cluster between regions towards a coordinated division of labor. According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, in recent years, Meishan has actively promoted the same city of industry, adhering to the common strength of the chain, the co-education of the cluster, and the co-construction of the system.

The Tongwei solar cell project is a typical example of this. 39 years ago, Tongwei Group started from Yongshou Town, Dongpo District, and went global. In 2019, Tongwei Group took the Tongwei Solar Cell Project to settle in The Ganmei Industrial Park in Meishan and returned to its hometown. The entire project was only 36 days from the beginning of the two sides to the finalization of the investment, only 50 days after the formal signing of the contract, and only 110 days after the official start of construction, creating a new "Tongwei Speed" and "Ganmei Speed" for project investment.

Nowadays, the first and second phases of the project's 15GW production lines have been put into operation, marking that the development pattern of "Chengmeile Photovoltaic Industry Economic Belt" in Sichuan Province has basically taken shape. In the future, Meishan will become a new highland for high-end manufacturing in the global photovoltaic industry, and will engrave a clear "Meishan coordinates" in the history of the development of the global photovoltaic industry.

Meishan, which has grown and grown

Experts from the West China Hospital of Sichuan University performed surgeries for the public.

Life is more beautiful

The development of the same city responds to the people's livelihood

"The same expert, it takes several days to make an appointment at the West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University, and it may not necessarily have a number, but now it can be made at the doorstep of the home." Not long ago, at the Meishan Women's and Children's Hospital of the Second Hospital of West China of Sichuan University, Liu Li, a citizen, took the test report and waited in the special needs diagnosis and treatment area of West China experts.

Hanging a West China expert number at the doorstep of the home is one of the achievements of the development of Chengde Meizi Medical.

In December 2019, riding on the "express train" of Chengde Mei capital and urbanization development, the city and Chengdu further promoted the sharing of high-quality medical services, and introduced the Second Hospital of West China of Sichuan University to officially lead the Meishan Women and Children's Hospital, bringing high-quality medical resources to Meishan.

"Every Monday to Saturday, Experts in West China will sit in the hospital on a regular basis, and the categories of experts cover gynecology, obstetrics, prenatal diagnosis, genetic counseling, reproductive endocrinology, pediatrics, pediatrics, neonatology and other specialties." Liu Siwen, a staff member of Meishan Women and Children's Hospital of the Second Hospital of West China of Sichuan University, introduced, "In addition, West China experts will also normalize to Meishan to round houses, operate, and guide discipline construction, so that Meishan people can enjoy 'West China service' at their doorstep." ”

A month later, the West China Hospital of Sichuan University officially led the Meishan People's Hospital, and Xu Mingqing, a West China expert, was appointed secretary of the party committee and president of the Meishan Hospital of the West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Song Jinping and Ma Yu were appointed as vice presidents. At the same time, Sichuan University West China Hospital sent 9 experts to Meishan Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University to plan and lead the development of corresponding disciplines.

"Meishan Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University draws on the advanced operation management, medical and performance management models of West China, not only in terms of information construction, it is closer to West China Hospital, but also learns from the management mode of most of the department system of West China Hospital, and integrates and optimizes the functions of the department." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Health Commission said.

Chuanda Huaxi Hospital has been in charge for one and a half years, and its department experts and discipline directors have repeatedly taught in Meishan, carried out academic lectures, trained medical staff and outpatient clinics, and the West China expert team has completed nearly 100 high-quality surgeries... Truly let Meishan patients enjoy the high-quality medical services of West China experts at their doorstep.

Under the development of Chengde Mei capital and urbanization, the happiness and sense of gain of the masses have gradually increased. On March 31 this year, the outpatient clinic of Meishan Women and Children's Hospital of the new West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University was officially opened. On May 8, Meishan Hospital affiliated to Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine awarded a license to open the clinic... It not only benefits the citizens of Meishan, but also radiates the surrounding cities and prefectures of Ya'an, Leshan, Neijiang, Ziyang and so on.

Guided by people's livelihood, Meishan has accelerated its breakthrough in public services.

Jointly issued the "Work Plan for the Undifferentiated Acceptance of Government Services with the Same City", comprehensively sorted out the "cross-city communication" matters of government services, and accepted 100 government affairs matters "without difference in the same city".

Up to now, Meishan Middle School, Renshou No.1 Zhongnan Campus, and Pengshan No.1 Middle School have reached cooperation agreements with Chengdu Famous School Shishi Middle School (Chengdu No. 4 Middle School), Chengdu No. 7 Middle School and Chengdu Shude Middle School (Chengdu No. 9 Middle School), and the city has realized one-stop processing of Chengmei household registration migration business, promoted the settlement of Chengmei medical insurance, pension insurance and other same-city settlements, so that residents of Chengmei and Chengmei can share equal public services.

"I always wanted to buy a house for my parents in Chengdu, but my provident fund was deposited in Meishan, and I couldn't use it in a different place before, so there was a lot of pressure to repay the loan." After the relevant policies came out, the provident fund I paid in Meishan was able to repay the mortgage in Chengdu, which gave me great convenience. Ms. Fu is an ordinary employee of a public institution in our city, and the purchase of a house has always made her very entangled, "Now that the house matter is solved, I can work in Meishan more securely." ”

Since the middle of July 2019, if the city's provident fund contributors have applied for a housing provident fund personal housing loan in the Chengdu Plain Economic Zone (Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang, Suining, Leshan, Ya'an, Ziyang seven cities), they can apply for the withdrawal of the provident fund to repay the housing loan. Measures like this have made Meishan people like Ms. Fu have more expectations and happiness for life

Source: Meishan Daily

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