
Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

author:Vegetarian dishes

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice. Late summer and early autumn are here again, this time is the best season for pickling kimchi, every year at this time my family will pickle a large jar of kimchi, sour, spicy and crisp, appetizing and under the rice, very delicious, of course, kimchi is not only appetizing rice, and the method is also many kinds, everyone's pickling method will be different, the method is different, the natural pickled pickle taste and taste are also different. Today I will share with you a method of pickled kimchi, the recipe handed down by the older generation, which has cabbage, water radish, carrots, celery, you can also add some dishes that you usually like to eat, so that the kimchi is crisp and refreshing, and the method is very simple.

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

Ingredients to prepare:

Cabbage, water radish, carrot, celery, salt, cold boiled water, sugar, peppercorns, pickled peppers, white wine

Here's how:

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

1. First prepare a washed cabbage, cut the cabbage from the middle, cut off the root by the way, and then directly tear the cabbage into slices by hand, the shape of the cabbage torn by hand is irregular, it is easier to taste delicious, and then clean all the torn cabbage, and then put it on the breathable tool to dry the water completely.

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

2. Prepare some water radish, carrots and celery, wash them together, and put them on top of breathable tools to dry and set aside.

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

3. At this time, the vegetables are all dried and watery, pour the cabbage into a waterless and oilless clean basin, cut the dried celery into long and short sections, cut the water radish into long strips of the same thickness, cut it into the pot, and cut the carrot into long strips and put it in the pot.

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

4. Then add a little salt to the basin, put on disposable gloves, directly stir well by hand, stir well and put aside for half an hour to kill the moisture inside.

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

5. Take another pot, pour cold boiled water into this basin, add salt, sugar, the ratio of water and salt is 10:1.4, add a small handful of peppercorns, and then add a small bowl of pickled pepper and pickled pepper water to stir well.

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

6. Then pour the seasoning water into a clean tank prepared in advance, which must not be stained with raw water and oil.

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

7. At this time, the dish is pickled, the water pickled out of it is poured out, and then these dishes are poured into the jar, and then add a few drops of liquor to the jar, where the liquor has a bactericidal effect, and finally cover the lid and put it in a cool and dry place to seal and save, and you can eat it after a week.

Teach you pickled pickles at home, the traditional method of the older generation, sour and crisp, appetizing and delicious and under the rice

8. The kimchi sauerkraut in this way is refreshing, appetizing and delicious, and friends who like it can try it themselves.

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