
Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world

author:Bean reading life

On that day, Li Jian and I came out of the painter's friend's house, and it was already starry in the night. It's like a lot of things going back and forth, and before we know it, we're talking about Hemingway and Márquez.

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world

"Lazy to go out, few friends. Stay at home and do nothing. Read books, buy groceries, cook. Go to the park to join the ranks of the elderly and exercise. Occasionally, I make a long trip and wander aimlessly in a different place. Looking for a used bookstore, lost in the old deserted alleys, returning to the hotel at night, just remembering some encounters and impressions. ”

This is the daily life of a veteran folk singer.

In April 2011, Zhong Lifeng published his first book, "Sad like a Sexual Encounter".

Since then, it's been the rhythm of one book a year, and this year it's Book Traveler.

For Xiao Zhong, music, literature, travel, and film are all his "needs of life."

Opening the book's "Best Encounter", Li Jian was mentioned at the beginning.

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world

Li Jian

Yes, the two first met in 1995, and it has been 21 years.

Thankfully, the two men went from being young onions to middle-aged people who were still free and dashing.

In Xiao Zhong's pen, this kind of "sympathy for each other" encounter also occurs among writers...

Book traveler

Author Zhong Lifeng

The best encounter

Years ago, Li Jian told me a story. I still remember the bright way he told me this story, and as always, a warm smile rose from the corner of his mouth. He is talking about the year when he first stepped into the literary world

Light writer Márquez meets Hemingway in Paris: Márquez sees his idol Hemingway walking on the opposite sidewalk across a street, and he can't suppress his inner excitement and shouts at him: "Great-Master! ”

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world


When Li Jian told me this anecdote, we happened to be on the sidewalk—in Beijing's Xicheng District, not far from a beautiful white pagoda. The weather is sunny, although it is already autumn, and the good wind is warm after passing. In the afternoon, we met to visit a painter friend. I have forgotten why we started the conversation of literary figures. He told me

After this "master" story, I shared with him the experience of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

Tolstoy once had a "harsh word" about his opponent: "A patient cannot write a healthy novel." But Dostoevsky openly admitted that the other person's talent was above his own, and believed that "Anna Khrushchev" was the first person to be the first to do so. "Karenina" is definitely the premier literary masterpiece of European literature. From this point of view, Toshi's psychology is very healthy!

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world

Leo Tolstoy, 20 years old

What is even more interesting is that Tolstoy greatly admired Tolsto's wife, and he said enviously: "If every writer could have such a wife, I really don't know how many more novels I would write." Tolstoy's implication is that a big reason why Dostoevsky wrote so many heirloom works is that he has this good wife! In addition, is he also lamenting the misfortune of his marriage and family life?

Regarding the anecdotes of these two Russian writers, I saw it in Professor Ge Fei of Tsinghua University in "The Song of the Siren". I remember Professor Geffy also saying that Tolstoy's greatness was unquestionable, but it had little influence on later writers, because it was almost impossible to find a disciple who really belonged to him. But Dostoevsky's influence on Western modernism was so great that Camus, Kafka, and even writers such as Haruki Murakami received a lot from Tosy. The first two can even be regarded as descendants of the Toshi clan. It can be seen how irresponsible Tolstoy's "micro-words" are.

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world


A few years later, at a friend's house, I flipped through the pages and saw Márquez's essay" "I Met Hemingway." By then, Márquez had published a novel and won a literary prize in his hometown, but he said he was stranded in Paris aimlessly. One can't help but wonder if it was because of Hemingway's famous phrase "Paris is a feast of flow." It is known that by then he had read all the works that Hemingway had published, so the ecstasy that surged in his heart when he saw the idol appear on the opposite sidewalk could be imagined.

It was 1957, and Márquez was twenty-eight and Hemingway was fifty-nine. It was a rainy spring day, and Hemingway was accompanied by his wife, Marie Des Grouse, on The Avenue Saint-Michel. Wilsea.

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world

Márquez used to be a journalist, so he said, for a split second, he didn't know whether to rush forward for an interview with the star writer or simply to express his admiration to his idol. Both possibilities that this lovely literary young man thought of in an instant were abandoned, and he was just like Tulsan in the jungle (American writer Rice Lee). Burler's adventurer) held his hands in the shape of a trumpet, and shouted from the sidewalk on this side to the sidewalk on the other side: "Great-Master! ”

Hemingway heard this voice, and he understood that among the many college students wandering around the old book stalls, there could not be any other "masters". So he turned around friendly, raised his hands, and shouted to his admirers in a very childish voice in Spanish: "See you again, friend! ”

It's so wonderful, it's an adventure. It made me even more convinced that the best encounters in the world are always related to books. The fate extended by books and reading always has a musical vividness and mystery. It happened that another Latin American writer, Julio Berger, was killed in the process of being a member of the Latin Cortázar's story of a "reader and an idol" encounter is also unforgettable.

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world


Cortázar once humorously said that because of his size (more than one meter and nine meters, nearly two meters), he was very distressed, because he could not disguise at all, as long as he appeared in public, he would be recognized by readers, ask for signatures, and ask for hugs. Although this is a sweet and touching thing, the readers are young men and women, representing the author's writing from generation to generation. But after all, you can't get the happiness of being "alone".

So, Cortázar is honest, being obscure before was much happier than becoming famous, but you must learn to accept the changes that success brings. If he were a small man, he would put on sunglasses, shave off his beard, and disguise himself as another person on the street. But this head, no matter how disguised and transfigured, was useless, because as soon as he raised his long arm, someone from afar knew that it was him.

Once, he was walking on the streets of barcelona's Gothic Quarter and saw an American girl playing the guitar and singing, playing the guitar quite well, surrounded by many young people watching. Kosator loved music (he had a famous picture of trumpet blowing, many thought he was a professional trumpet player in a jazz band), and he was fascinated by the singer, thinking that her voice was clear and pure, much like the famous folk singer Joan Lee. Bates. So he hid quietly in a dark place, stopping and listening.

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world

Joan M Bates

After a while, a twenty-something listener came up to him, handed him a piece of cake, and said, "Julio, eat a piece." Cortázar took a piece and said, "Thank you for coming and giving me this." The restrained young man said, "Listen to me, what I have given you is too insignificant compared to what you have given us. Cortázar hurriedly said, "Don't say that, don't say that." Then they hugged, and the boy left quietly.

Cortázar said: "This kind of thing is the best reward for our writer's profession." Young men and women come and talk to you and give you a piece of cake to eat, and it feels really good. The hard work of writing, in such a return, is also worth it. ”

Cortázar narrates the story, with music, guitar, singer, young man and cake. An adventure between Borges and the reader is much more mundane, but it also makes people feel a kind of homely warmth. Once, he took the elevator from the subway with his cane (said to be Chinese) and found that it was raining outside, and the people who came out with him all held up umbrellas. This is a lad (a lad again!) Running up to him from the other sidewalk, he also said humorously to the idol: But you... Just carry such a small umbrella tree... He gave Borges the umbrella in his hand and disappeared into the rain himself.

A beautiful encounter begins to shine in Borges. Let's just keep the humor going. It is well known that the representative of the New Wave of French cinema, François Truffaut was a die-hard fan of suspense master Hitchcock, and the two of them later completed a book called Hitchcock and Truffaut Dialogue, which took four years to complete, which was deeply loved by fans. The interview of a famous director with another seems to be a special case in the history of cinema.

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world


In his early years as a film critic and journalist in the Film Handbook, Truffaut had one winter with another claude berger who would later become a famous New Wave general. Chabrol went to interview Hitchcock while the world-renowned master of suspense was working on a post-production for a film at a film studio in the south of France. The two young filmmakers took the interview tape recorder and first went to meet the idol where Hitchcock worked, because they were doing post-dubbing, and it was pitch black inside. Hitchcock told them to go out first and wait for him at the studio bar on the other side of the yard.

As soon as they came out, their eyes were blinded by the bright sunlight, and the two of them talked excitedly as they walked to the bar. Perhaps seeing the idol was too excited, did not find that there was a pool of thin ice in front of them, the two unconsciously walked up at a unified pace, the ice suddenly shattered, and the two fell into the chest-high water, looking at each other.

Truffaut forgot the cold and shouted: Tape Recorder! Recorder! Chabrol slowly raised his left arm, which he had fished out of the water and ticked with it. A well-meaning passer-by pulled them along, and a sympathetic female costumer led them to an actor's dressing room so that the two hapless eggs could take off their clothes and dry them. Along the way, the costumer said to them, "Poor boy, you're a mass actor playing thugs, aren't you?" ”

They said, "No, ma'am." We are journalists. ”

"In that case, I can't take care of you." The female makeup artist on official business finished talking and left.

There was no way, Truffaut and Chabrol were wearing wet clothes and shivering. A few minutes later I saw Hitchcock again. Hitchcock looked at it and thought these two guys were a bit like the fools in his movies? Obviously, this interview is in vain. The following year Hitchcock came to Paris again, and the two of them, who were in the midst of a large group of journalists, were quickly recognized by him, and Hitchcock said to them both: "Gentlemen, whenever I see falling ice cubes colliding with each other in a whiskey glass, I think of you two." ”

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world

Truffaut and Chablore in their youth

No matter how good the encounter, it will eventually pass and become a memory. Memory and forgetting, sentimentality and joy, may have been the same thing, but at different moments they presented different states. Therefore, we often go to the source of memory by the attraction of forgetting; we also allow the spread of sentimentality to approach the peak of pleasure.

Márquez could not have imagined that Hemingway, who looked so energetic in front of the old book stalls and in the crowds of young students in Paris, was gradually coming to an end, and four years later, in 1961, Hemingway committed suicide by drinking a bullet. On The Avenue Saint-Michel, he answered Marquez with his hands held high: "See you again, friend!" "The afterglow is endless.

Cover image from Tencent Review - Yanshan Lecture Hall

This article is excerpted from the Douban Reading e-book

Book Traveler

Zhong Lifeng and Li Jian, and the best encounters in the world

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