
Something that can replace chlorpromazine hydrochloride needles, you know?

author:Candy 1 cottage

Chlorpromazine hydrochloride is a sedative, because of its exact efficacy is widely used in animal husbandry, especially in the newborn sow after childbirth do not let the piglets eat milk bite piglets the treatment effect is exact, the application of swine disease is not replaced by other drugs, for various reasons, chlorpromazine is now not easy to buy in many places, once the pig farm found that sows do not let the piglets eat milk most of them use ropes to tie not only laborious, but also time-consuming and labor-intensive, causing great stress reactions to sows, I introduce you a simple and effective method for your reference.

Something that can replace chlorpromazine hydrochloride needles, you know?

If you encounter a sow in the production of not allowing the piglets to eat milk, bite the piglets, you can first close the piglets to the nursery box, the sows fill 30 ml of 50 degrees of liquor at about 50 degrees in each ear hole, a total of 60 ml can be, and do not affect the production of piglets, stop 2 to 3 hours after the piglets out to eat milk, once can be cured.

Something that can replace chlorpromazine hydrochloride needles, you know?

In addition, several kinds of liquor used to calm pigs, I have sorted it out for your reference.

1. When the sow is infused, 60 to 100 ml of wine pigs are not easy to stir, easy to maintain, and it is not easy to loosen the needle of the infusion.

2. If there is no other sedative drug for the neurological symptoms caused by Liancoccus in pigs, it can also be used with antibiotics to fill high liquor in the ear hole, and the dose is 1.5 to 3 inches per 10 kg of body weight, and it is infused into two ear holes. Rapid relief of neurological symptoms. Antibiotics for streptococcus should be continued for more than 5 days.

3, piglets run around when fostering, nursery pigs, fattening pigs bite the frame when the circle, you can also drop liquor in its ear holes, the dose can be 0.3 ml per kilogram, intramuscular injection can also be, the dose is between 0.3 and 1 ml per kilogram of body weight, the pig of the bite frame is put in the pen, and after about 2 hours, the pig that bites the frame is put together again.

4, heat stroke, with a high degree of liquor 100 ml, camphor 10 grams, dissolved after filtering, Tianmen acupoint injection of 4 ~ 6 1 liter, ear root acupuncture into 2 ~ 3 ml, every 8 hours 1 time, continuous use of three times can be.

5, there is insufficient milk in the sow or the piglet is rare for a long time to cure the need for foster care, 2 to 3 hours in advance to the sow ear hole infusion 60 ml of high liquor, divided into two ear holes, the sow will rarely bite the piglet, it is easy to let the piglet suckle, can reduce the female calf stress response, save manpower supervision.

Something that can replace chlorpromazine hydrochloride needles, you know?

There are many other aspects of liquor in pig raising, and the following also introduces several for your reference, of which I often use in practice.

1. For the treatment of rheumatism, you can use 1 kg of white wine, heat it and mix it with 1 kg of vinegar to apply to the affected area until it is healed.

2, sow vaginal prolapse, with two percent of the ming to wash the extruded part, and gently massage with the hand, and then restore the outgoing vagina to the original position, no need to suture the vagina, in a week to feed the dilute digestible feed, do not feed too full, to reduce abdominal pressure.

3. For the treatment of simple piglet yellow diarrhea, use 5 ml of wine plus 10 ml of sterilized injection water, after the sea cave injection, 1 ml within 7 days, 1.5 ml for 10 to 15 days, 2 ml for more than 15 days, once a day, and even for 2 to 3 days.

4, sows have no milk or insufficient lactation after childbirth, you can use 4 two white wine, 4 brown sugar two, 4 eggs, raw eggs with skin crushed, the white wine, brown sugar into the raw eggs and stir well, once a day, for 3 days. This can significantly increase the amount of milk produced.

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