
What is good to eat in autumn health, according to the physique to eat

author:Good Doctor Gang

What is good to eat in autumn health? The autumn diet is very important and can help nourish the lungs and kidneys. So, what is good to eat in autumn health, and how to maintain health according to the physique? Let's take a look at what a good introduction to autumn health to eat!

Autumn health to eat what is good

1. Yin deficiency:

People with yin deficiency are relatively hyper-yang because of the lack of yin essence in the body, so they simply put on fire, and it is easier to add fuel to the fire if they are not properly supplemented. Most of these people are thin, have thin pulses, dry mouth, dry eyes, and poor sleep. Treatment should be based on yin nourishment and dredging, and more use of black alum, angelica, sand kernel, Magnolia and other traditional Chinese medicines. Usually, no alcohol is smoked, spicy, and do not be too hungry.

2. Weakness:

What is good to eat in autumn health, according to the physique to eat

Usually most of the supplements used by everyone are hot, and weak people usually have two deficiencies of kidney and spleen, and the supplement is easy to show chest tightness, stomach fullness, dizziness, palpitations and other appearances. Therefore, people with weak spleen and stomach should be moderated regardless of food and medicine. The diet should be balanced and light, eat more japonica rice, barley, yam, potatoes, shiitake mushrooms and so on. Exercise appropriately to avoid overwork.

3. Liver depression:

Liver loss and leakage will cause liver depression stagnation, heart and liver fire, irritability and irritability, a little use of supplements will be on fire, showing chest tightness, bloating, refusal to eat and other manifestations. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the combination of dredging drugs, such as the use of chai hu liver dispersion, liver soothing pills, to achieve the effect of replenishment without greasiness.

What is good to eat in autumn health, according to the physique to eat

4. Phlegm wet:

Sputum in the body is blocked by moisture and becomes weak over time. If you do not sort out the sputum first, simply use the supplement, it will aggravate the phlegm wetness. Clinically, it is often encountered that some patients take a lot of ginseng and astragalus, but feel more weak, and then make up for it or cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular things, resulting in aggravation of the original lesions. Such people should eat more winter melon, kelp, hawthorn, lentils, etc., to dispel dampness.

5. Blood stasis:

Blood stasis can reduce heat over time, and blind supplementation will be at risk of bleeding. The elderly with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and other chronic diseases have weak vascular function, and blind supplementation is the simplest problem. Originally to insist on vascular dredging, and do not need any big supplements, black fungus, tomatoes, fish, hawthorn, garlic, corn, apples, etc. are very good choices.

Dietary therapy for lung nourishment in autumn

1. Nourish the lungs in autumn and eat white fungus soup

Ingredients: 5 grams of white fungus, 50 grams of rock sugar.

Directions: Put the white fungus in a basin, soak it in warm water for 30 minutes, and then remove the tip and remove the impurities after it penetrates; Tear the white fungus into slices, put it in a clean pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over low heat, then simmer for another hour, then add rock sugar until the white fungus is stewed.

2. Raise your lungs in autumn and eat duck porridge

Ingredients: 150 grams of duck, 250 grams of glutinous rice, cooking wine, a little salt.

What is good to eat in autumn health, according to the physique to eat

Directions: Cut the duck into cubes first; Add glutinous rice and water to boil the porridge, then add the duck, a little cooking wine and salt and cook until the porridge is cooked.

3. Eat lotus seed pork rib soup for lung nourishment in autumn

Ingredients: 75 grams of snow ear, 100 grams of lilies, 500 grams of ribs.

Method: After cleaning the above selection, add water together and put it into a pot to boil for 3 hours.

Autumn kidney supplement what to eat is good

What is good to eat in autumn health, according to the physique to eat

1, autumn health tonic kidney eat turtle

Turtle has the effect of nourishing the shade and cooling the blood, so after taking it, it can play a good role in tonifying the kidneys, and it can also clear the fire, especially suitable for those patients who have been sick for a long time, tired and elderly yin deficiency.

2, autumn health tonic kidney eat duck meat

What are the ingredients for autumn supplements, and duck meat is definitely not left behind. Duck is an ideal ingredient for tonic. Although the duck meat is good, it is necessary to choose the correct cooking method, and it is best to simmer slowly over a low heat, so that the nutrients in the duck meat can be boiled out. Duck meat is suitable for those who have a weak constitution, especially some people who have a sore waist and knees and are upset, and menopausal patients can also take it.

3. Eat red dates in autumn health and kidney supplements

Taking red dates in autumn, in addition to having the effect of tonifying blood, can also play a role in replenishing qi, nourishing yin, and moisturizing. It is best to boil it with white fungus, lilies and yams, so that the kidney tonic effect is better.

4. Eat dried scallops in autumn health and kidney supplements

Dried scallops taste very delicious, is a lot of people's favorite, in addition to his good effect of nourishing yin and tonifying the kidneys. It is recorded in the classical masterpieces of traditional Chinese medicine in China that dried scallops have a good effect on treating thirst.

5, autumn health tonic kidney eat sea cucumber tofu

Tofu and medium, raw and dry, compatible with other foods, can have the effect of tonifying the kidneys and aphrodisiacs, nourishing the yin and benefiting the blood, and is a tonic and strong product. Suitable for physical weakness, impotence sperm, frequent urination and other symptoms. At the same time, it can also be used as a health care nourishing diet for middle-aged and elderly people.

What is good to eat in autumn health, according to the physique to eat

6. Autumn health and kidney tonic eat drunken shrimp

Traditional Chinese medicine health care believes that shrimp taste sweet and warm, has the function of tonifying kidneys and aphrodisiacs. Modern nutritionists agree that shrimp are rich in nutritional value, rich in fat, trace elements (phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iron, etc.) and amino acids, and also contain hormones, which help to supplement kidney and aphrodisiac.

7. Autumn health supplement kidney eat pine flower mussel porridge

Chinese medicine believes that mussels tonify the liver and kidneys, improve sperm and blood, and can treat various symptoms of fatigue. Its taste is salty, the sex is warm, and it has the effect of warming the kidneys and fixing the essence, and the effect of replenishing the deficiency of qi. Suitable for men with sexual dysfunction, sperm retention, impotence, room labor, thirst and other diseases. Regular food in men strengthens the body and enhances sexual function.

What is good to eat in autumn health, according to the physique to eat

8, autumn health tonic kidney eat oyster soup

Oysters are both food and medicine. It is rich in zinc and iron, phosphorus, calcium, high-quality protein, sugar and other nutrients. Its taste is salty, slightly cold, into the liver, kidney meridians, can level the liver latent yang, loose soft and firm, astringent and astringent.