
If you want to prevent and control all the diseases of kiwifruit, you only need to summarize a set of measures in different months for kiwifruit in different months, such as the time, harmful characteristics, symptoms and prevention and control drugs of kiwifruit in different months, according to some relevant experience in the cultivation and management of kiwifruit, which are summarized as follows for the reference of kiwi growers. January: February to March Prevention and Control Measures February, Months: April to May Prevention and Control Measures March, Months: June to July Prevention and Control Measures April, Months: August to September Prevention and Control Measures

author:The farmer is warm

Planting kiwifruit is actually very simple, but it is not easy to manage kiwifruit, especially for the control of pests and diseases, what kind of agents should be used at what time, and what should be paid attention to when using pesticide control?

If you want to prevent and control all the diseases of kiwifruit, you only need to summarize a set of measures in different months for kiwifruit in different months, such as the time, harmful characteristics, symptoms and prevention and control drugs of kiwifruit in different months, according to some relevant experience in the cultivation and management of kiwifruit, which are summarized as follows for the reference of kiwi growers. January: February to March Prevention and Control Measures February, Months: April to May Prevention and Control Measures March, Months: June to July Prevention and Control Measures April, Months: August to September Prevention and Control Measures

Disease spots were found on kiwi leaves

1. Ulcer disease: generally occurs from February to March, and from September to October. The site of onset is the bud hole and the cortex hole, which is generally manifested as the outflow of a pale yellow liquid, the kiwi plant becomes weaker, the leaves become smaller, the fruit becomes an old zombie fruit, and the whole kiwi fruit will die in severe cases.

2. The occurrence of insect pests in this time period is generally dominated by scarab beetles, larvae harm kiwi roots, and adult insects harm leaves.

1. Strengthen the overall management level of kiwi trees, improve the disease resistance of kiwifruit itself, pay attention to the disinfection of tools for pruning operations to prevent man-made infection, and prevent the source of sucking and spreading diseases of stinging pests.

2. The use of drugs for prevention and treatment, generally you can choose to use chlormycin, copper thirrhalate, mesophyticin, quinolinone and other pesticides for prevention and control.

3, the prevention and control of scarab beetles, generally choose to use the drug is a dimensional, chlorpyrifos, high chlorine and so on for prevention and control.

If you want to prevent and control all the diseases of kiwifruit, you only need to summarize a set of measures in different months for kiwifruit in different months, such as the time, harmful characteristics, symptoms and prevention and control drugs of kiwifruit in different months, according to some relevant experience in the cultivation and management of kiwifruit, which are summarized as follows for the reference of kiwi growers. January: February to March Prevention and Control Measures February, Months: April to May Prevention and Control Measures March, Months: June to July Prevention and Control Measures April, Months: August to September Prevention and Control Measures

1. Flower rot: generally occurs in the flowering period to the fruit setting stage, mainly endangering the female flower ovary, the petals can not be opened normally, and the stigma and ovary become black.

2, powdery mildew: generally occurs after the end of April may occur, mainly harmful to kiwi leaves, manifested as the back of the leaf along the two sides of the sperm vein there are white powdery spots, the leaves are easy to fall off, dry.

3. Gray mold disease: generally occurs in the flowering stage and young fruit stage, mainly endangering the leaves, flowers and young fruits, the symptoms are densely clustered gray mold layers on the leaves, which are water-stained, impregnated with calyxes and young fruit stalks.

4. Fruit rot: generally occurs from the end of May to July, mainly harming the fruit, causing fruit fall and fruit rot.

5. Aphids: generally occur between April and June, August and October of each year, mainly endangering the young leaves and young branches of kiwifruit, and can spread diseases.

6. Leafhoppers: generally occur between May and August, mainly endangering young leaves to make them lose their green and spread diseases.

7. Mesosomes: There are generally three high incidence periods every year, which are in May, June and September, which mainly endanger the leaves, branches and fruits of kiwifruit.

If you want to prevent and control all the diseases of kiwifruit, you only need to summarize a set of measures in different months for kiwifruit in different months, such as the time, harmful characteristics, symptoms and prevention and control drugs of kiwifruit in different months, according to some relevant experience in the cultivation and management of kiwifruit, which are summarized as follows for the reference of kiwi growers. January: February to March Prevention and Control Measures February, Months: April to May Prevention and Control Measures March, Months: June to July Prevention and Control Measures April, Months: August to September Prevention and Control Measures

Prune kiwi branches and leaves

1, the prevention and control of flower rot: First, when pruning, we must pay attention to the permeability of the tree body, improve the ventilation and light transmission in the kiwi orchard, and timely flower buds.

Second, drug prevention and control generally choose to use pesticides such as mesobixins and quinolinone for prevention and control.

2. Prevention and treatment of powdery mildew: drug prevention and control generally choose to use azomicamide, pyrazole ether, phenyl ether and other drug rotation for drug spray prevention and control.

3, the prevention and control of gray mold: the general choice of pesticides are gray pu, Kenda, pyrimidine and other rotational use for spray control.

4. Prevention and treatment of fruit rot: Generally before bagging the fruit, use drugs such as phenyl ether, pinrundsen union, BangJiawei and other rotations for spray prevention and control.

5, aphids and leafhopper control: can be used physical control, such as hanging yellow plates, insect lamps and other methods of hunting, drug control choose to use imidacloprid, anti-aphid, insect aphid nitrile and other drugs.

6, the control of mesozoans: generally for kiwi orchards in the clearance of the garden, it is necessary to control the shell insect pests, reduce the base of diseases and insects, extend the occurrence period of the shell insect pests to September, easy to control with drugs. If a small amount of mesenchus infestation is found from May to June, since the kiwi fruit has not been bagged at this time, it is not suitable for drug control, and the shell on the trunk and branches can be killed by applying the spirant ethyl ester to water. Spraying can be carried out after September, and the generally selected agents are spironoid ethyl ester, chlorpyrifos, insect horn and other drugs for prevention and control.

If you want to prevent and control all the diseases of kiwifruit, you only need to summarize a set of measures in different months for kiwifruit in different months, such as the time, harmful characteristics, symptoms and prevention and control drugs of kiwifruit in different months, according to some relevant experience in the cultivation and management of kiwifruit, which are summarized as follows for the reference of kiwi growers. January: February to March Prevention and Control Measures February, Months: April to May Prevention and Control Measures March, Months: June to July Prevention and Control Measures April, Months: August to September Prevention and Control Measures

1. Root rot: generally occurs between June and August, mainly endangering the root of kiwifruit, showing symptoms of root rot, smell of lees, easy to cause plant death.

2. Brown spot disease: generally occurs in the young fruit stage from June to July. It mainly harms the leaves of kiwifruit, and the symptoms are that the leaves begin to fade green, small black spots appear, the spots expand into a wheel pattern, and after severe disease spots, they begin to fall leaves for a lifetime.

If you want to prevent and control all the diseases of kiwifruit, you only need to summarize a set of measures in different months for kiwifruit in different months, such as the time, harmful characteristics, symptoms and prevention and control drugs of kiwifruit in different months, according to some relevant experience in the cultivation and management of kiwifruit, which are summarized as follows for the reference of kiwi growers. January: February to March Prevention and Control Measures February, Months: April to May Prevention and Control Measures March, Months: June to July Prevention and Control Measures April, Months: August to September Prevention and Control Measures

1. Prevention and control of root rot: increase the application of fully decomposed organic fertilizer, improve the permeability of the soil, clear the ditch and drainage, reduce the groundwater level, and ensure that the root system is not waterlogged. The drug uses allicin, dover, pulex, bacillus multimuscularis, etc. for irrigation.

2. Prevention and treatment of brown spot disease: strengthen water and fertilizer management, improve the disease resistance function of kiwi fruit itself, maintain ventilation in the park, and reduce the humidity in the park. Pharmaceutical control chooses to use pyrazole ether resin, phenyl ether, silicone and other agents for spray control.

1. Phytophthora: generally occurs in the expansion stage of the fruit, the symptom beads are now kiwi root neck rot, the inner surface necrosis leads to the atrophy and death of the kiwi fruit plant

2. Anthrax: generally occurs in the middle and late stages of kiwifruit growth, mainly harming leaves and fruits, showing symptoms such as the beginning of the leaves as near-garden-shaped spots, and perforations in the later stages of the spots.

3. Soft rot disease: generally occurs during the fruit picking period and the fruit storage period, mainly harming the fruits close to maturity and the fruits in the storage period. This causes the fruit to rot, and the symptoms are manifested by the funnel shape of the fruit spots.

4, insect pest twill moth: this pest is a bulivorous insect pest, mainly harmful to kiwi branches and leaves.

If you want to prevent and control all the diseases of kiwifruit, you only need to summarize a set of measures in different months for kiwifruit in different months, such as the time, harmful characteristics, symptoms and prevention and control drugs of kiwifruit in different months, according to some relevant experience in the cultivation and management of kiwifruit, which are summarized as follows for the reference of kiwi growers. January: February to March Prevention and Control Measures February, Months: April to May Prevention and Control Measures March, Months: June to July Prevention and Control Measures April, Months: August to September Prevention and Control Measures

1, the prevention and control of Phytophthora: the general use of drugs. Fu, Frost, Sterilization, etc., can be selected according to the situation.

2. Prevention and treatment of anthrax: generally choose to use pesticides such as ash pu, fungal wei, Daisen lian, Bang Jia wei, etc., and can be sprayed for prevention and control according to the situation.

3, the prevention and treatment of soft rot: generally in the fruit bagging before the focus on prevention and control, generally choose to use the agents are frost, mesophyticin, quinolinone and other agents for prevention and control.

In different months, there will also be a variety of diseases and insect pests occurring at the same time, and according to the actual situation of the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, reasonable choice of drugs suitable for local control of diseases and insect pests can be reasonably selected for use.

The pest control of kiwifruit is still based on prevention, comprehensive control, and doing a good job of clearing the garden in the early stage can reduce the occurrence of disease sources, compared with the prevention and control in the later stage, the effect is much better.

After the occurrence of root diseases, according to the characteristics of the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, based on agricultural physical control, comprehensive use of biological, chemical and other control measures, effective treatment, control or reduction of diseases and insect pests on kiwi branches, leaves, fruits, roots of the harm.

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