
One side has difficulties, and the eight parties support Heilongjiang's materials rush to the aid of Heihe


Harbin, 7 Nov (Xinhua) -- On the afternoon of the 6th, trucks full of vegetables and anti-epidemic materials drove into the bayonet of the Heihe toll station one after another like a "long queue". The slogan "Fight the epidemic, support Heihe" hanging on the car is particularly conspicuous.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic in Heihe, the material support team of the Heilongjiang Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters has coordinated and coordinated various cities and units on many occasions to support Heihe medical supplies, daily necessities, financial funds, emergency relief materials, etc.

"Comrades, rush to the aid of the Black River, go!" In the early morning of the 5th, with an order, daqing oilfield drilling engineering company transported a company of "hard bones" thirteen convoys to send 40 vehicles to Heihe overnight. This time, Daqing City urgently allocated 600 tons of vegetables for Heihe.

Zhang Haipeng, director of the Heihe Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said that combined with the epidemic prevention and control work, the next step will be to distribute materials to residents in an orderly manner according to market needs.

"After the outbreak of the epidemic, the whole province worked together to help each other." Liu Tiechang, a staff member of the material support group of the Heilongjiang Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control Command, said that in order to cope with the transportation blockages that may be caused by the blizzard, in addition to dispatching Daqing City to urgently transport 600 tons of vegetables for Heihe, the material support team also dispatched Qiqihar City to support 100 tons of pork, and vegetables and pork can ensure the 10-day consumption of residents in Heihe City. In addition, 80,000 fruit bags supported by Harbin City were also sent to Heihe by train container at 6:00 a.m. on the 7th.

Previously, 80,000 living materials packages supported by Suihua City had arrived in Heihe, and the material packages contained fruits and vegetables, grain and oil and other daily necessities. "The kit is very rich, everything is available, enough to eat for several days!" "Thanks for supporting Heihe, it was cold, but our hearts were warm." On social networking sites, many Heihe citizens praised this heart-warming move.

At present, Heihe Urban Area implements strict control. For residents who are closed at home, Heihe City organizes professional transportation teams and delivers items to the doorsteps of residents through community grid members, volunteers and duty personnel.

Liu Tiechang said that in addition to daily necessities, the material support team also actively coordinated anti-epidemic materials, medical equipment, emergency relief materials and other rushes to heihe. Heilongjiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has produced 4,000 medical kits, including Chinese medicine sachets, Chinese medicine tea substitutes, lianhua Qingxiao capsules, etc., which have arrived in Heihe.

Up to now, the material support team has urgently allocated 60 single tents, 425 cotton tents, 2789 folding beds, 761 cotton coats, 2727 quilts, 2727 cotton mattresses and other emergency relief materials to Heihe City.

It is understood that Heihe City will choose the goods pick-up and unloading point on the outskirts of the city to minimize the contact between people and goods. At the same time, strict epidemic prevention requirements are put forward for subcontracting, transportation, loading and unloading, etc., to avoid the spread of the epidemic. (End)

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