
Fragrant crisp and delicious, real shooting Yunnan roadside snacks - Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings

Like many places, Yunnan people like to call the cakes made of noodles "Rice Dumplings", and there are many kinds of Rice Dumplings in Yunnan, rice milk rice dumplings, potato dumplings, Lijiang rice dumplings and so on. In Dali, I came across a local rice stall, the master was kneading the dough, and the locals told me that this was Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings, and it must be authentic enough to say the full name.

Fragrant crisp and delicious, real shooting Yunnan roadside snacks - Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings

Lard is an important material for Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings, and "broken crisp" is one of the practices of cloud, guiyi noodles, hair noodle kneading are very exquisite, kneading noodles with lard to layer, while there is a shortening effect, this kind of noodles is called puff pastry.

Fragrant crisp and delicious, real shooting Yunnan roadside snacks - Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings

The dough flew up and down in the master's hand, and a layered puff pastry was ready, and then the meat filling was wrapped in it like a flower, like a flower roll, and it seemed that there were similar pasta in many places.

Fragrant crisp and delicious, real shooting Yunnan roadside snacks - Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings

In addition to the fresh meat filling, Xizhou rice dumpling also has a sweet filling, the sweet filling is made of white sugar, brown sugar, rose sugar and bean paste mixture, the filling method is also slightly different, the appearance is easy to distinguish. The small stalls were already crowded with people waiting to be baked.

Fragrant crisp and delicious, real shooting Yunnan roadside snacks - Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings

The stove for baking Xizhou rice dumplings is also very special, the stove is divided into three layers, the upper and lower layers are cast iron charcoal plates, and the rice dumplings are evenly heated up and down in the middle layer.

Fragrant crisp and delicious, real shooting Yunnan roadside snacks - Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings

The chef brushes a layer of oil on the baking pan and puts the rice dumplings one by one, usually 5-7 in a pot. From baking to all the processes are done by the master alone, so the production is slightly slower, but the food always needs to wait.

Fragrant crisp and delicious, real shooting Yunnan roadside snacks - Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings

After a few minutes, the master lifted the charcoal basin on the upper layer, coated the gradually browned soup with lard, and then sprinkled with green onions, and the fragrance was overflowing with water in an instant.

Fragrant crisp and delicious, real shooting Yunnan roadside snacks - Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings

The freshly baked Xizhou rice dumplings, the best flavor, waiting at the stall for the rice dumplings to come out, a bite of crispy all is worth it. This reminds me of the various lively breakfast stalls of my childhood, all kinds of things, and those memories are far from being replaced by today's bread and milk.

Fragrant crisp and delicious, real shooting Yunnan roadside snacks - Dali Xizhou broken crispy rice dumplings