
Li He led the team to Shanghai to accurately attract investment and open a new situation of win-win cooperation

author:Kunming Information Port

In order to implement the "Framework Agreement of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government and the People's Government of Yunnan Province on Deepening East-West Cooperation in the 14th Five-Year Plan Period", from November 3 to 5, Li He, director of the Management Committee of the Kunming Area (Kunming Economic Development Zone) of the China (Yunnan) Free Trade Zone, led a team to Shanghai Lingang Group to accurately attract investment, accelerate the implementation of projects, and open up a new situation of win-win cooperation.

Li He led the team to Shanghai to accurately attract investment and open a new situation of win-win cooperation

Inspected Lingang Fengxian Biomedical Park

Li He led the team to Shanghai to accurately attract investment and open a new situation of win-win cooperation

Inspected the exhibition hall of Lingang Group Science and Technology City

Li He led the team to Shanghai to accurately attract investment and open a new situation of win-win cooperation

Talked with Lingang Group

The inspection team successively went to Lingang Fengxian Biomedical Park, Lingang Group Science and Technology City Exhibition Hall, Yangshan Port Area and Lingang Financial District to inspect and understand the experience and practices of enterprises in the construction and operation of the park, and held discussions and exchanges with Lingang Group.

Li He led the team to Shanghai to accurately attract investment and open a new situation of win-win cooperation

Consideration Yosanminato Ward

Li He led the team to Shanghai to accurately attract investment and open a new situation of win-win cooperation

Visit the Lingang Financial District

Li He led the team to Shanghai to accurately attract investment and open a new situation of win-win cooperation

Talked with Lingang Holding Company

At the symposium, the inspection team introduced the advantages of industrial development and business environment in the Kunming Area of china (Yunnan) Free Trade Zone (Kunming Economic Development Zone). The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on project development and construction, operation management, talent exchange, brand output, etc., and reached consensus on project landing, cooperation mode and other matters.

Li He led the team to Shanghai to accurately attract investment and open a new situation of win-win cooperation

Li Hehe spoke

Li He said that the Kunming Area of the China (Yunnan) Free Trade Zone (Kunming Economic Development Zone) will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Shanghai-Yunnan Cooperation Framework Agreement, actively dock with Shanghai Lingang Group, explore in depth diversified cooperation methods, accelerate the landing and production of projects, provide full-process services for cooperation projects, and promote the cooperation parties to achieve greater development in the national strategy of common service.

Li He led the team to Shanghai to accurately attract investment and open a new situation of win-win cooperation

The relevant person in charge of Shanghai Lingang Group made a speech

The relevant person in charge of Shanghai Lingang Group said that in the cooperation, it will give full play to the advantages of the group's brand, management and experience output, organically combine the regional characteristics of the Kunming area of the China (Yunnan) Free Trade Zone (Kunming Economic Development Zone), and is committed to building the cooperation project into a pilot park and demonstration park for east-west cooperation with strong independent innovation ability, obvious emerging industry characteristics, a large scale and a high level, and a significant role in the adjustment of the local industrial structure and economic and social development.

Wang Yuechong and Xu Chun, members of the District Party Working Committee and deputy directors of the Management Committee, Wang Gang, member of the Party Working Committee and director of the Comprehensive Management Department, and the main responsible persons of the China Merchants Cooperation Bureau, the Economic Investment Group and the China Merchants Company attended the investment inspection activities.

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