
Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

author:Bankrupt film and television studio

Stark family/house stark

- The purest descendant of the ancestors of Westeros, who was the King of the North for generations, until Toruren Stark knew that he was invincible to the three dragons of the conqueror Egon Targaryen and his powerful army, and after his surrender, Egon returned the North to the Stark family and awarded the Stark family the title of "Guardian of the North".

Winter is coming

Capital City - Winterfell

Family crest - Grey Ice Wolf

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

Faith – the old Gods

At the beginning of the Game of Thrones, the Stark family's recent background:

The Stark family had been hereditary guardians of the Northern Territory, and during the reign of Duke Rickard Stark, they actively expanded their influence through marriage and intermarriage. He betrothed his daughter Lyanna Stark to Robert Baratheon, the son of the Baratheon family in stormy lands, and the eldest son, Brandon Stark, betrothed to Caitlin Tully of the Riverlands, and sent his second son, Ed Stark, to the Valley as the adopted son of Duke Jon Earling.

After the Herrenberg Tournament, Lyanna was allegedly kidnapped by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Brandon rushes to King's Landing to kill Rhaegar Targaryen to save his sister, but is arrested for treason by the Mad King, Iris Targaryen II. His father, Rickard, came to King's Landing to apologize for his son' sins, but the Mad King ordered the father and son to be killed and prepared to continue plotting to kill Ed and Robert. Jon Airing, who was friendly with Rickard, was forced to rebel.

At the same time, Ed and the Duke of Erin married two sisters of the Tully family (Ed married Caitlin Tully, and the Duke of Erin married Leisha Tully), uniting the two major forces of the River and the Valley and playing an important role in the rebellion. After Edder led the Starks' army south, he and Robert overthrew the Mad King's rule and installed Robert Baratheon, who was of Targaryen descent, as king. Later in the rebellion, his sister Lyanna Stark died in childbirth at the Tower of Bliss.

A list of the main family figures

Eddard Stark

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

- Duke of Winterfell and Guardian of the North, nicknamed "The Silent Wolf", the nemesis of Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms. After the death of Jon Airing, the former state's hand, Robert personally went to Winterfell to ask Ed to take up the post of prime minister in King's Landing. After ed took office, he discovered that the identity of prince Joffrey and the death of the former prime minister were numerous, and in the course of the investigation, he was involved in a political dispute with the Lannister family. After his friend Robert was murdered, he was also publicly beheaded for treason, and the War of the Five Kings broke out. "The plot of Ed's beheading, known as the most unexpected part, breaks the immortality law of the protagonist's aura, including the actor himself who was surprised when he got the script."

Caitlin Tully Stark

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

- Ed's wife, respected by the people of the North, upright, kind, tenacious, and loving to Ed and his wife. As a mother, she loved her family and loved all her children, but rejected Jon Snow as an illegitimate child. After the outbreak of the Battle of the Five Kings, he followed his eldest son Robb on his southern expedition. After the Battle of the Blackwater River, the northern forces weakened somewhat. In an attempt to win over the Frey family in Twin River City, they accompanied their sons to a banquet but were both killed, and the famous Blood Wedding/ Red Wedding was staged. Her young daughter Arya, who controls her own ice wolf through the Wolf Spirit, drags Caitlin ashore from the river and is resurrected by the "Lightning King" Berry Dondleen, thus becoming known as the "Lady of the Stone Heart". He later became the leader of the Brotherhood without Flags and took revenge on the Frey family.

Robb stark

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

- The eldest son of the lord of the city, the heir of Winterfell, known as the Lord of the Young Wolf. Dedicated, courageous, with a strong military strategy. He is close to his brother Jon Snow, a foreign brother. After the death of his father, he assumed the responsibility of guarding the northern realm, declared the "independence of the northern realm" with the support of his vassals, and restored the title of "King of the Northern Realm" to openly fight against the Iron Throne Chamber. At the same time, he assisted the Tully family to expel the Lannister army from the river. Through his mother's futile bloodline, the Trident River Valley and the North, which had not been merged for thousands of years, were unified under the rule of the King of the North, and Robb was crowned "King of the Trident River". Swinging his division south, he was famous for his battle results along the way. However, due to the defeat of the Allies, he was forced to seek an alliance with the Frey family, but was killed by the vassal rebels and the Frey family and his newly pregnant wife. Gray Wind, the Ice Wolf who had been following, sensed that something was wrong, and dissuaded his master fruitlessly and was killed. Robb was beheaded, and the Frey family hung his body on the city gate in demonstration by slitting his body with the head of the gray wind.

Sansa Stark

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

——The eldest daughter of the lord of the city, with the temperament of a noble lady, she dreamed of marrying the king and becoming the queen from an early age. He was betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon. He went to King's Landing with his father, and after his father's death, he was forced to stay in King's Landing as a hostage and was abused, and was rescued by Littlefinger and escorted to Eagle's Nest City to change his name to "Alian". The nominal salvation is actually used as a tool for her to seek power. After many hardships, he returned to Winterfell, but because of the rebellion of Theon Greyjoy, his homeland was occupied by the Bolton family. He became a hostage and was forced to marry Rams Burton (a pickpocket). He then fled Burton with the help of loyal northerners and found Jon Snow. Defeat the Boltons and retake the capital with the help of Snow and Eagle's Nest. Along the way, the three fools continued to break away from their infancy, transformed into mature, bold, and calm, and became the youngest queen in Winterfell.

Arya Stark

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

——The second daughter of the city lord, who has a completely different hobby from her sister, does not love female red etiquette, loves to dance guns and knives, and is a living tomboy. Her father called her "wolf blood", resourceful, cunning and clever. The ice wolf that can dream consciousness to control itself is commonly known as "wolf dream". She went to King's Landing with her father and sister, and her father loved Arya and invited her a special fencing master. After his father was accused of treason, the Lannisters began to purge the Starks. Arya fled under the cover of her master and has since been displaced in the slums. After her father was executed in public, Arya successfully left King's Landing with the Night's Watch recruits and headed north. On the way, they were chased by the casino guards, and the group escaped and was captured by Gregor Cregan's men. It was at this time that Arya began to recite the names of the people she hated and wanted to kill every night, gradually forming a list of assassinations. Later, Arya and her party took advantage of the chaos to escape.

After a difficult time, when it was difficult to meet her mother and eldest brother, the appearance of the Red Wedding forced her to witness the death of her mother and eldest brother. After being rescued by the "hound" Sandor Cregan, the two wandered together for a while.

Desperate, he took refuge in the Black and White House of Braavos and learned the art, becoming a disciple of a thousand faces. Despite being asked to "the girl is no one", Arya never forgot her family and returned after several twists and turns to fulfill her assassination list.

Brandon Stark

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

- The second son of the lord of the city, named in honor of his uncle "Brandon Stark". Active and lively personality, responsible, able to think calmly about problems. His potential is to be able to communicate with his own Ice Wolf Summer Consciousness. Seven-year-old Bran loves to climb tall towers and has never fallen down once. Because of witnessing Cersei and Jaime's affair in the tower, he was thrown from the castle by the Jaime people, and his legs were disabled and he could not walk. After his father's death, Proton Theon Greyjoy rebelled and led the Iron People to entangle the Boltons to occupy Winterfell. Bran is forced to escape separately from his brother Rickon, and embarks with Hodor on a difficult journey to find his identity as a prophet. He eventually became the new Three-Eyed Crow.

Rickon Stark

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

- The youngest son of the lord of the city, ignorant and timid, but stubborn and wild. As a young man, he endured many family upheavals, and after the fall of Winterfell, he was forced to leave his hometown with his brother Bran. For safety, the two brothers fled separately. Rickon seeks refuge on Skags Island under the care of the Savage cook Osha. He was captured by Rams as a hostage to blackmail Jon, and was eventually killed by the hands of a pickpocket.

Jon Snow

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

——The illegitimate son of the city lord, in fact, his real identity is very mysterious. He adheres to principles, has a broad mind, and has no intention of competing for the throne. Because of the discrimination against his illegitimate son and the hostility of Caitlin, he took the initiative to follow his uncle Ban Yang to become a member of the night watch. In the Night's Watch, Snow's integrity led him to make a fat but knowledgeable friend, Sam. Snow was initially assigned as a vassal of Commander-in-Chief Geor Mormont, and later joined the expedition north, becoming a reconnaissance member of the famous Ranger's command of Colin. Colin sacrifices himself in exchange for Jon gaining the trust of the Savage tribe to become an undercover agent, discovering the Savages' plan to sneak into castle Black and rush back to the battle with wounds to repel the attack. He was then elected commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch, where he ordered reconciliation with the Savages and took them in to defend the city against the Ghosts. Due to the confrontation between the forces on the north and south sides of the Great Wall, the deputy commander conspired to kill Snow, dissatisfied with the practice of taking in the savages. The red-robed witch was instructed by the Lord of Light to resurrect her. After his resurrection, Snow cleared the thieves and led his troops to retake Winterfell, concentrating on fighting against the forces of the Alien Clan north of the Great Wall.

Benjen Stark

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

- Younger brother of Eddard Stark, Duke of Winterfell. Is the Chief Ranger of the Night's Watch, leading Jon Snow to the Night's Watch. As a Ranger, he is rescued by the Son of the Forest after encountering a ghost on his way to find the missing Duke, and becomes a half-human, half-ghost, obeying the Three-Eyed Crow to guard Bran.

Lyanna stark

Game of Thrones – A Brief Introduction to the Stark Family and Its Main Characters

-------------------------------------------------- Because of his marriage contract, he was forced to marry Robert Baratheon, the young lord of the stormy land. But she fell deeply in love with Rhaegar Targaryen, the eldest son of the king of the old dynasty, and the two fell in love and decided to elope. He gave birth to a son at the Tower of Bliss and was raised by his brother Ed, who also begged Ed to keep the secret.

Brandon Stark – Eddard's older brother, who was originally married to Catherine Tully, but was killed by the Mad King Egon Targaryen, and could only be married to Catherine by his younger brother Ed. It was also the trigger for Robert Eide's rebellion against the Targaryen dynasty.

The six brothers of the Wolf Family are their own ice wolves

Robb Stark – Grey Wind Grey Wind

Sansa Stark – Lady Lady

Arya Stark – Namelia Nymeria

Bran Stark – Summer summer

Rickon Stark – Shaggydog

Jon Snow – White Spirit Ghost

Later, the Stark family's vassals will be updated

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