
In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

author:History is in the dust

Although Liu Yu, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, did not realize the unification of the Northern Expedition, after many years of conquest, he laid the foundation for the substantial unification of the south, and also established the basic territorial scope for the later Southern Qi southern Liang, in which the battle to attack and destroy The Shu was more or less Liu Yu's temporary intention, using various strategies of deception and indulgence, to destroy the Shu in about half a year, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty subsequently restored its jurisdiction over Yizhou and the land of Hanzhong.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

After defeating Mao Xuan in the first year of Yixi (405) and dividing the land of Yizhou, he established the Shu regime, at this time its strength was sandwiched between Later Qin and Eastern Jin, both of which were not easy opponents, it can be said that if it were not for the Factual Shu regime occupying dangerous terrain, it would soon become the territory of Later Qin or Eastern Jin.

And when Yu Zhong was called queen, it was inevitable to formulate a direction in external strategy, that is, to unite the relatively weak side to consume the strong side, so Yu Zhong decisively declared himself a vassal to Later Qin YaoXing, in order to unite With Later Qin to encroach on the Eastern Jin Dynasty, before Liu Yu destroyed The Eastern Jin Dynasty, in the sixth year of Yixi (410), Shu Shu and Later Qin had a joint military operation and wanted to lay down the Jingzhou area of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, for the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Jingzhou was the key area to control the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the gateway to the west of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and for The Shu, to take Jingzhou, You can expand your own defensive line, and you can also grab some cheaper in the turbulent stage of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

Therefore, for Liu Yu, who gradually grasped the politics of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the careful thinking of indulging in restlessness angered him, after all, if Yu Shu lived in peace, Liu Yu could still let him live for a few more years, but since he was restless, he would inevitably become the target of Liu Yu's clique.

To say a little more here, the implementation of the joint strategy of Tan Zhong and Later Qin was not too smooth.

Book of Jin. The envoys were called Yu Yu (姚興), who would go down the river to The Eastern Kou, in the name of liu Yu (劉裕), and beg for Yao Xing,and ask Huan Qian to help him.

Book of Jin. Huan Qian's biography is called Yu Yao Xing, and even if he is in a communication with Lu Xun, he has a potential influence, but he asks Qian to go down the river to the east... Humble to Shu, who wants to be humble and lead, and indulges in doubt, he is humble to the dragon and makes people keep it.

After Huan Qian sent an envoy to Later Qin, he was also too popular with the people, and as a result, he caused the disgust of Huan Connivance, so he imprisoned him, which was also a manifestation of the weak side's embarrassing position, after all, Huan Qian hoped to survive with the help of Later Qin's forces, and any behavior of Later Qin would attract the attention of Later Qin, because perhaps Later Qin also had the idea of directly destroying Later Qin.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

Then again, why did liu Yu say that the destruction of Shu was a temporary intention? Before Liu Yu specified the plan to conquer Shu in the west, there was actually a military operation against Shu.

Book of Song. Liu Jing propaganda "false honor Xuan Festival, supervision of the Shu military, the county as before. After entering the gorge, the generals Zhenwu and Padang Taishou Wenzuo were dispatched to raise their voices and water with 2,000 people, and they led the Yizhou assassin Shi Bao, the auxiliary general Wen Chumao, and the general Long Jun, Shi Yanzu, to advance from the Mat River.

That is, in the third year of Yixi (407), Liu Yu temporarily added an additional military campaign against Shu in order to make Liu Jingxuan meritorious service, Liu Jingxuan fled back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty from Southern Yan, but because Liu Yu's clique did not participate in any major military operations, he did not make meritorious contributions, but was reused by Liu Yu, and he was also a person who had defected to Southern Yan, Liu Jingxuan himself was embarrassed, but Liu Yu insisted on giving Liu Jingxuan enough status and treatment, more to say, Liu Jingxuan may not be familiar to everyone, but his father you should have heard of, that is, Liu Gaozhi.

In this context, in order to let Liu Jingxuan have enough military merit, so let Liu Jingxuan lead the army to the west to conquer Shu, as long as there is an attack to destroy a country, Liu Jingxuan's position is stable enough, so in Liu Yu's eyes at that time, it was not difficult to destroy Shu, Shu was just a piece of meat in his mouth, and he could eat it whenever he wanted, so he would use it to let Liu Jingxuan brush his military merits, but Liu Jingxuan was also not forceful and did not fight down.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

After the end of this conquest, liu yu's focus was actually on expanding northward, in the fifth year of Yixi (409), Liu Yu conquered Southern Yan, defeated Murong Chao the following year, and destroyed Southern Yan, at that time Liu Yu had plans to continue to conquest, but there was a rebellion within the Eastern Jin Dynasty, that is, Lu Xun and Xu Daofu took advantage of Liu Yu's leadership to launch a rebellion, disrupting Liu Yu's military deployment, and Liu Yu could only rush back to the division to extinguish the fire inside the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Therefore, in fact, Tan Shu did not focus on Liu Yu's key targets, and the reason why Liu Yu had the idea of destroying the connivance in a world war was indirectly caused by Liu Yi.

Book of Song. Emperor Wu's Benji knew that Yi could not be subordinated, and eventually he was a heretic, and he was secretly plotted. Yi zhixi, called The Disease Du, asked for the title of Deputy Commander from his brother Shi Ling (兗州) to think that he was a deputy, and falsely Xu Yan. In September, he entered the dynasty, ordered him to collect The Emperor and Xie Chao, and died in prison. Self-proclaimed resolute, and false Huang Yu, led the armies to march west.

Liu Yi had originally joined forces with Liu Yu, He Wuji, and others to eliminate the Huanxuan Rebellion, so in the early days of Liu Yu's reign, Liu Yi was unconvinced, so why did Liu Yu have the final say in the major affairs of the Eastern Jin Dynasty? This is Liu Yi's most basic idea, so Liu Yi has been plotting to replace Liu Yu's position, so directly launching a military confrontation is the only way.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

Coupled with Liu Yi occupying Jingzhou and controlling the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Liu Yi wanted to use this as a base to compete with Liu Yu for this Jiangshan, but Liu Yu did not give Liu Yi a chance, personally marched west, and destroyed Liu Yi, at this point, Liu Yu should have had a sudden whim, thinking that he could take the opportunity to continue the western expedition.

Because Liu Yu completely destroyed Liu Yi's forces in October of the eighth year of Yixi (412), and the order to conquer Shu in the west was in December, that is, to promote Zhu Lingshi to yizhou, this is the obvious signal. According to the original military plan, Liu Yu only attacked Liu Yi in April and May of that year, and even if Liu Yu was sure enough to defeat Liu Yi, Liu Yu could not determine how much time it would take.

Moreover, Liu Yu was confident that he would not be ready to conquer Liu Yi before defeating Liu Yi, on the contrary, it was relatively easy to defeat Liu Yi to create conditions for Liu Yu to continue his western expedition, and the army's combat strength and logistical supplies could support the further military operations of the Jin army, and at the same time, he could also take advantage of the opportunity of Shu's carelessness to launch a surprise attack, after all, most people thought that Liu Yu should rest for a while after destroying Liu Yi, and perhaps he would think that Liu Yu would continue the Northern Expedition, rather than the Western Expedition, and Liu Yu seized the opportunity of Contempt for Shu.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

At the same time, Liu Yu promoted a young general, Zhu Lingshi.

Book of Song. Zhu Lingshi's biography of Gao Zu's Shu Ye will plot a marshal and make it difficult for him to be a soldier, but he is a lingshi. The xian is said to be from ancient Times Of Shu, all of them are heroic and important generals, Ling Shi is still light in name, he is worried about not doing it, there are many counselors, and Gao Zu does not obey.

Ancient commander-in-chiefs, most of them pay attention to military merit and seniority, generally the unified army to conquer a country, are completed by heavy subjects, the most important thing is that such a person can get the approval of many generals, otherwise, let a young general rush to unify the army, is bound to cause unnecessary internal friction, such as in the front line commander can not mobilize troops, or the generals grind foreign workers, this is a problem, especially before the Liu Jingxuan incident, now Liu Yu in the absence of corresponding military preparations on the decision to conquer Shu, but also appointed a young general as the commander, After all, no one wants to die, but Liu Yu still insists.

Liu Yu's persistence is out of trust in Zhu Lingshi, Zhu Lingshi also did not live up to Liu Yu's trust, indeed became the rising star of Liu Yu Group, and Liu Yu appointed Zhu Lingshi as the commander of Shu Shu, but also in the high risk of seeking high returns.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

From the point of view of Yu Shu, Liu Yu has just quelled Liu Yi's turmoil, normally should rest for a while, will not have any way to do anything about Shu Shu, originally lacked corresponding preparations, plus Liu Yu appointed a young commander, which is good news for Yu Shu, no matter how to say that there was actual combat experience in defeating the Jin army before, it can be said that Liu Yu did not personally conquer Shu Shu, but sent Zhu Lingshi, to a certain extent, paralyzed the Shu regime.

Book of Song. Zhu Lingshi's biography" and worried about this voice first, the thief tried to be false, there was no letter, all sealed Fu Lingshi, signed the letter and said: "To the White Emperor Is Open." Although the armies have advanced, the reason for the punishment is unknown... To the White Emperor, he sent a letter that read: "All the armies have taken Chengdu from the outer water, and Zang Xi and Ling Lin have taken Guanghan from the middle water, so that the weak one can take more than ten high ships and turn from the internal water to the Yellow Tiger."

After completing these deployments, Liu Yu also played a trick, Zhu Lingshi led a total of 20,000 people from Jiangling to go up against the current and conquer Shu, but the specific action arrangements, Liu Yu did not make it public, but let Zhu Lingshi lead his troops to the White Emperor City (located in today's Fengjie County, Chongqing City) to open liu Yu's military plan.

At the beginning, Liu Jingxuan was from the internal water, now the Fu River, wanted to attack Chengdu, the result was defeated, so Liu Yu guessed that this time it would inevitably be heavy to replenish the external water, that is, the present Min River, Liu Yu's idea was to attack the external water as the main direction, but in the direction of the Pei River, arrange a huge suspicious army, so let the old and weak whose combat strength is relatively weak, board the "high ship", then the army of Shu must think that the Jin army from Peijiang is the main force.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

In this case, what would Liu Yu think, or Liu Yugao, I was not surprised, but who knew that Liu Yuzhong's mobilization of the main force to the direction of Peijiang to supplement the defense was Liu Yu's trap, plus Liu Yu also let Zang Xi and Zhu Lin go north along the river from zhongshui, now the Tuojiang River, which properly made The defense of Yu Shu lose its focus, and the inaccuracy of the intelligence made It not know which Jin army was the real main force.

Book of Jin. Ling Shi was second only to the White Emperor, and sent Yu Daofu to guard Fu with heavy troops. Ling Shi's division went to Chengdu for two hundred miles, and dispatched his generals Hou Hui and Shangshu servants to shoot Tan Tun Pingmo, and the city was connected to the shore, and the floor was heavy, and the crowd failed to attack.

Book of Song. Liu Zhongchuan's "Thief now obstructs the army to guard the danger, because he is afraid and does not dare to fight, and he cannot hold on for a long time." Because of its fierceness, it is bound to attack it with all its might. If the drum marches forward, Chengdu will not be able to defend it. If the troops are slowly defended now, they will know that the people are false, the Fu army will suddenly come and go away from me, the people will be at peace, and the good generals will be gathered, and this battle will not be won, and the army will have no food, and it will be the ear of Shu Zi.

The main force of Yu Shu was transferred to Fucheng (Fucheng District, Mianyang City, Sichuan), and Zhu Lingshi led his troops to Pingmo (south of Pengshan County, Sichuan), and Yu Shu waited for the Jin army to approach Chengdu before reacting and organizing troop defense, it can be said that Liu Yu's plan was realized, in the face of the three-way Jin army, the improper disposal of Yu Shu was seized by Zhu Lingshi, and Pingmo became the last line of defense for Shu.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

Originally, in the stage of confrontation with Shu Shu, Zhu Lingshi planned not to take a strong attack, but to continue the confrontation, waiting for the opportunity, it was Liu Zhong who changed his mind, in fact, at this time, the war was almost the last hurrider, Zhu Lingshi was somewhat timid, he was afraid of attacking the camp established by the Shu army in Pingmo, not only did not capture but also caused the soldiers to be too tired, then the war situation would turn to favor Shu Shu.

Zhu Lingshi, as a young general promoted by Liu Yu, naturally worried that his own radical attack on the Jin army in Shu was in crisis, and it can be said that Zhu Lingshi's hesitation was the biggest crisis of the Jin army. Because how Liu Jingxuan was defeated at the beginning, that is, he confronted the Shu army for more than 60 days, and as a result, the troops fell into a food shortage crisis and were defeated by the Shu army, it can be said that time is favorable to the Shu army, and the longer the time drags on, the more favorable the war situation is to the Shu army, after all, the logistics supply ability of the Jin army is under great pressure, and the longer the war is stalemated, the smoother the dispatch of the Shu army, plus it is a local operation, and the Jin army is dangerous.

In the conquest of Shu, Liu Yu adopted a strategy of deception and indulgence; Zhu Lingshi almost put the Jin army in danger

Fortunately, Liu Zhong reminded Zhu Lingshi in time, and Zhu Lingshi made up his mind to fight the Shu army to the death, broke the Shu army, and killed Hou Hui and Yu Chen, and the Jin army was able to quickly attack the city of Chengdu.

Book of Song. The biography of Zang Xi (臧熹傳) sent the Shu lord to dispatch the general to caress more than 10,000 people to temper the spleen of the cattle, and also sent Xiao Gou to send heavy troops to beat the nose. Xi to the ox's spleen, Fu defeated and retreated, chasing after it. Xiao Gou smelled Fu's death, even if he ran away.

At the same time, Zang Xi, who was attacked by the Tuojiang River, attacked the cattle spleen, and then gave the Shu army to flee one after another, and when he saw that the general trend had gone, he was not in the mood to be a qualified monarch, and the emperor fled out of Chengdu, originally he wanted to go to The Rumor Daofu who was stationed in Fucheng, but on the way, he met the Rumor Daofu who hurriedly returned to the defense, and the Rumor Daofu originally thought that He could hold on for a while, and it was still possible to defeat the Jin army when he returned to defense, but he did not expect that the Emperor fled directly, and when the two met, he was so angry that he wanted to kill the Rumors, and the disgraced so indulgent could only choose to commit suicide. After Zhu Lingshi entered Chengdu, he only killed the clan of Yu Connivance, and for others, he was considered to be the most indecisive, which also enabled the Eastern Jin Dynasty to achieve actual control over Yizhou after the fall of Shu Shu.

In general, Liu Yu's war to destroy Shu was largely a temporary intention of Liu Yu after destroying Liu Yi, and through a variety of methods to confuse Shu Shu, he unexpectedly implemented the plan to eliminate Shu Shu, and Zhu Lingshi, as the commander of this operation, had also almost put the Jin army in crisis, but even if Zhu Lingshi was defeated this time, it was difficult to change the result of the annihilation of Shu Shu, which was determined by the gap between the national strength of Shu and the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

References to book of Song. Emperor Wu's Benji", Book of Song. Liu Jing propaganda", "Book of Song. Zhu Lingshi Biography", Book of Song. Biography of Zang Xi", Book of Song. Liu Zhongchuan", "Book of Jin. Huan Qian's biography", Book of Jin. The Chronicle of the Book of Rumors

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