
Jinshanwei: the ancient city of new town "beautiful +"

author:Shangguan News
Jinshanwei: the ancient city of new town "beautiful +"


Old City New Town "Beautiful +"

Jinshanwei: the ancient city of new town "beautiful +"

Jinshanwei Town inherits the cultural heritage of thousands of years, has a long history and a long history, and is known as the "Four Davids" together with Weihaiwei, Tianjinwei and Zhenhaiwei. A thousand-year-old city, this is the deepest memory of Jinshanwei.

Today, this ancient city not only retains the charm of the ancient times, but also accelerates its development in the new era, and the people living here are happier and happier. Especially in the past five years, Jinshanwei Town has overcome the bottlenecks and difficulties caused by the separation of systems, broken the outstanding shortcomings that have long restricted the development of cities and towns, achieved a new leap in economic strength, shown a new look in the urban and rural pattern, and improved the efficiency of governance... All these have laid a solid foundation for the construction of a new ancient city with higher quality, harmonious and livable beauty.

In the future, this thousand-year-old city will strive to build a vibrant, charming, ecological, good governance and happy Jinshanwei, and continue to write a new chapter in high-quality economic and social development.

Economic and ecological wings fly together

On the morning of June 28, next to Jinshan Avenue, a busy scene on a 230-acre idle industrial land was busy, and the Construction of the Helenburg Industrial Park with a total investment of 5.15 billion yuan started.

The Site of the Helenburg Industrial Park was originally a steel pipe factory, but due to poor management, it was discontinued in 2015. After the Helenburg Group obtained the property rights of the area, after repeated research and planning, it was finally decided to transform and upgrade the plot into a "Smart Jinshan Ecological Green Valley" industrial park.

In the past, the two sides of Jinshan Avenue were mostly traditional enterprises with high energy consumption and low efficiency, and problems such as low output value and environmental protection were more common. With the construction of the ecological green industrial park led by the Helenburg "Wisdom Jinshan Ecological Green Valley" project, the transformation and upgrading of the Jinshan Avenue Economic Corridor has been fully opened.

As an important part of Jinshan District's implementation of the strategic requirements of "north-south transformation", efforts to build a strategic highland of "two districts and one fort", and continuous launch of the "Shanghai Bay Area" city brand, Jinshan WeiZhen takes the transformation of the "Jinshan Avenue Economic Corridor" as an opportunity to build Jinshan Avenue into a "source" and an "industrial belt" for scientific and technological innovation based on Jinshan and radiating the Yangtze River Delta, and embedding it into the overall development of Jinshan with a new look of "Golden Corridor".

It is worth mentioning that while doing a good job in the "addition" of economic transformation and upgrading, Jinshanwei Town is also committed to ecological environmental protection and "subtraction" in environmental pollution.

"In the past, you could often smell the smell on the way to and from work, sour and slippery, and when it was severe, the air was filled with this smell every day." According to Wu Jun, a villager in Yonglian Village, the ecology here has undergone great changes, which is the result of the all-round implementation of the ecological environmental protection concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains".

The past five years have been the five years of the defense of the blue sky and clear water and pure land in Jinshanwei Town from "all-round fighting" to "continuous combat" to "resolutely winning". In the past five years, Jinshan WeiZhen has always adhered to the principle of attaching equal importance to source prevention and iron fist pollution control, comprehensively promoted the comprehensive improvement of the regional environment and ecological restoration, and completed 203 comprehensive rectification tasks, added more than 4,000 mu of shelter forest area, and completed 76 sections of the river to eliminate blackness and inferiority, and the regional environmental quality and public satisfaction have been significantly improved.

Jinshanwei: the ancient city of new town "beautiful +"

△ Listed enterprise Zhaomin Technology

"Beautiful +" lights up a happy life

In recent years, JinshanWei Town, led by the "Beauty +" project, has coordinated the construction of "beautiful villages", "beautiful homes" and "beautiful neighborhoods", and achieved fruitful results.

In the construction of beautiful villages, the development of precincts has become a highlight of key promotion.

According to the overall deployment of "building a prosperous modern agriculture and significant advantages in human ecology", JinshanWei Town will build a beautiful rural area with regional resource integration, industrial integration and development, openness and inclusiveness, with the existing four villages in the north of the town (Bazi Village, Xinghuo Village, Hengzhao Village, and Zhangqiao Village) as the core, forming a new pattern of pastoral revitalization with beautiful ecology, complementary functions and coordinated development.

Colorful paradise, in Xinghuo Village to achieve the dream of living and working in peace and contentment; poetic pastoral, experience the joy of outing in Bazi Village; harvest orchard, feel the joy of eating in Hengzhao Village; cultural homeland, enjoy humanistic nourishment in Zhangqiao Village... These are the results of the development of beautiful rural areas.

In the future, Jinshan Wei Town will continue to take "beautiful villages" as the key starting point, focus on the three key links of "strong villages, rich people, and beautiful environment", and make every effort to create high-quality "green pastoral", high-standard "beautiful home" and high-level "happiness paradise", and take the road of rural revitalization in revitalizing resource elements and driving farmers to increase income.

Entering Building 56, Lane 2208, North Gate Residential Area, Jinshanwei Town, tea tables, bookshelves, small green plants, paintings, and slogans are displayed one by one, and the corridor space on the original ground floor has been built into a simple and comfortable place for rest and learning. This is not an activity room set up by a community organization, but a characteristic corridor "Beautiful Y Square" opened by the residents of Building 56 with the help of the Youth League Committee of Jinshanwei Town.

The creation of the "beautiful building group" is an important aspect of the creation of the "beautiful home", which aims to take the "building group autonomy" as an important fulcrum for leveraging the governance of the grass-roots community, guide the residents to actively participate in the community governance, and create a harmonious atmosphere of friendly community and good-neighborly culture.

Recently, Kong Guofei of group 3 of Acropolis Village in Jinshanwei Town found that the old Weiqing Road in front of his home that had been uneven had a new look. The road has become flat and spacious, the newly paved asphalt is shining in the sun, and new flower boxes have been set up on both sides of the road.

In addition to improving the road traffic environment, Jinshanwei Town has also focused on promoting the rectification of environmental sanitation, green landscape, street order, illegal operation and other issues in the construction of beautiful blocks, so that the blocks are "cleaner, more orderly and cleaner".

Jinshanwei: the ancient city of new town "beautiful +"

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The "problem cell" becomes a model of governance

With the development and construction of projects such as Jinshan Second Industrial Zone and ecological corridors, the urbanization construction in the south has accelerated, and more and more villagers have moved upstairs and lived in resettlement communities. The existence of this "dual identity" of former villagers and now residents has brought new challenges to the management of relocated communities.

Based on this, Jinshan Wei Town continued to deepen the innovation of community governance under the leadership of party building, and explored the governance models from "Baicao Garden" to "Baicaotang" and "Relocation Residential Area - Relocation Village" and "Urban-Rural Integration and Development", which provided reference and reference for solving various problems in the relocation and resettlement community.

"That's called summer dry grass, which can reduce swelling, clear heat and detoxification, expectorant and cough." This is salvia, that is honeysuckle, and there are sheds, wild chrysanthemums, dandelions... So many herbs! In June this year, in jinkang flower garden in Jinshanwei town, the Chinese herbal medicine planting area "Baicao Garden" ushered in a full blooming period, attracting many residents to stop and watch.

It is hard to imagine that this was once the hardest hit area for residents to "destroy green vegetables". In this relocation and resettlement community, residents still can't change the habit of "planting vegetables in front of the house and behind the house", and there are often residents who have conflicts and disputes because of land planting.

In the face of this "stubborn disease", Jinkang Residential Area combined with the residents' health habits, chose the Chinese herbal medicines that are usually commonly used, and set aside a "Hundred Grass Garden" with a total area of 280 square meters to plant roses, salvia, deli grass, wild chrysanthemums and so on. This hundred grass garden, beautiful and practical, not only cleverly channeled the phenomenon of "destroying green vegetables", but also allowed the farmers of the past to find the joy of farming...

How to use Chinese herbal medicine? Jinkang Residential Area has also built a "Baicaotang", which concentrates medical knowledge popularization and lectures, health care consultation and free diagnosis, and traditional Chinese medicine culture publicity and inheritance in one, to create a traditional Chinese medicine health community at the doorstep of residents.

At the same time, Jinshanwei Town also piloted the integrated development of urban and rural integration of "relocated residential areas - relocated villages" to solve the problem of "dual identity" village (resident) management.

Corridors as warehouses, destruction of green vegetables, random piles of goods... In the past, in the Xinyuan residential area of the ancient city of Jinshanwei Town, these chaos could be seen everywhere. In the face of door-to-door persuasion from the neighborhood committee, the newly moved villagers often pushed the cadres of the neighborhood committee back with a sentence of "what is the matter with you".

In order to change the attitude of the newly settled villagers (residents) and enhance their sense of identity with the community, the Dongping Neighborhood Committee explored the implementation of the "village-residence linkage" governance model to solve the governance problem of "both the neighborhood committee and the village committee, and the villagers (residents) do not know who to find when they encounter problems".

Create a beautiful building group to provide public activity space, innovate the "three leagues and five communists" model, establish a joint meeting system, and implement the "first question reception" model... This series of innovative governance measures has achieved "heart-warming and ice-breaking".

"Now the relationship between the neighborhood committee and the residents is much closer, and it is more convenient to start work." Guo Shifeng, secretary of the party branch and director of the neighborhood committee of Dongping Residential Area, said.

| Zhou Qian

Edit | He Xiaoyan (Trainee)

Editor-in-charge | Weng Yu

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