
You may "hear" this fruit often, but you may not have eaten it

author:Fragrant city thin tube

Grape wine luminous glass, want to drink pipa immediately urge." Grapes, raisins, and wine are all foods that we are familiar with and often eat. But have you ever eaten peach? Although their names are very close, they are two completely different species. Arguably, there is no resemblance. So today Xiaobian will come to talk to you about the peach things~

You may "hear" this fruit often, but you may not have eaten it

First, what is the peach

Pu peach is a fruit tree native to Southeast Asia, China's Hainan region also has wild pu peach, Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places are also cultivated. It is a water-tolerant wet plant, belongs to the tropical tree species, growing temperature 23-32 °C, like light, shade-tolerant. It is adaptable and grows mostly in wetlands along water's edges and river valleys, but it can also grow in sandy areas. The peach canopy is plump and rich, and the flowers, leaves and fruits can be admired, so it is often used as a shade tree and a solid embankment and windproof tree.

The shape of the peach fruit is a bit like the pipa as everyone knows it, it is cyan before it ripens, and it almost turns yellow after ripening. The fruit can be used up to 80%, sweet and sour, juicy, with a special rose aroma, so in addition to eating raw peach, you can also use its special aroma, with other raw materials to make paste, preserves, or jam, and peach juice after fermentation, can also brew high-grade drinks.

The flowers of the peach are also very interesting, the fine filament is somewhat similar to the acacia flower, but the color is white jade or light green, which is more elegant and exquisite. And the flowers can also be edible, but also have a certain medicinal value, the taste is also sweet.

You may "hear" this fruit often, but you may not have eaten it

Second, the efficacy of peach

1. Diuresis and swelling

The consumption of pu peach can remove toxins and excess water in the body, promote the metabolism of blood and water, can promote urine excretion, and has the effect of diuretic and anti-edema.

2. Replenish blood and qi

Dull skin, pale face, and cold hands and feet are common symptoms in some women, affecting their daily lives. There are many you are happy to choose to eat jujube and other blood replenishment, and today Xiaobian wants to tell you that eating peach can also supplement blood and qi. Especially for people with dull skin, cold limbs and pale faces, eating peach is very good for the body.

3. Beneficial to the liver

Modern people have great pressure on work, study and other aspects, resulting in emotional ups and downs, which can easily lead to liver depression. Studies have shown that eating pu peach can promote liver qi circulation, alleviate liver depression, and alleviate various discomfort symptoms caused by liver depression.

You may "hear" this fruit often, but you may not have eaten it

4. Tonify the kidneys

Kidney is an important organ of the human body, kidney disease is one of the diseases that seriously affect our physical health, and its impact is widespread, so it is worrying. The peach can supplement the kidneys, can alleviate waist acid, limb chills, stomach cold, edema and other kidney and yang deficiency symptoms, but also can treat dry heat, night sweats, sweating, dizziness, tinnitus and other symptoms of yin kidney deficiency.

5. Strengthen bones and muscles

With the increase of age, the function of all aspects of the body declines, especially the muscles and bones, and if you are not careful, you are prone to serious injuries. Peach has the effect of strengthening muscles and connecting networks, and eating peach is conducive to recovering fatigue and helping to regulate waist and knee soreness.

You may "hear" this fruit often, but you may not have eaten it

Third, the consumption of peach

Peach is rich in protein, dietary fiber, sugars, vitamins and other nutrients, and has a variety of health benefits. But it takes the right way to eat it to maximize its effect, so how should the peach be eaten?

1. Fresh food. After washing the peach can be eaten, this method of consumption can eat the most original peach, but also can make the grape effect to the maximum.

2. Marinate. Marinated with sugar, salt, etc., salting, canning, canning and dehydrated preserves are also the method of eating peaches.

3. Juice. The peach fruit is juiced and fermented to make a premium juice.

4. Peach cucumber. Wash and cut the two peaches into slices and soak in salted water. Stir-fry with cucumbers, carrot slices, etc., and sauté to serve. This dish has the effect of losing weight and weight.

Editor: Chen Qianfang

Intern Editor: Heng Zhu

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