
Life is like a drama, drama is like life - "Farewell to the Overlord"

author:Ink hibiscus

The change of times, the demise of culture. When it is true that life is like a drama, drama is like life. The nearly three-hour film reflects the current social situation at that time.

Life is like a drama, drama is like life - "Farewell to the Overlord"

From the perspective of the main line of time, the first act is the late Qing Dynasty, Xiao Douzi was sent to the drama class by his mother, even if the sixth finger was broken, it seemed cruel, but it was actually forced by reality, only in this way could she survive. The life of the drama class also truly interpreted the stage for a minute, offstage for ten years. In order to become a horned child, to go through nine nine eighty-one difficulties, Xiao Laizi could not withstand the fear of punishment and chose to commit suicide. Think about the horns that were very popular at that time, there are real kung fu, and how many dramas there are now, empty skin bags, will be replaced at any time. Xiao Douzi was selected as Dan Jiao because of her beautiful appearance and played Yu Ji in the overlord Beiji, but was unwilling to accept the arrangement. At a gig? In front of him, in order not to let him be punished, Brother Shi woke him up, let him accept the identity of the female Jiao'e in the play, in the performance, was molested by Zhang Gonggong, a product of the old era, completely distorted some cognition, and put himself into the play to Yu Ji, since then, there is no small bean. Even so, the kind little bean on the way back, or picked up an abandoned baby back to the drama class for adoption.

Life is like a drama, drama is like life - "Farewell to the Overlord"

The mutually accomplished overlord Bieji has also become a drama that sensationalizes the capital. At this time, Duan Xiaolou fell in love with Ju Xian, the head of the brothel, and decided to marry and start a family. Di Yi was deeply heartbroken, saying that a good life, less than a year, a month, a day, an hour can not work. Xiao Lou felt that the butterfly clothes were too deep into the play, and could not distinguish between the inside and outside of the play, and resolutely married Ju Xian. After Xiao Lou was captured by the Japanese, Di Yi still couldn't be bothered, singing for the Japanese to rescue Xiao Lou, but he was also misunderstood by Xiao Lou. The two centrifuged, did not see each other for a long time, and no longer sang. Xiao Lou is idle at home, and his butterfly clothes are stained with marijuana. Later, under the guidance of the master, they were reconciled again. After the master died, he took the little four he had picked up with him to teach.

Life is like a drama, drama is like life - "Farewell to the Overlord"

When The fourth child grew up, he moved to the third act, the period of the New Culture Movement. Di Yi was uncomfortable in his voice because he smoked marijuana, and when he sang, he apologized to the new People's Liberation Army sitting under the stage, but he got a round of applause, which can be seen in the improvement of the quality of the army. Later, with the help of Xiao Lou, Dieyi quit drug addiction. The former disciples of the drama class came to see Dieyi and asked Dieyi for advice. Dieyi feels that modern drama is separated from Beijing opera and should inherit the classics, and should not let the classics disappear in order to cater to the new culture. At this time, Xiao Si had a disagreement, did not approve of only wearing a costume to interpret, and preferred to combine with the image of the working people. After that, he even betrayed the master's kindness and left the master.

Life is like a drama, drama is like life - "Farewell to the Overlord"

The fourth act is the period of the Cultural Revolution, which is the most tragic scene, the Red Guards criticize and demonstrate against Duan Xiaolou, in the face of endless pressure, Xiaolou accuses Dieyi of singing to the Japanese, which completely hurts Dieyi's heart, and in despair Dieyi accuses Juxian of being a prostitute. After that, Ju Xian committed suicide. Is this the sadness of the times, or the test of human nature?

The last scene corresponds to the beginning, after the reform and opening up, Xiao Lou and Di Yi returned to the theater and performed the last overlord Farewell. Di Yi also overlapped his life with Yu Ji, took the sword of King Chu Ba, and committed suicide. Since you left, the word "magnificent" has been silent for a long time.

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