
Java記憶體模型FAQ(十)volatile是幹什麼用的原文What does volatile do?




在新的記憶體模型下,volatile變量仍然不能彼此重排序。和舊模型不同的時候,volatile周圍的普通字段的也不再能夠随便的重排序了。寫入一個volatile字段和釋放螢幕有相同的記憶體影響,而且讀取volatile字段和擷取螢幕也有相同的記憶體影響。事實上,因為新的記憶體模型在重排序volatile字段通路上面和其他字段(volatile或者非volatile)通路上面有了更嚴格的限制。當線程a寫入一個volatile字段f的時候,如果線程b讀取f的話 ,那麼對線程a可見的任何東西都變得對線程b可見了。






volatile fields are special fields which are used for communicating state between threads. each read of a volatile will see the last write to that volatile by any thread; in effect, they are designated by the programmer as fields for which it is never acceptable to see a “stale” value as a result of caching or reordering. the compiler and runtime are prohibited from allocating them in registers. they must also ensure that after they are written, they are flushed out of the cache to main memory, so they can immediately become visible to other threads. similarly, before a volatile field is read, the cache must be invalidated so that the value in main memory, not the local processor cache, is the one seen. there are also additional restrictions on reordering accesses to volatile variables.

under the old memory model, accesses to volatile variables could not be reordered with each other, but they could be reordered with nonvolatile variable accesses. this undermined the usefulness of volatile fields as a means of signaling conditions from one thread to another.

under the new memory model, it is still true that volatile variables cannot be reordered with each other. the difference is that it is now no longer so easy to reorder normal field accesses around them. writing to a volatile field has the same memory effect as a monitor release, and reading from a volatile field has the same memory effect as a monitor acquire. in effect, because the new memory model places stricter constraints on reordering of volatile field accesses with other field accesses, volatile or not, anything that was visible to thread a when it writes to volatile field f becomes visible to thread b when it reads f.

here is a simple example of how volatile fields can be used:

assume that one thread is calling writer, and another is calling reader. the write to v in writer releases the write to x to memory, and the read of v acquires that value from memory. thus, if the reader sees the value true for v, it is also guaranteed to see the write to 42 that happened before it. this would not have been true under the old memory model.  if v were not volatile, then the compiler could reorder the writes in writer, and reader‘s read of x might see 0.

effectively, the semantics of volatile have been strengthened substantially, almost to the level of synchronization. each read or write of a volatile field acts like “half” a synchronization, for purposes of visibility.

<b>important note:</b> note that it is important for both threads to access the same volatile variable in order to properly set up the happens-before relationship. it is not the case that everything visible to thread a when it writes volatile field f becomes visible to thread b after it reads volatile field g. the release and acquire have to “match” (i.e., be performed on the same volatile field) to have the right semantics.