
泰國PP島海域出現大量水母 提醒遊客下水需謹慎

{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"泰國PP島海域出現大量水母 提醒遊客下水需謹慎","en":"The presence of a large number of jellyfish in the waters of THAI PP Island reminds tourists to be cautious when diving"},"description":{"content":"中新網9月26日電據泰國《世界日報》報道,泰國甲米府PP島國家公園旅遊業者和遊客,于近日在海面上發現大量水母漂浮在海面上...","en":"According to Thailand's \"World Journal\" on September 26, tourism and tourists in pp island national park in Krabi Province, Thailand, recently found a large number of jellyfish floating on the sea surface..."}},"items":[]}