

{"info":{"title":{"content":"最新進展!梅龍高速坍塌24人死亡,一家5口失聯家屬再發聲!","en":"The latest development!24 people died in the collapse of the Meilong Expressway, and the family members of a family of 5 who lost contact spoke out again!"},"description":{"content":"5月1日,原本是一個值得慶祝的日子,畢竟這是五一勞動節的第一天,很多人都可以利用這個假期出去旅遊或是回家探親。但是在這一...","en":"May 1 was supposed to be a day to celebrate, after all, it was the first day of May Day, and many people could use this holiday to travel or return home to visit relatives. But in this..."}},"items":[]}