

{"info":{"title":{"content":"曼城31場不敗!25年第一隊,連刷五大紀錄,名宿:将逆轉奪冠","en":"Manchester City is unbeaten in 31 games!25 years of the first team, five records in a row, famous: will reverse to win the championship"},"description":{"content":"戰勝諾丁漢森林之後,曼城在少賽一場的的情況下比阿森納隻少1分。曼聯名宿基恩已經斷言,曼城将會成功衛冕。在被皇馬點球決戰淘...","en":"With the win over Nottingham Forest, Manchester City are just one point behind Arsenal with a game in hand. Manchester United legend Keane has already asserted that Manchester City will successfully defend their title. After being beaten by Real Madrid in the penalty shootout..."}},"items":[]}