
CBA季後賽火爆對決 外籍裁判亮相半決賽與總決賽 確定比賽公平流暢

{"info":{"title":{"content":"CBA季後賽火爆對決 外籍裁判亮相半決賽與總決賽 確定比賽公平流暢","en":"The CBA playoffs are hot, and foreign referees appear in the semifinals and finals to ensure that the game is fair and smooth"},"description":{"content":"CBA季後賽激戰正酣,一場場精彩紛呈的比賽吸引了無數球迷的目光。然而,随着比賽的深入,一些場次中出現了大尺度的身體對抗,...","en":"The CBA playoffs are in full swing, and the exciting games have attracted the attention of countless fans. However, as the bout progressed, there were some large-scale physical duels,..."}},"items":[]}