

{"info":{"title":{"content":"張學良的軟禁生活多奢侈,蔣介石7個字總結:可以養活一個團","en":"Zhang Xueliang's house arrest life is extravagant, Chiang Kai-shek summed it up in 7 words: You can feed a regiment"},"description":{"content":"1949年下半年,中國共産黨取得三大戰役的勝利,節節敗退的國民黨開始自謀出路,首當其沖的就是國民黨指揮官——蔣介石。他在...","en":"In the second half of 1949, the Chinese Communist Party won three major battles, and the Kuomintang began to find its own way out, and the first to bear the brunt was the Kuomintang commander - Chiang Kai-shek. He's in..."}},"items":[]}