
價格從優 拎包入住 “起點”人才較高價的電梯大廈本月中旬試營運

{"info":{"title":{"content":"價格從優 拎包入住 “起點”人才較高價的電梯大廈本月中旬試營運","en":"The price is preferential and the \"starting point\" talent apartment will be put into trial operation in the middle of this month"},"description":{"content":"近日,記者在位于觀山湖區林城東路與騰飛路交叉口的“起點”人才較高價的電梯大廈看到,該較高價的電梯大廈一房間的樣闆房空間通透明亮,裝修布局簡約實用...","en":"Recently, the reporter saw in the \"starting point\" talent apartment located at the intersection of Lincheng East Road and Tengfei Road in Guanshanhu District that the one-bedroom model room of the apartment is transparent and bright, and the decoration layout is simple and practical..."}},"items":[]}
