
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力

Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力

Robert McKinley是一位來自美國紐約的室内設計師,并在當地成立了自己同名的室内設計工作室。他善于采用新穎的材料和家具産品來重新诠釋空間,在他看來,一個場所與某一特定的文化背景相契合時,就會成為一種有特殊意義的目的地,當訪客開始欣賞或者了解它時,那麼它就被賦予了新的生命力。

Robert McKinley is an interior designer from New York City, where he founded his eponymous interior design studio. He is good at using novel materials and furniture products to reinterpret space. In his view, when a place is compatible with a specific cultural background, it will become a destination with special significance. When visitors begin to appreciate or understand it, it will be endowed with new vitality.

Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力

Captain Balfour是坐落在小山丘上的一座住宅,位于令人向往的海邊小村莊Montauk。這座經過翻新的居所既有着閑适之風,又有着精緻的氛圍,成為其所在地區的某種真實反映。基于場地的優勢,住宅有着一覽無餘的海景視野,而日落恰好能夠完美地出現在建築的前方和中心位置。

Captain Balfour is a house set on a hill in the desirable seaside Hamlet of Montauk. This renovated residence has a relaxed and sophisticated atmosphere that is an authentic reflection of its location. Taking advantage of the site, the house has unobstructed views of the sea, and the sunset is perfectly positioned front and center of the building.

Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力


The exterior of the building, made of silver cedar and mahogany, is inspired by the cedar houses of the Northeast region, while reflecting the full character of the interior finishes. Although clearly structured, it is not "noisy", but filled with a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. The tones of wood, ceramics and textiles are earthy and warm, while the facade's large Windows frame framed water features that lead from the outside to the inside.

Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力

廚房的橡木櫥櫃和石灰華是一種對中性色調的實踐,白色木條的天花闆增加了空間質感和視覺上的趣味性。Robert McKinley試圖模糊傳統與現代之間的界限,将新穎與複古的家具和擺件混搭在一起,并采用與Montauk相關的紋理與飾面,以期再現當地的色彩、材料、氛圍及其内在精神。

The kitchen's oak cabinetry and travertine are an exercise in neutral tones, while the white-slatted ceiling adds texture and visual interest to the space. In an attempt to blur the boundaries between tradition and modernity, McKinley mixed new and vintage furniture and furnishings, using textures and finishes associated with Montauk, with a view to reproducing local colours, materials, atmosphere and their inner spirit.

Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力

總而言之,Captain Balfour的設計呈現,是一種協調了對各種影響因子的深思熟慮的結果,既有海洋元素,也有斯堪的納維亞和日本設計理念的縮影。經過恰到好處的設計,産生了既舒緩又令人驚喜的視覺節奏,使其成為舒适的海濱度假屋。

All in all, Captain Balfour's design presentation is the result of a deliberate and coordinated approach to various influence factors, with both Marine elements and the epitome of Scandinavian and Japanese design concepts. With just the right design, it produces a visual rhythm that is both soothing and surprising, making it a comfortable beachfront holiday home.

Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力
Studio Robert McKinley | 新的生命力