
ORACLE 資料庫11.2.0.4 單執行個體伺服器IO等待高問題分析

       ORACLE 資料庫11.2.0.4 單執行個體伺服器IO等待高問題分析。分析過程中發現一條SQL消耗IO高的SQL,進一步分析發現有全表掃描,另外發現主機IO-WAIT高的時間段内有備份作業在執行,初步确定是備份作業和SQL全表掃描導緻主機IO-wait高,觸發告警。


    20180929,客戶回報伺服器磁盤IOWAIT 較高,一般在10以上,高的時候,可達30%以上。

ORACLE 資料庫11.2.0.4 單執行個體伺服器IO等待高問題分析
ORACLE 資料庫11.2.0.4 單執行個體伺服器IO等待高問題分析






ORACLE 資料庫11.2.0.4 單執行個體伺服器IO等待高問題分析


select a.inter_code, a.hq_date, a.repair_unit_nav as unit_nav 

from dm_fund_hq a, dm_stock_info b 

where a.inter_code = b.inter_code 

and b.fund_style in (100301, 100101, 100201) 

and a.hq_date > to_char(add_months(sysdate, -12), 'yyyyMMdd') 

and a.inter_code = :1 

order by a.hq_date 


ORACLE 資料庫11.2.0.4 單執行個體伺服器IO等待高問題分析


FINDINGS SECTION (2 findings) 


1- SQL Profile Finding (see explain plans section below) 


A potentially better execution plan was found for this statement. 

Recommendation (estimated benefit: 86.11%) 


- Consider accepting the recommended SQL profile to use parallel execution 

for this statement. 

execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name => 'TASK_16308', 

task_owner => 'SYS', replace => TRUE, profile_type => 


Executing this query parallel with DOP 8 will improve its response time 

86.11% over the original plan. However, there is some cost in enabling 

parallel execution. It will increase the statement's resource consumption by 

an estimated 11.11% which may result in a reduction of system throughput. 

Also, because these resources are consumed over a much smaller duration, the 

response time of concurrent statements might be negatively impacted if 

sufficient hardware capacity is not available. 

The following data shows some sampled statistics for this SQL from the past 

week and projected weekly values when parallel execution is enabled. 

Past week sampled statistics for this SQL 


Number of executions 0 

Percent of total activity 0 

Percent of samples with #Active Sessions > 2*CPU 0 

Weekly DB time (in sec) 0 

Projected statistics with Parallel Execution 


Weekly DB time (in sec) 0 

2- Index Finding (see explain plans section below) 


The execution plan of this statement can be improved by creating one or more 


Recommendation (estimated benefit: 99.98%) 


- Consider running the Access Advisor to improve the physical schema design 

or creating the recommended index. 

create index ETSPRD.IDX$$_3FB40001 on ETSPRD.DM_STOCK_INFO("INTER_CODE"); 

- Consider running the Access Advisor to improve the physical schema design 

or creating the recommended index. 

create index ETSPRD.IDX$$_3FB40002 on 




Creating the recommended indices significantly improves the execution plan 

of this statement. However, it might be preferable to run "Access Advisor" 

using a representative SQL workload as opposed to a single statement. This 

will allow to get comprehensive index recommendations which takes into 

account index maintenance overhead and additional space consumption. 


