


說明 :在教育技術學領域有許多值得深入研究的專題,了解該領域的前沿動态對于專業學習與學術研究都将是十分有意義的事情。下面所提供的熱點話題是根據 2001 年舉辦的該領域四個國内外知名會議所涉及的會議主題彙總而成的。這四個會議分别是: ICCE2001 ( The International Conference on Computers in Education )、 International Conference on Learning and Teaching On-line 、 GCCCE2001 ( Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education )和 CBE2001 ( Computer-based Education )。

No. 中文 英文
1 人工智能工具在學習技術領域的應用 Application of artificial intelligence tools in learning technology
2 教學設計理論的應用 Application of instructional design theories
3 學習技術系統的架構 Architecture of learning technology systems
4 教育中的人工智能 Artificial Intelligence in Education
5 人工智能或知識工程與計算機輔助教育 Artificial Intelligence or knowledge engineering and CBE
6 著作工具 Authoring tools
7 雙語教學 Bilingual teaching
8 知識經濟或資訊經濟與計算機輔助教育 CBE and knowledge economy or information economy
9 認知和觀念變化 Cognition and Conceptual Change
10 協作學習/群件/合作學習 Collaborative learning/Groupware/Cooperative learning
11 計算機輔助語言學習 Computer-Assisted Language Learning
12 以計算機為媒介的通信 Computer-Mediated Communication
13 建構主義觀點 Constructivist perspectives
14 創新學習 Creative Learning
15 跨國界的聯接及其在文化和教育方面的影響 Cross-border linkages and its cultural and educational impact
16 跨文化教育 Cross-culture education
17 網絡社會的文化挑戰 Cultural challenges in the networked society
18 國際和國内的計算機輔助教育的現狀和展望 Current status, trend and prospects of CBE in nation and international
19 課程設計、網上學習和教學模式及其最好的實踐 Curriculum design, on-line learning and teaching modes, and best practices
20 遠端學習系統的設計 Design of Distance Learning Systems
21 設計原則 Design principles
22 遠端教育網的設計項目 Design project of long-distance education network
23 分布式學習環境 Distributed Learning Environments
24 作用/效果評價 Evaluation of impact
25 學習技術系統的評價 Evaluation of learning technology systems
26 網上學與教的評價 Evaluation of on-line learning and teaching
27 示範項目 Exemplary projects
28 在教育機構、ICT業界和政府之間建立新型夥伴關系的經驗、課程、展望和政策 Experience, lesson, prospects and strategies in creating new partnerships among educational institutions, ICT industries and governments
29 全球化對本土化 Globalization vs. Localization
30 人文學科與學習技術 Humanities and Learning Technology
31 ICT——現狀、發展趨勢和展望 ICT——Current status ,trend and prospects
32 實施經驗 Implementation experiences
33 資訊技術與科學教育 Information technology and Science education
34 網絡時代高校結構、功能和現狀的改革 Innovations in the university structures, functions and status in the networked age
35 教學設計 Instructional Design
36 教師聯網 Instructor networking
37 教師教育訓練與支援 Instructor training and support
38 內建學習環境 Integrated learning environments
39 智能導師系統 Intelligent Tutoring Systems
40 互動學習環境 Interactive Learning Environments
41 基于internet的系統 Internet based systems
42 知識建構和導航 Knowledge Construction and Navigation
43 面向學習過程的評價 Learning process oriented evaluation
44 終身學習 Lifelong Learning
45 系統設計的方法論 Methodologies for system design
46 教育中的多媒體和超媒體 Multimedia and Hypermedia in Education
47 多媒體/超媒體應用 Multimedia/Hypermedia Applications
48 多媒體/超媒體系統 Multimedia/Hypermedia Systems
49 網絡化社會學習 Networked Social Learning
50 網絡時代素質教育的客觀模型 Objective model of quality education in the networked age
51 教法問題 Pedagogical Issues
52 政策、道德、規範和法律問題 Policies, Ethics, Standards, and Legal Issues
53 著作工具的實際應用 Practical uses of authoring tools
54 研究觀點 Research perspectives
55 模拟與遊戲 Simulation and Game
56 特殊教育 Special Education
57 在本地、國家、區域和國際的層次上學校、高校和ICT業界的未來合作政策 Strategies for future collaboration among schools, universities and ICT industries at local, national, regional and international levels
58 系統設計與開發 System design and develop
59 教學/學習政策 Teaching/learning strategies
60 遠距離和合作學習的技術支援 Technology support for distance and cooperative learning
61 學校與學校之間、學校與大學之間的網絡和ICT基礎建設的發展 The development of Network and ICT infrastructures between schools, and between schools and universities
62 虛拟實驗室/教室/學校 Virtual Lab/Classroom/School
63 教育中虛拟現實 Virtual Reality in Education
64 虛拟大學 Virtual universities
65 基于Web的學習 Web-Based Learning
66 基于WWW的課程網站 WWW-based course sites
67 基于WWW的課程支援系統 WWW-based course-support systems
68 基于WWW的學習資源 WWW-based learning resources
