
fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting

fundamental of counting

Enumeration, or counting, may strike one(第一擊) as an obvious process that a student learns when first studying arithmetic.

The Rule of Sum: If a first task can be performed in m ways, while a second task can be performed in n ways, and the two tasks cannot be performed simultaneously, then performing either task can be accomplished in any one of

fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting


The Rule of Product: If a procedure can be broken down into first and second stages, and if there are m possible outcomes for the first stage and if, for each of these outcomes, there are n possible outcomes for the second stage, then the total procedure can be carried out, in the designated order, in

fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting



從52張牌種抽 1 張 “王”,有多少種抽法?

答:1種,啊 2 種!

從52張牌中抽 1 張 "花臉",有多少種抽法?

fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting

答:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,.... , 12 種!

卧槽,你能 3 * 4 麼?

J、Q、K 每個 4 種花色 

fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
3 * 4 = 12 種

舉個栗子:A 鎮去 C 鎮 有多少種走法?

fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting


路的數量 A B C
A - 4 2
B 4 - 3
C 2 3 -

想要從A鎮到C鎮,可以先走R1,R2, R3, R4, R5, R9,額,匡瓢了,偷看答案中....

A->C 2
A->B->C 4 3

答案為:2 + (4 * 3) = 14 種走法

舉個栗子:由 3 位偶數和 3 個字母,可以組成多少個證書編号:
fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
舉個栗子:8 個女的 5 個男的,選舉。選一個 總統和一個女副總統,有多少種選法:
fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting


// 求 counter 的值 = 11 * (5 + 7)
// 這讓我想起了,有次hr就給我做了這個題 ━┳━ ━┳━
counter := 0
for i := 1 to 12 do
    for j:= 5 to 10 do
        counter := counter + 1
    for k := 15 downto 8 do
        counter := counter + 3

Factorials: If 

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 then "n factorial" is  denoted 

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舉個栗子:7 個數字(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)組成一列,不能有重複的數字?
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fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting

The number of permutations of length k from a list of n elements without repetition is  

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舉個栗子:單詞 “BASKET” 的 6 個字母有多少種排法:
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單詞 “ERR” 呢:
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Permutations:If there are n distinct objects and r is an integer, with 

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, then by the rule of product, the number of permutations of size r for the n objects is

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Permutations with Repetition: If there are n objects with n1 indistinguishable objects of a first type, n2 indistinguishable objects of a second type,…,and nr indistinguishable objects of an rth type, where

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,then there are 

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(linear) arrangements of the given n objects.


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fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
舉個栗子:6 個男的和 4 個女的站成一排,要求女的不能相鄰,有多少種站法?
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fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
舉個栗子:5 個 0 和 14 個 1 ,每個 0 後面必須跟兩個 1 ,一共有多少種排法?
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fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting

Permutations in circular: Consequently, there are

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Arrangements of n objects around the circular.

舉個栗子:16 個人座兩張圓桌,一張桌子能座 10 個人,另一張能座 6 個人,問一共有多少種座法:
fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting

Combinations The Binomial Theorem: If we start with n distinct objects, each selection, or combination, of r of these objects, with no reference to order, corresponds to r! permutations of size r from the n objects. Thus the number of combinations of size r from a collection of size n is 

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Binomial Theorem. If x and y are variables and n is a positive integer.  

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fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
通俗的講,這等價于 一個白球 和 一個黑球 從中取 3 次 有多少種取法? 
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Combinations with Repetition: When we wish to select, with repetition, r of n distinct objects, we find that we can considering all arrangements of r x’s and n-1 |’s and that their number is

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. Consequently, the number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time, with repetition, is

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  1. The number of Integer solutions of the equation 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
  2. The number of selection, with repletion, of size r from a collection of size n.
  3. The number of ways r identical objects can be distributed among n distinct containers.
fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
 從 3 個容器中選 7 個用 
fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
 從 7 個物體的 9 個(7 個物體,2個分割)中選 2 個的排列
fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
// 求 n 的值
n = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
    for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
        for (k = 1; k <= j; k++)
            for (m = 1; m <= k; m++)
                print ( ++n );
fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
從中選 4 個可重複數字的組合 {1,3,3,20}
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fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
 從中選擇 3 個元素
  1. 沒有重複的有序序列數 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
  2. 可重複的有序序列數 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
  3. 沒有重複的沒有順序的組合數 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
    1. 升序序列數 
      fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
    2. 降序序列數 
      fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
  4. 可重複的沒有順序的組合數 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
    1. 可重複的升序序列數 
      fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
考慮單詞 “aeemrry”
  1. 有多少個排列 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
  2. 有多少個包含 “eye” 的排列 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
  3. 有多少個包含 “ram” 和 “eye” 的排列 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
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  1. 我們将問題轉化為 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
     = 構成等号左邊 15 的 1 的上半截 ,
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
     = 下半截,包括等号和等式右邊的結果,一共 20 根火柴。
  2. 我們發現問題很複雜,我們無法在短時間内依靠人力 “看” 出來。
  3. 我們将 20 堆火柴切分成數字和符号一共 7 堆: 
    fundamentals\Countingfundamental of counting
     (1, 5, + , 1, = , 1, 5)
  4. 我們從 7 個 “和式” 中任取 2 個(可重複),并嘗試求解。
  5. 如果不能求解,則嘗試将某個可拆分的 “和式” 拆分,栗如 将 7 拆分為兩堆 - 号 和 數字 1,重複第 4 步
  6. 無解(你丫逗我,當我三歲小孩呢?)



這是自然語言,我們能不能模組化成數學語言? 用Counting數數這句話裡的可計數地方。


Sum原則:○我和其他人玩打架遊戲 + 打架結果輸了 = 昨兒個;○赢了3把 + 輸了12把 = 打了15把;

Product原則:○我1和 {其他人2,其他人3,其他人4} 打架 有1 × 3 種打法;○{其他人2,其他人3,其他人4}和 我1 打架有 3 × 1 種打法;

Permutations原則:○{我1,其他人2,其他人3,其他人4} 取兩個人出來打架,并區分我打你和你打我,有4!/(4-2)! = 12種打法;


Permutations with Repetition原則:○{我1,其他人2,其他人3,其他人4}排隊,有4!/3!= 4 種排列;

Permutations in circular原則:○{我1,其他人2,其他人3,其他人4}排成一圈,有4!/4 = 6 種排法;

Combinations原則:○{我1,其他人2,其他人3,其他人4} 取兩個人出來打架,有 4!/ 2! (4-2)! = 6 種方法;

Combinations with Repetition原則:○{我,其他人} 從中取出兩個人 ,有C(2 + 2 – 1, 2) = 3!/2!=3 種方法;減去其中 {我1,我1}的不合理組合 = 3 - 1 = 2 種打法,分别為:{我,其他人}打架、 {其他人, 其他人}打架;


Favior combination over Inherited