
又是那道平面幾何奧數題How to solve the following two elementary geometry problems?

How to solve the following two elementary geometry problems?

up vote 0 down vote favorite It was said by others that algebraic approaches are unnecessary.
又是那道平面幾何奧數題How to solve the following two elementary geometry problems?
115 5
Are A 3 B 3   and E 3 H  parallel? Are |B 3 I|=|B 3 D 3 |  ? And I suppose you are finding θ 3   in the first figure, does it right? –  Mario G May 9 at 10:04
These in dotted style are auxiliary lines for solving the specific problem; so sure they are but one may have to prove it –  LCFactorization May 9 at 10:06  
3 up voted
Search for "adventitious angles". –  Gerry Myerson May 9 at 10:11
Any progress to report? –  Gerry Myerson May 11 at 12:47
I have no access to some of the published articles; so basically, no further progress... –  LCFactorization May 11 at 23:20  
1 up voted
No access to a library? No access to mathpages.com/home/kmath277/kmath277.htm ? daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/L/… ? sylvester.math.nthu.edu.tw/d2/imo-geom-5-23-03/863-langley.html ? math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/95/adventitious ? math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/01_incoming/adventitious ? groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rec.puzzles/CadOSc8sCNs ? math.stackexchange.com/questions/548292/… ? continued... –  Gerry Myerson May 14 at 13:50
No access to math.stackexchange.com/questions/6942/… ? math.stackexchange.com/questions/63819/… ? –  Gerry Myerson May 14 at 13:52
thank you very much –  LCFactorization May 14 at 14:18  
1 up voted
If you now have a solution, and if your question isn't a duplicate of an earliewr one here, please post your solution as an answer. –  Gerry Myerson May 15 at 12:42
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