

題目: 輸入一棵二進制查找樹,将該二進制查找樹轉換成一個排序的雙向連結清單。 要求不能建立任何新的結點,隻調整指針的指向。 10 / \ 6 14 / \ / \ 4 8 12 16 轉換成雙向連結清單 4=6=8=10=12=14=16。 首先我們定義的二進制查找樹節點的資料結構如下: struct BSTreeNode { int m_nValue; // value of node BSTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of node BSTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node };

​// 1:構造二叉查找樹; ​

​// 2:中序周遊二叉查找樹,是以結點按從小到大順序通路,假設之前通路過的結點已經調整為一個雙向連結清單,那麼​

​//       隻需要将目前結點連接配接至雙向連結清單的最後一個結點即可,通路完後,雙向連結清單也就調整完了​

​#include <iostream>​

​using ​

​ ​


​ ​

​std; ​

​struct ​

​ ​

​BSTreeNode ​

​{ ​

​int ​

​ ​

​m_nValue; ​

​ ​

​// value of node​

​BSTreeNode *m_pLeft;​

​ ​

​// left child of node ​

​BSTreeNode *m_pRight;​

​ ​

​// right child of node ​

​}; ​


​ ​

​addBSTreeNode(BSTreeNode *&pCurrent,​

​ ​

​int ​

​ ​

​value); ​


​ ​

​inOrderBSTree(BSTreeNode* pBSTree); ​


​ ​

​convertToDoubleList(BSTreeNode* pCurrent); ​

​BSTreeNode *pHead=NULL;​

​ ​


​BSTreeNode *pIndex=NULL;​

​ ​



​ ​

​ main() ​

​{ ​

​BSTreeNode *pRoot=NULL;​










​ ​

​0; ​

​} ​

​/* 建立二叉排序樹                                                               */​

​void ​

​ ​

​addBSTreeNode(BSTreeNode *&pCurrent,​

​ ​

​int ​

​ ​


​ ​


​{ ​


​ ​

​(pCurrent==NULL) ​


​BSTreeNode* pBSTree=​

​ ​

​new ​

​ ​

​BSTreeNode(); ​







​ ​


​ ​






​ ​


​ ​








​ ​

​"node repeated"​

​ ​



​} ​

​/* 中序周遊二叉樹,同時調整結點指針                                                                     */​

​void ​

​ ​

​inOrderBSTree(BSTreeNode* pBSTree) ​

​{ ​


​ ​

​(NULL==pBSTree) ​



​ ​




​ ​

​(NULL!=pBSTree->m_pLeft) ​




​//  if (NULL!=pBSTree)​

​//  {​

​//      cout<<pBSTree->m_nValue;​

​//  }​



​ ​

​(NULL!=pBSTree->m_pRight) ​




​} ​

​/* 調整結點指針                                                                   */​

​void ​

​ ​

​convertToDoubleList(BSTreeNode* pCurrent) ​

​{ ​


​ ​



​ ​


​ ​






​ ​






​ ​



​ ​

​" "​

​ ​
