
《Chomsky: ideas and ideals》筆記




Chomsky把語言作為表達思想(mirror of the mind)的工具而非“communication”的工具。不知道這個“communication”是如何定義的,它似乎和思想的表達并不背離。也許Chomsky是想強調語言的内在性,剝離掉那些社會性的,流變的因素。

“the notion of language that is being investigated is the language of an individual ... and linguistics is viewed as part of cognitive psychology.”把語言作為個人的語言而不是社會的語言後,關于語言的研究就并入了認知心理學



Chomsky has strikingly suggested that, just as the heart and rest of the circulatory system are organs with their own structure and functions. Language is a kind of "mental organ" interacting with other mental organs.  ...  it develops largely under genetic control, rather than being the fruit of learning or manipulation.

Double dissocation: the dissocation between language ability and intelligence, bi-direction.


Chomsky所關注的是與人腦密切相關的語言,而E-language被他看成煉金術。他所提出的生成文法和普遍的生成文法并不一樣,後者會涉及到E-language的範疇,而這些被看做I-language的“摩擦力”。涵蓋E-language的文法肯定會很複雜,而且E-language本身也在不斷變化。這個E,I language的分法和馮特的内部語言和外部語言有些象,但本質上還是不同的概念。

Chomsky認為人腦有專門的語言處理系統,并且這種系統來自于人的基因編碼,這引起了很大争議。作者舉了一個例子:視覺系統完全來源與人類的基因,但是如果人猿從黑暗的環境中而來,現在這樣的視覺系統就不會進化出來。同樣,如果我們處在一個學習折紙的環境中,那麼我們雙手的靈敏度就是一種天賦。同理,我們處在語言的環境中,相應的語言機制也會進化而來。Chomsky把語言能力歸因于UG(Universal Grammar),來解釋為什麼我們懂得一些很精妙複雜的語言知識。基于這個看法,一個推論是人類的語言都有一種共性進而歸于UG。這個假設在現在的語言學研究中得到了一些證據:人類語言可能出自同一個母語。當然這個UG隻是表面的現象,真正的原因還是前面說過的各系統的interaction。

Language is a tool for thought. Language is the mirror of thought, not model. - Chomsky


when did John decide which car to fix? OK, 'fix' is far away from 'when', "which car to fix" is a locality

when did John decide to fix the car?  ill-formed, both 'decide' and 'fix' are effected by 'when'


John ate. (means John ate something)

John ate an apple.

John is too stubborn to talk to. (Does NOT means "talk to somebody")

John is too stubborn to talk to Bill.

But according to parallelism, it should be.(red part and green part) Chomsky wants to explaining why nor expressing.


I think John saw a buffalo.

who do you think saw what? -- OK

what do you think who saw? -- ill-formed


                  NP               VP

                  I          V             S

                           think       NP       VP

                                      John    V     NP

                                             saw    a buffalo

for the ill-formed sentence, 'what' passed though 2 NP; for the OK sentence, 'who' just passed though 1 NP. this is the princple of 'locality' that used to explain why.
