52. N-Queens II
Total Accepted: 41407 Total Submissions: 107148 Difficulty: Hard
Follow up for N-Queens problem.
Now, instead outputting board configurations, return the total number of distinct solutions.
class Solution
int row[105]; //記錄每一行皇後的位置
bool issafe(const int &i, const int &j, const int &n)
for (int k = 1; k < i; ++k)
if (j == row[k] || abs(i - k) == abs(j - row[k]))
return false;
return true;
void findPos(const int &i, const int &n, int &ans) //i表示已經放置到第i行,j表示皇後在第i行放置于j
for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
if (i > n)
if (issafe(i, j, n)) //判斷目前位置是否可以放皇後
if (i == n) //皇後已放到最後一行,找到一種解法,ans + 1
row[i] = j;
findPos(i + 1, n, ans);
row[i] = 0;
int totalNQueens(int n)
if (1 == n)
return 1;
int ans = 0;
memset(row, 0, sizeof(row));
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) //在第一行依次放置皇後
row[1] = i;
findPos(2, n, ans);
return ans;