
關于 to do 的全部用法,一次搞定 A Simple Clear Explanation



Well, hello and welcome to this English lesson about the verb, to do.

好吧, 你好,歡迎來到這節關于動詞 to do 的英語課。

I've had a number of requests from viewers to do a lesson about this, about the verb, to do, do, does, did, didn't, doesn't, all the various forms of that verb and how to use it when you're having an English conversation.


So in this English lesson, I'll do just that, but you'll have to bear with me.

是以在這節英語課上, 我會這樣做,但你必須忍受我。

I'm going to do this lesson inside.


The weather outside is not very nice, so there won't be any beautiful backgrounds while I do this lesson, but please do watch the entire thing.


I think I'll explain this in a way that might help you in your next English conversation when you need to use the verb, to do. (upbeat music)

我想我會以一種可能會在您需要使用動詞 to do 的下一次英語對話中幫助您的方式來解釋這一點。 (歡快的音樂)

Let's start by reviewing how to form the verb when you're talking in the present tense.


With I, you, they, and we, it's just do.


I do, you do, they do, we do.


But when you use he and she, it becomes does for some reason.

但是當你使用 he and she 時,由于某種原因它變成了 does。

So he does, she does.


So when you're talking about something that's happening right now, something that is true right now, we use I do, you do, they do, and we do.


Or if you use he and she, it's he does and she does.

或者,如果您使用 he and she,則為 he does 和 she does。

The most common way to use do though in this tense, in the present tense is when we are saying that something is true or we're answering a question, where we want to tell someone something is true and we want to emphasize it.

do though 在這種時态,現在時态中最常見的用法是當我們說某事是真的或我們正在回答一個問題時,我們想告訴某人某事是真的,我們想強調它。

So you might hear people say something like this, "I do like bananas," or "He does work at that store."

是以你可能會聽到人們說這樣的話,“我确實喜歡香蕉” 或“他确實在那家商店工作” 。

These are usually responses to questions, where someone wants to emphasize that something is true.


"Do you like bananas?"


"I do like bananas."


"Does he work at that store?"


"He does work at that store."


You can even hear when I'm using the word do and the word does, I'm even emphasizing it a bit with how I say the word.

當我使用 do 和 does 這個詞時,你甚至可以聽到,我什至用我說這個詞的方式來強調它。

"I do like bananas."


"He does work at that store."


So this would be in response to questions like, "Do you like bananas?"


"Does he work at that store?"


And it's a way to emphasize that it is true.


Let's talk a little bit though about the negative with I, you, they, and we, it becomes do not or the contraction don't.


That's actually far more common.


So I do not or I don't.


You do not or you don't.


They do not or they don't.


Or we do not or we don't.


With he and she though, it becomes does not, or what's more common, the contraction doesn't.

但是對于他和她, 它變得沒有,或者更常見的是, 宮縮沒有。

He does not or he doesn't.


She does not or she doesn't.


So I don't, you don't, they don't, and we don't.


He doesn't and she doesn't.


And you've probably guessed it, we used the negative to talk about something that isn't true.


So if someone was to ask me this question, "Do you like bananas?"

是以如果有人問我這個問題,“你喜歡香蕉嗎? ”

I could say, "I don't like bananas."


"Does he like bananas?"


"He doesn't like bananas."


You could ask a question like this.


"Does she work at that store?"


"No, she doesn't work at that store."


So anytime you want to describe something that isn't true, you would use don't or you would use doesn't.

是以任何時候你想描述一些不真實的東西,你會使用 don't 或者你會使用 doesn't。

So let's talk a little bit about the past.


And this is way easier, by the way.


You just need to know the word did.


For some reason, the verb, to do, just has one form in the past.

出于某種原因,動詞 to do 在過去隻有一種形式。

I did, you did, they did, we did, he did, she did.


We use this when we talk about something in the past that is either no longer true or is finished.


It's not happening anymore.


So you can say things like this, "I did like bananas," but this does mean that now you probably don't like bananas.

是以你可以這樣說, “我确實喜歡香蕉”,但這确實意味着你現在可能不喜歡香蕉了。

So it's something that was true in the past that isn't true anymore.


You could also say things like this.


"He did buy a computer," meaning that he went out to a store and he used his money to buy a computer.

“他确實買了一台電腦”, 意思是他去了一家商店,用他的錢買了一台電腦。

He did buy a computer.


In some ways, we're using the word did to emphasize it, because you could just say, "He bought a computer."

在某些方面, 我們使用“确實” 這個詞來強調它,因為你可以直接說“他買了一台電腦” 。

But when you say, "He did buy a computer," we're emphasizing the meaning of the sentence a little bit.

但是當你說“他确實買了一台電腦”時, 我們是在稍微強調這句話的意思。

So I did like bananas means I no longer like them.


And he did buy a computer means he went out and he bought a computer.


When using the negative in the past, it's actually quite easy as well.


You simply use did not or the contraction didn't.


The contraction's actually far more common.


So you would say things like this.


I didn't, you didn't, they didn't, we didn't, he didn't, she didn't.


It's the same for all of them.


So you might hear people talk about things that are no longer true.


You might hear a sentence like this, "I didn't like bananas."

你可能會聽到這樣一句話,“我不喜歡香蕉。 ”

That means that now, they probably do like bananas, but at some point in the past, bananas weren't something that they enjoyed.

這意味着現在, 他們可能确實喜歡香蕉,但在過去的某個時候,香蕉并不是他們喜歡的東西。

Or you might hear someone talk about something that didn't occur or didn't happen.


Sorry, I'm kind of using didn't to talk about didn't, but I can't think of another way to describe it.

抱歉, 我有點用 didn't 來談論 didn't,但我想不出另一種方式來描述它。

So you might hear people say things like this, "He didn't buy the computer," or "They didn't go to the game."

是以你可能會聽到人們這樣說,“他沒有買電腦”或“他們沒有去看比賽” 。

So if you wanna talk about the past in the negative, all you need to know is did not, or actually the contraction didn't, which is far more common.


It's very common in English to start a question with do or does if you're asking about something in the present, or something current, or with the word did when asking about the past.

在英語中,如果你問的是現在的某事或目前的某事,或者問過去的時候用 did 開始一個問題是很常見的。

You'll hear questions like this.


"Do you like bananas?"


"Does he enjoy going to the movies?"


On Mondays at my work, it's very common to hear people ask this question.


"Did you have a good weekend?"


"Did you have an enjoyable weekend?"


So when you ask a question and it's about something that's current or something that's happening right now, you can start with do or does.

是以當你問一個關于目前或正在發生的事情的問題時,你可以從 do 或 does 開始。

And when you're asking about the past, you can start with did.

當你問起過去時,你可以從 did 開始。

And just for fun, there are examples I'm going to give you, where we use the verb, to do, twice in the same sentence.

隻是為了好玩, 我會給你一些例子,我們在同一個句子中兩次使用動詞 to do。

You could ask a question like this.


"Did you do your homework?"


You start with the word did, and you also use the word do.

你從 did 這個詞開始,你也用了 do 這個詞。

"Did you do your homework?"


And the response would be, "I did do my homework."


If you ask a question like this, "Do you do your homework during the day?"

如果你問這樣的問題,“你白天做作業嗎? ”

And if you wanted to emphasize your response, you could say, "I do do my homework during the day."

如果你想強調你的回答,你可以說,“我白天做作業。 ”

And you end up with the word do twice in the same sentence.

你最終會在同一個句子中使用“do twice”這個詞。

And that's totally correct.


"Do you do your homework during the day?"


"I do do my homework during the day.


It's the best time to do it.


It's better than at night when I'm really tired."


Anyways, thank you so much for watching this indoor lesson about the verb, to do.

不管怎樣,非常感謝你觀看這個關于動詞 to do 的室内課程。

I hope I helped you to better understand how to use it when forming questions, when making statements, and when using it in an English conversation.


Remember, if this is your first time here, don't forget to click that red subscribe button, give me a thumbs up, leave a comment if you want, and I just hope you have a really good week and some really good fun English learning in the days ahead. (upbeat music)

請記住,如果這是您第一次來這裡,請不要忘記點選那個紅色的訂閱按鈕,給我一個大拇指,如果您願意,請發表評論,我隻希望您度過了愉快的一周并學習一些非常有趣的英語在未來的日子裡學習。 (歡快的音樂)
