



CNET記者Jackson Ryan上個月發表了一篇文章,描述了ChatGPT這種可以生成人類聲音文本的人工智能将如何影響記者和新聞行業:“ChatGPT是一種令人驚歎的人工智能,但人類的工作(暫時)是安全的。”


這篇文章說,人工智能還沒有取代記者的工作,但據Futurism和線上營銷人員Gael Breton稱,刊載Ryan文章的出版物自11月以來一直在悄悄地發表人工智能撰寫的文章。人工智能撰寫的CNET文章帶有CNET Money Staff的署名,在該網站上被辨別為“以該作者署名釋出的人工智能内容使用自動化技術生成”。


CNET Money Staff撰寫的第一篇文章于11月11日發表,标題為“什麼是信用卡沖銷?”從那以後,該新聞網站發表了73篇人工智能生成的文章,但該網站在其網站上表示,一個編輯團隊參與了内容“從構思到發表”。確定我們釋出的資訊和我們提出的建議準确、可信、對您有幫助,是我們所做工作的明确責任。”







CNET reporter Jackson Ryan published an article last month describing how ChatGPT, an AI that can generate human-sounding text, would affect journalists and the news industry: “ChatGPT Is a Stunning AI, but Human Jobs Are Safe (for Now).”

“It definitely can’t do the job of a journalist,” Ryan wrote of ChatGPT. “To say so diminishes the act of journalism itself.”

The article said AI isn’t coming for journalists’ jobs just yet, but the very publication that ran Ryan’s article has been quietly publishing articles written by AI since November, according to Futurism and online marketer Gael Breton. The AI-written CNET articles bear the byline CNET Money Staff which is identified on the outlet’s website as “AI Content published under this author byline is generated using automation technology.”

CNET did not immediately respond to Gizmodo’s request for comment.

The first article written by CNET Money Staff was published on November 11 with the headline, “What is a credit card charge-off?” Since then, the news site has published 73 AI-generated articles, but the outlet says on its website that a team of editors is involved in the content “from ideation to publication. Ensuring that the information we publish and the recommendations we make are accurate, credible, and helpful to you is a defining responsibility for what we do.”

The outlet says they will continue to publish each article with “editorial integrity” and says, “Accuracy, independence, and authority remain key principles of our editorial guidelines.”

The most recent versions of consumer-facing artificial intelligence have taken the tech community by storm with their ability to write passable essays, articles, and computer code in seconds, though the quality varies, and ChatGPT has been banned from several high-profile forums. CNET is not the first news outlet to utilize AI technology, as the Associated Press has boasted of being “one of the first news organizations to leverage artificial intelligence,” since 2015, according to its website. “Today, we use machine learning along key points in our value chain, including gathering, producing, and distributing the news,” the site reads. It’s not clear whether the AP uses AI to write the stories themselves.

Other major news outlets have incorporated AI technology into their work,with the Washington Post announcing it was using AI to provide live updates for the 2020 Presidential election on its podcasts. The goal, the outlet said, was to keep listeners up-to-date during the steady stream of election-based news that would be coming out.

The question of whether AI is supplanting jobs is yet to be answered. Ryan wrote that ChatGPT’s inability to understand or read emotion makes it useless in the context of journalism. ChatGPT, he says, doesn’t have the ability to describe the feelings seen on a player’s face when they win the World Cup, or talk to Ukrainians about how the Russian Invasion has changed their lives, and would definitely have “no hope of covering Musk’s takeover of Twitter.”

Although CNET is now using an AI-generated tool to write its explainers, as Ryan puts it, “it’s no arbiter of truth, and it just can’t read the room.”

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