





今天小編為大家帶來文章:83研讀分享論文5-4:精讀博士論文-《不确定性分析視角下大資料資訊服務定價研究》研究方法與路線 。


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Today's small series for you to bring the article:83 Reading and sharing papers 5-4: Intensive doctoral thesis - "Research on the pricing of big data information services from the perspective of uncertainty analysis" research method and route .

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Read and analyze the writing of the research content, method and route design in the doctoral dissertation "Research on Big Data Information Service Pricing from the Perspective of Uncertainty Analysis".

正文 body part:


In terms of research content, the author constructs the five-layer structure of the paper based on the problem (Figures 1, 2, and 3). The first layer: the introduction chapter is the chapter that asks the question, explaining the research background, meaning, purpose, etc. The second layer: The second chapter, the literature review, is a chapter of analyzing problems. First, it analyzes the anatomical problems from an academic perspective, and then discusses the definition, characteristics, factors affecting pricing (chapter 3), and value transmission models of big data information services. In addition, it analyzes the reasons why traditional pricing methods are incompetent, and proposes new pricing methods. Level 3: Chapters 4, 5, and 6 demonstrate how to solve the problem. It solves the problem of dealing with the uncertainty of the big data information source, the problem of eliminating the uncertainty of the service quality effect between the two parties of the big data information service transaction, and the compensation problem of the original data source. The fourth layer: The seventh chapter is an empirical study, which mainly discusses the practicability of the pricing method based on bp neural network proposed in the fifth chapter in the mature stage of big data information service. The results of the study verified the effectiveness of the method. Level 5: Chapter 8 summarizes this research.


圖1 Figure 1


圖2 Figure 2


圖3 Figure 3


The research method (Figure 4) generally adopts the literature research method (Chapter 2), the questionnaire survey method (Chapter 4), the model construction and simulation (Chapters 4, 5, and 6), and the empirical research method (Chapter 7). In the model construction and simulation method, the AHP, Delphi method, Monte Carlo simulation method and bp neural network method are included.


圖4 Figure 4


In terms of research route design (Figure 5), the author also made a diagram. Comparing the graph of the research content, it can be seen that the research route is more specific and more operable. The research content will be described in the order of each chapter, and the research route is more like a manual for doing research. Furthermore, research roadmaps are biased towards tree diagrams and flowcharts, while research content is a block diagram. The author divides the pricing problem of big data information service into data type and scheme type, and designs research ideas respectively. For data-based pricing, the uncertainty comes from the attributes of the data set, and experts are used to score; for program-based pricing, the uncertainty comes from the transaction process and transaction rules. Aiming at the uncertainty of the transaction process, a result-oriented pricing method is designed, and a contract management mechanism is also designed. Aiming at the uncertainty of transaction rules, the bp neural network is used to train the pricing reference system.


圖5 Figure 5


Further, the authors summarize the innovative points of the study (Figure 6). The innovation of the fourth chapter is that when designing the data-based big data information service pricing system, expert scoring, analytic hierarchy process and Monte Carlo simulation method are used in combination, relying on expert experience to design attribute weights to reduce arbitrariness and avoid the uncertainty of too few experts sex. The fifth chapter proposes the result-oriented method of solution-based big data information service pricing, and innovatively proposes smart contracts to improve the traceability and non-repudiation of the transaction process and post-transaction. The sixth chapter adopts blockchain and digital summarization technology to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the original data providers of big data. The seventh chapter uses the bp neural network method to conduct a large number of training on the actual data, and obtains the relationship between the pricing of the big data information service and the influencing factors, and innovates in the research method.


圖6 Figure 6







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郭春芳. 不确定性分析視角下大資料資訊服務定價研究[D]. 北京交通大學, 2019.


