
英語學習 說文解字 帶有“-uddle”的單詞


buddle英 [ˈbʌd(ə)l] 美 [ˈbʌdl]

v. 用洗礦槽洗

n. 洗礦槽,淘汰盤

[ 複數 buddles 第三人稱單數 buddles 現在分詞 buddling 過去式 buddled 過去分詞 buddled ]



buddle jig 動篩跳汰機

Edson Buddle 巴德勒

buddle frame 固定淘汰盤

sperry buddle 淘汰盤 ; 圓形精選台

buddle-work machine 淘選機

Edson Michael Buddle 巴德勒

buddle sort 冒泡排序

buddle-work [礦業] 淘汰盤選礦

tin buddle 錫淘洗盤


buddle /ˈbʌdəl/

1. N a sloping trough in which ore is washed 洗礦槽

2. V to wash (ore) in a buddle 用洗礦槽洗


n. 洗礦槽,[礦業]淘汰盤shaking table


Under the buddle tottered the old woman, her face as white as a linen sheet.


One evening, while mother was sitting near the lamp mending a shirt, the door opened and a small puff of steam, followed by a huge buddle, entered.


huddle英 [ˈhʌd(ə)l] 美 [ˈhʌdl]

v. 蜷縮,依偎;(私下)開會,(暗中)碰頭;(美式足球隊員)靠攏(聽取訓示);草率做成

n. (尤指雜亂地)擠在一起的人(或物品、建築);私下商議,秘密碰頭;(美式足球)聚攏聽取訓示的一群隊員;<舊>混亂,雜亂

【名】 (Huddle)(美、英、加)赫德爾(人名)

[ 複數 huddles 第三人稱單數 huddles 現在分詞 huddling 過去式 huddled 過去分詞 huddled ]

huddle up 縮成一團 ; 蜷縮

huddle together 擠作一團 ; 攢聚 ; 草草地拼湊

huddle round 在…周圍縮成一團

huddle on 胡亂地穿 ; 匆匆穿上

trading huddle 秘密交易會議

technique huddle 技術障礙

no-huddle offense 無聚商進攻 ; 無聚首進攻

huddle /ˈhʌdəl/ CET6 TEM8 ( huddling, huddled, huddles )

1. V-I If you huddle somewhere, you sit, stand, or lie there holding your arms and legs close to your body, usually because you are cold or frightened. (由于寒冷或害怕而) 蜷縮

例:Mr. Pell huddled in a corner with his notebook on his knees.


2. V-I If people huddle together or huddle around something, they stand, sit, or lie close to each other, usually because they all feel cold or frightened. (由于寒冷或害怕) 擠成一團

例:Tired and lost, we huddled together.


3. V-RECIP If people huddle in a group, they gather together to discuss something quietly or secretly. (悄悄地或秘密地) 湊在一起商讨

例:Off to one side, Sticht, Macomber, Jordan, and Kreps huddled to discuss something.


例:The president has been huddling with his most senior aides.


4. N-COUNT A huddle is a small group of people or things that are standing very close together or lying on top of each other, usually in a disorganized way. 擠在一起的一群人或東西

例:We lay there: a huddle of bodies, gasping for air.


vi. 蜷縮;擠作一團gather up , cower

n. 擁擠;混亂;雜亂一團chaos , disorder , confusion , congestion , involvement

The track led them to a huddle of outbuildings.



We lay there: a huddle of bodies, gasping for air.


Between plays the coach was talking to the offence in the huddle.


cuddle英 [ˈkʌd(ə)l] 美 [ˈkʌdl]

v. 摟抱,擁抱;緊靠…而坐(或躺),依偎;<非正式>取悅,讨好(cuddle up to)

n. 摟抱,擁抱

[ 複數 cuddles 第三人稱單數 cuddles 現在分詞 cuddling 過去式 cuddled 過去分詞 cuddled ]

Cuddle Swing 飛天小怪

cuddle up 蜷縮着睡

cuddle together 緊貼着身子睡

Give me a cuddle 抱抱

cuddle chemical 抱抱化學物質

Cuddle-Crafts 上城暖愛

Cuddle Up With Your Cold 依偎感冒

Cuddle With Your Pets 跟寵物膩在一起

cuddle /ˈkʌdəl/ TEM8 ( cuddling, cuddled, cuddles )

1. V-T If you cuddle someone, you put your arms around them and hold them close as a way of showing your affection. 摟抱; 擁抱; 懷抱

例:He cuddled the newborn girl.


2. N-COUNT Cuddle is also a noun. 擁抱

例:It would have been nice to give him a cuddle and a kiss but there wasn't time.




It would have been nice to give him a cuddle and a kiss but there wasn't time.

"We have 'cuddle lifeguards' to make sure everyone sticks to the rules," says party host Reid Mihalko.

“我們有'擁抱警衛'來確定每個人都遵守規定。” 派對主持人裡德·米哈爾科說。

As it happens, there is one place where there may be such evidence: Cuddle Springs in New South Wales.


fuddle英 [ˈfʌdəl] 美 [ˈfʌdəl]

vt. 灌醉;使混亂

n. 混亂;酗酒

vi. 酗酒

[ 第三人稱單數 fuddles 現在分詞 fuddling 過去式 fuddled 過去分詞 fuddled ]

fuddle one's nose 大醉 ; 酩酊大醉 ; 翻譯

fuddle one''s cap 大醉 ; 爛醉陶醉

fuddle oneself 昏迷

fuddle away 醉中度日

be on the fuddle 大醉

fuddle /ˈfʌdəl/ TEM8

1. V to cause to be confused or intoxicated 使迷糊; 使爛醉

2. N a muddled or confused state 糊塗或迷亂的狀态


vt. 灌醉;使混亂cloud , confuse

n. 混亂;酗酒disorder , chaos , confusion , turmoil , involvement

vi. 酗酒hit the bottle , lift one's elbow


If a person lacks a beacon light - ideal, his life will be fuddle.


The fuddle spent together with you the rest of the spring, the hottest, I where to go.


The depression comes cannot from already when, I am met oneself burst into tears after fuddle.


guddle英 [ˈɡʌdəl] 美 [ˈɡʌdl]


guddle /ˈɡʌdəl/

[SCOTTISH]1. V to catch (fish) by groping with the hands under the banks or stones of a stream 在小河岸或石頭下摸(魚)

2. N a muddle; confusion 糊塗; 混亂

muddle英 [ˈmʌdl] 美 [ˈmʌdl]

v. 把……弄亂,把……混在一起;混淆,分不清;使困惑;懵懵懂懂地白忙;<美>調制(飲料),調(酒);使糊塗,使迷惑

n. 糊塗,茫然;(局面)一團糟,混亂;亂七八糟

[ 複數 muddles 第三人稱單數 muddles 現在分詞 muddling 過去式 muddled 過去分詞 muddled ]

drift along muddle along 得過且過 ; 苟且偷生 ; 患上過且過

muddle-headed 糊塗 ; 愚昧 ; 令人不解

muddle through 蒙混過關 ; 得過且過 ; 混日子

muddle along 混日子 ; 苟且偷生 ; 混事

Muddle Earth 糊塗星球 ; 魔法鎮

Muddle the Mixture 弄混配方 ; 混配方

Muddle Doodle 糊塗塗鴉 ; 糊塗的塗鴉

muddle on 翻譯

muddle up 混淆 ; 使渾濁

muddle /ˈmʌdəl/ TEM8 ( muddling, muddled, muddles )

1. N-VAR If people or things are in a muddle, they are in a state of confusion or disorder. 混亂

例:My thoughts are all in a muddle.


例:We are going to get into a hopeless muddle.


2. V-T If you muddle things or people, you get them mixed up, so that you do not know which is which. 混淆

例:Already, one or two critics have begun to muddle the two names.


3. PHRASAL VERB Muddle up means the same as . 混淆

例:The question muddles up three separate issues.


4. muddled up ADJ 弄亂了的

例:I know that I am getting my words muddled up.


muddle through 終于應付過去;混過去

muddle along 得過且過,混日子

My papers are all in a muddle.


My thoughts are all in a muddle.

He got himself into a frightful muddle.


puddle英 [ˈpʌdl] 美 [ˈpʌdl]

n. (尤指雨水積成的)水坑,泥潭;膠土(用黏土、沙和水而成,用來助堤壩防水);(劃槳激起的)漩渦

vt. (尤指雨水)弄濕;(液體)形成水潭;<古>(在泥潭、淺水灘)打滾;<非正式>瞎忙(puddle about/around);用膠土填(洞);把(黏土和沙)搗成膠土;處理(混合的水和黏土)将金(或蛋白石)分離;攪煉(熔化的鐵水)

[ 複數 puddles 第三人稱單數 puddles 現在分詞 puddling 過去式 puddled 過去分詞 puddled ]

puddle welding [機] 熔焊 ; 堆焊

Puddle Effect 水溝效應 ; 水池效應

clay puddle 粘土膏 ; 黏土混合漿 ; 膠泥黏土 ; 黏土混合

Puddle Of Mudd 爛泥巴合唱團 ; 表演者 ; 肮髒的污水坑

weld puddle 熔池

welding puddle 燒焊熔池

puddle /ˈpʌdəl/ CET6+

1. N-COUNT A puddle is a small, shallow pool of liquid that has spread on the ground. 水坑

例:The road was shiny with puddles, but the rain was at an end.


n. 水坑,泥潭;[建]膠土(由粘土與水和成,不透水)sump

vt. 使泥濘,攪渾;把…搗制成膠土;攪煉;用膠土填塞rile

Careful you don't tread in that puddle.


The puddle evaporated rapidly in the sun.


Nineveh is like a puddle, and the water inside it is becoming less and less.


《訊馳外語》版權所有。可樂老師 編輯。參考《有道詞典》,如有侵權請通知。



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