
English Learning Speaking Words with "-uddle" words

author:Xunchi foreign language xinchi

buddle英 [ˈbʌd(ə)l] 美 [ˈbʌdl]

v. Wash with a washing tank

n. Wash the trough and phase out the plate

[ Plural buddles Third person singular buddles now participle buddling past tense buddled past participle buddled ]

Wash it with a washing tank


Buddle jig dynamic sieve jig jig

Edson Buddle Badler

Buddle frame fixed elimination

sperry buddle elimination disc ; Round selection table

Buddle-work machine picker

Edson Michael Buddle Badler

Buddle sort bubbling sort

Buddle-work [mining] phase-out plate beneficiation

Tin buddle tin wash dish

Collins English-Chinese Dictionary

buddle /ˈbʌdəl/

1. N a sloping trough in which ore is washed 洗矿槽

2. V to wash (ore) in a buddle 用洗矿槽洗


n. Wash the trough, [mining] phase out the shaking table

Bilingual example sentence authoritative example sentence

Under the buddle tottered the old woman, her face as white as a linen sheet.

Underneath the baggage was the old woman who was stumbling, her face as pale as a linen sheet.

One evening, while mother was sitting near the lamp mending a shirt, the door opened and a small puff of steam, followed by a huge buddle, entered.

One night, my mother was sitting under the lamp patching up a shirt when the door opened, drifting into a small mist, followed by a huge bag.

huddle英 [ˈhʌd(ə)l] 美 [ˈhʌdl]

v. Curl up, snuggle; (privately) meet, (secretly) meet; (American soccer players) lean closer (listen to instructions); sloppy

n. (especially cluttered) people (or objects, buildings); private deliberations, secret meetings; (American football) gathering a group of players to listen to instructions; <旧>chaos, chaos

【Name】 (Huddle) (American, British, Canadian) Huddell (personal name)

[ Plural huddles Third person singular huddles now participle huddling Past tense huddled Past participle huddled ]

huddle up shrunk into a ball; Curled up

huddle together ; Gathering ; Hastily patchwork

huddle round in... The surroundings are shrunken into a clump

huddle on wearing haphazardly; Hurry up and put it on

Trading huddle secret trading meetings

Technique huddle technical obstacles

no-huddle offense no-gatherer offense; No gathering to attack

huddle /ˈhʌdəl/ CET6 TEM8 ( huddling, huddled, huddles )

1. V-I If you huddle somewhere, you sit, stand, or lie there holding your arms and legs close to your body, usually because you are cold or frightened. (由于寒冷或害怕而) 蜷缩

例:Mr. Pell huddled in a corner with his notebook on his knees.

Mr. Pelle curled up in a corner, his notebook on his knees.

2. V-I If people huddle together or huddle around something, they stand, sit, or lie close to each other, usually because they all feel cold or frightened. (由于寒冷或害怕) 挤成一团

例:Tired and lost, we huddled together.

Tired and lost, we huddled together.

3. V-RECIP If people huddle in a group, they gather together to discuss something quietly or secretly. (Quietly or secretly) get together to discuss

例:Off to one side, Sticht, Macomber, Jordan, and Kreps huddled to discuss something.

Stechter, McComber, Jordan, and Krepps stepped aside and discussed things privately.

例:The president has been huddling with his most senior aides.

The president has been secretly gathering with his top aides for talks.

4. N-COUNT A huddle is a small group of people or things that are standing very close together or lying on top of each other, usually in a disorganized way. 挤在一起的一群人或东西

例:We lay there: a huddle of bodies, gasping for air.

We lay there: huddled together, gasping for air.

Curled up; crowded into a gather up, cower

Crowding; chaos; clutter, disorder, confusion, congestion, involvement

The track led them to a huddle of outbuildings.

The path led them to a cluttered and crowded outbuilding complex.

Oxford Dictionary

We lay there: a huddle of bodies, gasping for air.

Collins English-Chinese Dictionary

Between plays the coach was talking to the offence in the huddle.

During recess, the coach speaks to the surrounding attacking team members.

cuddle英 [ˈkʌd(ə)l] 美 [ˈkʌdl]

v. Cuddle, hug; next to... And sit (or lie), snuggle<非正式>; cuddle up to

n. Cuddle, cuddle

[ Plural cuddles Third person singular cuddles present participle cuddling past tense cuddled past participle cuddled ]

Cuddle Swing Flying Mob

Cuddle up curled up to sleep

Cuddle together slept close to the body

Give me a cuddle 抱抱

Cuddle chemical hug chemicals

Cuddle-Crafts uptown warmth

Cuddle Up With Your Cold snuggles up for a cold

Cuddle With Your Pets is a pet

cuddle /ˈkʌdəl/ TEM8 ( cuddling, cuddled, cuddles )

1. V-T If you cuddle someone, you put your arms around them and hold them close as a way of showing your affection. 搂抱; 拥抱; 怀抱

例:He cuddled the newborn girl.

He holds the newborn baby girl in his arms.

2. N-COUNT Cuddle is also a noun. 拥抱

例:It would have been nice to give him a cuddle and a kiss but there wasn't time.

It would have been nice to hug him and kiss him, but unfortunately the time was too late.

Phrases are synonymous with synonyms and root words

Bilingual example sentencesExemberical example sentencesIndicate example sentences

It would have been nice to give him a cuddle and a kiss but there wasn't time.

"We have 'cuddle lifeguards' to make sure everyone sticks to the rules," says party host Reid Mihalko.

"We have 'hug guards' to make sure everyone is following the rules." Party host Reed Michalko said.

As it happens, there is one place where there may be such evidence: Cuddle Springs in New South Wales.

As it happens, there is one place where there may be such evidence: Embrace Springs in New South Wales.

fuddle英 [ˈfʌdəl] 美 [ˈfʌdəl]

vt. Drunk; make chaos

n. Chaos; alcoholism

vi. Alcoholism

[ Third Person Singular Fuddles Now Participle Fuddling Past Tense Fuddled Past Participle Fuddled ]

fuddle one's nose drunk ; Drunkenness ; Translation

fuddle one's cap drunk ; Intoxicated

Fuddle oneself was unconscious

Fuddle away drunk

be on the fuddle 大醉

fuddle /ˈfʌdəl/ TEM8

1. V to cause to be confused or intoxicated 使迷糊; 使烂醉

2. N a muddled or confused state Confused or confused state

Synonyms synonyms synonyms synonymous with root words

vt. Drunk; make confusion cloud, confuse

n. 混乱;酗酒disorder , chaos , confusion , turmoil , involvement

vi. 酗酒hit the bottle , lift one's elbow

Bilingual example sentences

If a person lacks a beacon light - ideal, his life will be fuddle.

If a person lacks a guiding light, the ideal, he will be drunk and dreaming of death.

The fuddle spent together with you the rest of the spring, the hottest, I where to go.

I spent the spring with you in a daze, and when it was the hottest time left, where should I go.

The depression comes cannot from already when, I am met oneself burst into tears after fuddle.

When I was so depressed that I couldn't help myself, I would get myself drunk and cry.

guddle英 [ˈɡʌdəl] 美 [ˈɡʌdl]

Touch the fish in the cracks in the stones

guddle /ˈɡʌdəl/

[SCOTTISH] 1. V to catch (fish) by groping with the hands under the banks or stones of a stream 在小河岸或石头下摸(鱼)

2. N a muddle; confusion confusion; confusion

muddleIng [ˈmʌdl] 美 [ˈmʌdl]

v. Put... Mess up, put... Mixed together; confused, indistinguishable; confused; confused; confused and confused; <美>concocted (drink), mixed (wine); confused, confused

n. Confused, dazed; (the situation) is a mess, a mess; a mess

[ Plural muddles Third person singular muddles now participle muddling past tense muddled past word muddled ]

drift along muddle along and get by; Seclusion and stealing life; Suffered from it and passed

muddle-headed confused ; Ignorance ; Confusing

muddle through confusion ; Get by and get by; dawdle

muddle along mixed days ; Seclusion and stealing life; Mixed-up

Muddle Earth Confused Planet ; Magic Town

Muddle the Mixture mixing recipe ; Mix recipes

Muddle Doodle Confused Graffiti ; Confused graffiti

Muddle on translation

muddle up confusion ; Make it cloudy

muddle /ˈmʌdəl/ TEM8 ( muddling, muddled, muddles )

1. N-VAR If people or things are in a muddle, they are in a state of confusion or disorder. 混乱

例:My thoughts are all in a muddle.

My mind was a mess.

例:We are going to get into a hopeless muddle.

We will fall into desperate chaos.

2. V-T If you muddle things or people, you get them mixed up, so that you do not know which is which. 混淆

例:Already, one or two critics have begun to muddle the two names.

One or two critics have already started to confuse the two names.

3. PHRASAL VERB Muddle up means the same as . 混淆

例:The question muddles up three separate issues.

The question confuses 3 unrelated things.

4. Muddled up ADJ messed up

例:I know that I am getting my words muddled up.

I know I'm incoherent now.

Muddle through finally coping with the past; mixing the past

Muddle along to get by and live, mixed days

My papers are all in a muddle.

My files are messy.

My thoughts are all in a muddle.

He got himself into a frightful muddle.

He himself was in extreme chaos.

puddle英 [ˈpʌdl] 美 [ˈpʌdl]

n. (especially rainwater accumulation) puddles, mud puddles, clay (made of clay, sand and water to help waterproof the dike) ;( paddle stirred) whirlpools

vt. Wetting (especially rainwater); (liquid) forming waterholes; <古>rolling (in mud <非正式>puddles, shallow flats); puddle about/around; filling (holes) with clay; mashing (clay and sand) into rubber; treating (mixed water and clay) to separate gold (or opal); churning (molten iron)

[ Plural puddles Third person singular puddles now participle puddling Past puddled Past participle puddled ]

puddle welding [machine] fusion welding ; Surfacing

Puddle Effect; Pool effect

clay puddle clay paste ; Clay mixed slurry ; Clay with glue ; Clay mixing

Puddle Of Mudd Mud Choir ; Performers ; Dirty sinkholes

weld puddle molten pool

welding puddle soldering molten pool

puddle /ˈpʌdəl/ CET6+

1. N-COUNT A puddle is a small, shallow pool of liquid that has spread on the ground. 水坑

例:The road was shiny with puddles, but the rain was at an end.

The road was full of dangling puddles, but the rain had stopped.

n. Puddles, mud puddles; [build] rubber soil (made of clay and water, impermeable) sump

vt. Make mud, muddy; put ... Mashed into rubber; refined; filled with rubber

Careful you don't tread in that puddle.

Be careful, don't step on that puddle.

The puddle evaporated rapidly in the sun.

Puddles evaporate rapidly in the sun.

Nineveh is like a puddle, and the water inside it is becoming less and less.

Nineveh is like a puddle with less and less water in it.

Copyright Xunchi Foreign Languages. Coke Teacher Editing. Refer to the Youdao Dictionary, if there is any infringement, please notify.

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