
Qiushi Journal | Excerpt: 群衆路線:黨的生命線和根本工作路線


(Excerpts from Remaining of One Heart with the People by Tongxin, Qiushi Journal, No. 04, 2021)


The mass line: the life of the Party and the fundamental guide to its work


The mass line is the lifeline of the CPC and the fundamental guide to its work. It is a cherished treasure that enables the Party to retain its youthful vigor and fighting strength. Xi Jinping has said, “How can we maintain the Party’s progressive nature and its integrity, and consolidate its governing role and status? The key is to keep to the Party’s mass line and maintain close ties with the people.” The Party’s century-long history has been a history of always preserving the closest of ties with the people, and constantly relying on the people to achieve victory. On its 100-year journey, the CPC has established a fine tradition and style of work defined by the phrase “from the masses, to the masses.” The mass line is the living soul and one of the fundamental aspects of Mao Zedong Thought.

