
iOS Foundation 架構概述文檔:常量、資料類型、架構、函數、釋出聲明

iOS Foundation 架構概述文檔:常量、資料類型、架構、函數、釋出聲明

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Foundation 架構概述文檔:常量、資料類型、架構、函數、釋出聲明





Content Update

Minor Change

<a target="_blank" href="https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/releasenotes/Foundation/RN-Foundation-iOS/Foundation_iOS5.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011691">Foundation Release Notes for iOS</a>

First Version

<a target="_blank" href="https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/releasenotes/Foundation/RN-Foundation/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000742">Foundation Release Notes for OS X v10.9</a>


Defines a value that indicates that an item requested couldn’t be found or doesn’t exist.


Options for Block enumeration operations.


These constants are used to indicate how items in a request are ordered.


Options for Block sorting operations.

代表 <code>NSInteger</code> 和 <code>NSUInteger 的最大值和最小值的常量。</code>

Constants representing the maximum and minimum values of <code>NSInteger</code> and <code>NSUInteger</code>.

用于描述一個整型。(這個不是一個類,而是一個宏定義,是 C 長整型的别名)

Used to describe an integer.

用于描述一個無符号整型。(這個也不是一個類,而是一個宏定義,是 C 無符号長整型的别名)

Used to describe an unsigned integer.

用于指定一個時間間隔,機關 秒。

Used to specify a time interval, in seconds.


<code>NSTimeInterval</code> is always specified in seconds;

it yields sub-millisecond precision over a range of 10,000 years.

用于處理異常處理域之外的異常。也即系統無法捕獲的異常,配合 XCode 做異常跟蹤很有用處。

Used for the function handling exceptions outside of an exception-handling domain.

Changes the top-level error handler.

在應用适當初始化位置為系統設定該回調函數指針,AppDelegate 完成啟動方法中比較适合:


Type representing string-encoding values.

以下常量由 <code>NSString</code> 提供,作用可用的字元串編碼。

The following constants are provided by <code>NSString</code> as possible string encodings.


但是,你會發現沒有 GB2312、GBK 等編碼,這個可以通過核心基礎架構來解決,在基礎架構中并未提供相應的編碼。

Returns the Cocoa encoding constant that maps most closely to a given Core Foundation encoding constant.

Returns the Core Foundation encoding constant that is the closest mapping to a given Cocoa encoding.

An integer type for constants used to specify supported string encodings in various CFString functions.

<code>CFStringEncoding 常量用于可能被 CFString 支援的編碼。 CFStringEncoding</code> constants for encodings that may be supported by CFString.


和 JSON 解析、撤銷與重做、定時器類、線程同步類、線程安全類、線程通訊類、網絡類、檔案

之 偏好設定即使用者預設設定類、檔案 之 應用包及沙盒管理類、檔案 之 歸檔與串行化類、檔案 之 流類、藍牙點對點通訊類、其它用得不多的少許類。

For additional information about Assertions, see Assertions and Logging Programming Guide.

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decimal arithmetic.

Whether there’s an uncaught exception handler function, any uncaught exceptions cause the program to terminate, unless the exception is raised during the posting of a notification.

Zones are ignored on iOS and 64-bit runtime on OS X. You should not use zones in current development.
