
Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Broccoli is a treasure that can prevent heart attacks!"

Before the words fell, Uncle Zhang walked into the house with a large bag of broccoli. He is an ordinary retired worker, and his greatest joy every day is to shop for discounts in the supermarket. On this day, it happened to coincide with the supermarket's broccoli promotion, and he didn't hesitate to buy a lot of them back. "Why do you buy so much broccoli?" Uncle Zhang's wife, Aunt Li, was a little puzzled.

Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

"Oh, didn't I hear from my neighbor Aunt Liu that broccoli is an 'inhibitor' of heart attack? It never hurts to eat more. "Really? Then I'll buy more in the future. Aunt Li nodded, thinking it was a good idea. Early the next morning, Uncle Zhang went to the hospital and wanted to ask the doctor if this statement was reliable.

Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

"Dr. Wang, I heard that broccoli can prevent heart attacks, is it true?" Dr. Wong is an experienced physician at the hospital. He listened to Uncle Zhang's words, smiled, and said: "Broccoli is indeed a good thing, but whether it is a 'myocardial infarction inhibitor' or not, we have to talk about it from a scientific point of view." ”

Dr. Wang brought Uncle Zhang into the consultation room and explained carefully: "Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, dietary fiber, and a substance called isothiocyanate. These ingredients have certain benefits for our cardiovascular health. ”

Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

"Really? So if I eat more broccoli in the future, won't I be able to prevent heart attack? Uncle Zhang asked happily. Uncle Zhang, it's not that simple. Dr. Wang smiled and shook his head, "Preventing a heart attack is not just a matter of eating one vegetable. Broccoli does help with cardiovascular health, but it takes a lot of effort to prevent heart attack in general. ”

Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

"So what do I do?" Uncle Zhang was a little confused. Dr. Wang nodded and continued, "First of all, the isothiocyanates in broccoli can indeed help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. This is a beneficial plant compound that can help reduce inflammation in the body and prevent endothelial damage in blood vessels. ”

Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

"It's amazing!" Uncle Zhang listened attentively. "That's right, those who consume more isothiocyanates have a significantly lower incidence of cardiovascular disease." "Am I just going to eat broccoli?" Uncle Zhang asked again.

"Of course not." Dr. Wang patiently explained, "In addition to broccoli, there are several other vegetables that are also good for preventing heart attacks. For example, spinach is rich in folate, which lowers homocysteine levels and reduces the risk of heart attack. Carrots contain a high amount of β-carotene, which helps keep blood vessels healthy. ”

Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

"I understand, then I'll eat more of these vegetables in the future." "Yes, diet is only part of the equation, and lifestyle is also important. For example, maintaining a moderate amount of exercise, controlling weight, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are all important measures to prevent heart attack. Dr. Wang said.

Uncle Zhang nodded, feeling that he had benefited a lot. He suddenly remembered a question: "Doctor Wang, if I have high blood pressure, can I still eat these vegetables?" ”

Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

Dr. Wang smiled, "Of course. In fact, vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and carrots are also very beneficial for people with high blood pressure. They are able to provide a wealth of nutrients and help lower blood pressure. ”

However, how to eat it still needs to be adjusted according to your specific situation. I recommend that you come to the hospital regularly for check-ups, and we will give you the most suitable diet according to your physical condition. ”

Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

After hearing this, Uncle Zhang nodded gratefully, feeling that he had learned a lot today. After returning home, he shared this knowledge with Aunt Li, and the two decided to pay more attention to a healthy diet in the future, in order to prevent heart attack and other diseases, eat more vegetables and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

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Is broccoli an "inhibitor" of heart attack? If the elderly want to keep the heart attack away from you, you can eat more of these vegetables

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