
Stir-fried broccoli is a home-cooked dish with good color and flavor, fresh and tender taste, and rich in nutrition

author:Brother Kui talks about eating, drinking, and playing

Stir-fried broccoli is a home-cooked dish that is loved for its tender taste and unique nutritional value. Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and a variety of minerals, which have a good effect on boosting immunity, promoting digestion, and lowering cholesterol. Let's learn how to make a delicious stir-fried broccoli dish!

Stir-fried broccoli is a home-cooked dish with good color and flavor, fresh and tender taste, and rich in nutrition

First, we need to prepare fresh broccoli. When buying broccoli, you should choose broccoli with bright green colors and firm buds without wormholes. Wash the broccoli, cut into florets and set aside. In the meantime, prepare an appropriate amount of minced garlic, ginger and dried chili peppers, which will add a rich flavor to the sautéed broccoli.

Next, we start the cooking process. First, heat the pan and pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil. When the oil temperature is 60% hot, add minced garlic, minced ginger and dried chili peppers, and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant. In this process, pay attention to the heat and avoid stir-frying paste, which will affect the taste of the dish.

Stir-fried broccoli is a home-cooked dish with good color and flavor, fresh and tender taste, and rich in nutrition

Next, pour the chopped broccoli into the pan and stir-fry quickly over high heat. When stir-frying, add a little water to maintain the fresh and tender taste of broccoli. At the same time, according to personal taste, salt, chicken essence and other seasonings can be added in an appropriate amount for seasoning. In the process of stir-frying, it is necessary to pay attention to the control of the heat, not only to ensure that the broccoli is ripe thoroughly, but also to avoid frying too old and affecting the taste.

When the broccoli is fried until it is broken, turn off the heat and remove from the pan. At this point, the sautéed broccoli has taken on a green color and exudes an attractive aroma. Serve the sautéed broccoli on a plate and you're ready to enjoy this delicious dish.

When tasting the stir-fried broccoli, we can feel its tender taste and unique aroma. The sweetness of broccoli and the spice of the spice blend together, making the whole dish both delicious and nutritious. Whether it's a home-cooked dish or a treat to entertain guests, sautéed broccoli can make a lasting impression.

Stir-fried broccoli is a home-cooked dish with good color and flavor, fresh and tender taste, and rich in nutrition

In addition to stir-fried broccoli, we can also try other cooking methods, such as garlic broccoli, cold broccoli, etc., to meet the needs of different tastes. In addition, broccoli can also be cooked with other ingredients, such as stir-fried shrimp with broccoli and stewed tofu with broccoli, making the dish more varied.

In conclusion, stir-fried broccoli is an easy-to-learn home-cooked dish that can be easily made with just the right cooking skills and heat. While enjoying the food, we can also consume rich nutrients to protect the health of the body. Let's try our hand at making this delicious stir-fried broccoli!

In the process of making stir-fried broccoli, we can also add some creative elements to make the dish more distinctive. For example, one can try using different kinds of oils for cooking, such as olive oil, peanut oil, etc., to add different flavors. Also, try adding some herbs or spices such as rosemary, thyme, etc., to add a touch of fresh aroma to the sautéed broccoli.

Stir-fried broccoli is a home-cooked dish with good color and flavor, fresh and tender taste, and rich in nutrition

In addition to cooking skills, the choice of ingredients is also key to making delicious sautéed broccoli. When buying broccoli, we can choose organic broccoli or broccoli grown on a green vegetable base, which is usually fresher and healthier.

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