
Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

author:Taste Pengzhou

Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition 2024

It's in full swing

The park focuses on exhibiting from all over the world

Featured flowers and plants as well as garden and horticultural products

Pengzhou orchids are also among them

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

The orchid is full of fragrance


Orchids are all about giving people an emerald green color

The Tang Dynasty poet Wang Bo once described

Jiulong orchid scenery

"Purple orchid path, the furnace of incense invasion of cypress leaves"

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

The main building of Chengdu Garden, Huaju

Outstanding Pengzhou Chunlan:

Tianpeng peony, Tianpeng hibiscus, white jade ......

Graceful Pengzhou Spring Sword:

Jade Emperor Element, Silver Pole Plain Side Art, Big Red Cinnabar

Water cinnabar, the crown of beauty......

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

The fragrance of orchids is delicate and elegant

It has created a strong traditional cultural atmosphere

A pot of boutiques

Outstanding flowers

Graceful orchid leaves

Attract tourists to stop and watch frequently


Let's walk into the orchids of the EXPO

Tell us the story behind it

The scenery is poetic, a touch of orchid shadow

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

Pengzhou is the hometown of orchids, there are many varieties of orchids, Pengzhou people love orchids, raise orchids, Yonglan, painting orchids, it has become a trend, in one line, people appreciate orchids to be accompanied by plants and trees, not to compete with the group of flowers. The "origin" of Pengzhou and orchids can be traced back to the Northern Song Dynasty, "the spring moon flowers bloom, and visitors gather more flowers to win, because of the name (flower street)", which is the praise of the Song Dynasty poet Lu You to the flower street of Lichun (now Lichun Town).

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

Nowadays, on the occasion of the World Horticultural Exhibition, the orchid has become the eye-catching protagonist of Pengzhou, with its sassy and beautiful, both rigid and soft orchid leaves, slim and elegant posture, clear and far-reaching, refreshing fragrance to attract thousands of orchid lovers to come to watch.

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

With its unique "clear air, clear color, clear spirit, and clear rhyme", "fragrance, flowers, leaves" three beauties, and rich cultural implications, orchids are regarded as "the beauty of ideals, the magic of all transformations". China's national orchid culture has been inherited for thousands of years, in the long river of history, deeply loved by the sages, such as the cultural context of the city of Pengzhou, which has been in full bloom for hundreds of years.

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

With Confucius's sentence "Landang is the king's incense" spread to the world, "Zhilan was born in the deep forest, and it is not fragrant without people." The image of the orchid of the gentleman's cultivation and morality, not to mention poverty and change the festival", has gradually become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become a frequent visitor to the pen of literati and ink writers.

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

It is the fragrant grass in Qu Yuan's pen, and it is also the witness of the flowing water of the Lanting Pavilion, a cluster of elegance in Tao Yuanming's courtyard, or the lonely flower in the secluded garden that Li Taibai gazed at. We call the elegant and noble article "Lan Zhang", the indifferent but deep friendship "Lan Jiao", and the beautiful and humble people "Lan Xinhui......

"Beautiful economy", Youyou Lanxiang

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

Because of orchids, Pengzhou gave birth to a "beautiful economy". At the beginning of the 21st century, every year in Danjingshan "Bangbang Meeting", some people came to Huacun Street to trade orchids before dawn, and Huacun Street had the reputation of "Chuanlan's first morning market". Jinglin Village in Lichun Town is a pillar industry with orchids.

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them
Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

In June 2023, the typical case of "Chuanlan Art Valley Aesthetic Garden" was named as the typical case of new agricultural economy, new business format and new scene in Pengzhou City in 2022 by the Pengzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them
Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

Lichun Town "Sichuan Orchid Art Valley Aesthetic Garden" is located on the side of Tiangui Road, with a total area of about 400 acres, of which the core area is 70 acres, and has built more than 7,000 square meters of orchid cultivation, more than 4,000 square meters of exhibition halls, and more than 800 square meters of business negotiation and trading area, and relying on the development model of "park + farmers", 85 orchid studios have been established, gathering more than 110 orchid merchants inside and outside the province, cultivating more than 80 local orchid farmers, and the amount of orchid grass in the town is more than 50 million pots all year round.

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

At the same time, Lichun Town implements the construction model of "Linpan + Industrial Park", and has carried out strong practices in inheriting the spirit of orchids, promoting orchid culture, and strengthening the orchid economy. At present, 1 "Lanxin Xiaoxi" public service supporting center has been built, which is synchronously supporting functions such as business reception, popular science exhibition, and product release.

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

It has attracted about 7 million yuan of social capital, and is building 2 special consumption scenes such as Wanyuan Garden and Langting Banquet, which integrate catering, homestays, tea tasting, and play; The establishment of the town collective economic company, the revitalization of resource assets, to promote the implementation of the "Youlan Yaxu" orchid cultivation technology intangible cultural heritage center project, to build an orchid intangible cultural heritage studio, cultural and creative experience, reception hall, coffee terrace theme ecological courtyard.

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

Nowadays, the orchid industry has long been separated from simple planting transactions, and has formed a whole industrial chain integrating orchid planting, exhibition trading, cultural and creative experience, e-commerce live broadcast, business negotiation, theme homestay, pastoral parent-child, etc., and the "orchid economy" has long been deeply rooted in Pengzhou and has become the "rich flower" of local villagers.

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

Join the World Garden

Let's meet in Pengzhou

Feel the beautiful fragrance of orchid up close

Issue: 3064

Text: Liu Daixuan tasting Pengzhou

Photo: Daniel Zhang Han Wenjun Tasting Pengzhou Network

Editor: Liu Daixuan Editor: Deng Ruyue Review: Ye Tao

★ Please indicate the source for reprinting, copyright protection is inseparable from your and my participation!

Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them
Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them
Walk into the orchids of the EXPO and tell the story behind them

"Tasting Pengzhou" WeChat solicitation of papers!

Dear friends, "Tasting Pengzhou" WeChat is soliciting excellent manuscripts from the whole network!

Submission email: [email protected]

Organizer: Propaganda Department of Pengzhou Municipal Party Committee

Editor-in-Chief: Wang Yuyan

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Ye Tao and Feng Yanli

Editor in charge: Liang Dan, Long Yang, Liu Qian

Editor: Liu Daixuan, Deng Ruyue

Producer: Pengzhou Rong Media Center

Pengzhou Rong Media Center reporting telephone: 028 a 68611355

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