
Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

author:Mingjie Health Chinese Medicine

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Zhang Wei is a 30-year-old IT engineer who usually has a lot of work pressure and unhealthy living habits.

He often works overtime and stays up late, eats irregularly, and often eats fast food or drinks at dinner.

Recently, he has been feeling unwell, especially in his calves and toes, and he has difficulty walking. Over the weekend he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

The doctor carefully asked Zhang Wei about his medical history and lifestyle habits, and then recommended that he do some blood and urine tests.

The results showed that Zhang Wei's uric acid value was as high as 520umol/L, which was much higher than the normal value. The doctor told him that this was a typical manifestation of gout.

Zhang Wei was surprised, he thought that he would not get this kind of "wealth disease" at a young age.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

The doctor explained that although gout is more common in middle-aged and elderly men, in recent years, the incidence of gout has become younger and younger.

Poor lifestyles such as overeating, staying up late, drinking, etc., can lead to purine metabolism disorders, which will increase blood uric acid, which can lead to gout.

"Then I usually eat very light, mainly vegetables, and rarely eat meat, how can I still get gout?" Zhang Wei asked puzzled.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

He recalls that he had been eating salads in recent months in order to lose weight, especially broccoli and cauliflower, because he had heard that they were low in calories and rich in vitamins.

"This brings us to the purine content of food," the doctor replied, "Generally speaking, high-purine foods are mainly organ meats, seafood, meat, etc.

But you may not know that some vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, etc., are not low in purines, and even higher than pork and chicken. "

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

"Huh? I eat broccoli a lot, is that also a trigger?" Zhang Wei said in surprise.

I never expected that I had put so much effort into losing weight, but it backfired.

The doctor nodded and told him that broccoli contains 72 mg of purines per 100 grams, and cauliflower contains as much as 105 mg, far exceeding the 50-70 mg of pork and the 38-140 mg of chicken.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

If you eat a lot of these vegetables and neglect to eat a balanced diet, you may increase the risk of gout.

The doctor further explained that purines are substances found in human tissues and food and are not harmless in themselves.

However, uric acid is produced during purine metabolism, and if there are too many purines in the body, or if the excretion function of the kidneys decreases, uric acid will accumulate, resulting in an increase in blood uric acid concentration.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

When the blood uric acid exceeds a certain solubility, urate crystals will be formed and precipitated in the joints, kidneys and other parts, causing gouty arthritis or uric acid nephropathy.

"Then can I still eat broccoli and cauliflower in the future?" Zhang Wei asked worriedly.

He said that he liked these vegetables very much, and it was difficult to stop eating them all at once.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

The doctor smiled and comforted him, saying, "It's not a big problem to eat it in moderation. The key is to eat a balanced diet and not be biased.

In addition to paying attention to high-purine foods, it is also necessary to drink more water, drink less alcohol, ensure adequate sleep, moderate exercise, etc., which will help reduce blood uric acid and prevent gout recurrence. "

Doctors recommend that Zhang Wei consume enough water every day, preferably more than 2,500 ml.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

Because drinking plenty of water is good for uric acid to be excreted from the kidneys. At the same time, it is important to abstain from alcohol or drink less, as alcohol inhibits the excretion of uric acid.

Regular work and moderate exercise, such as jogging and swimming, can also speed up metabolism and help control weight and uric acid.

Under the guidance of the doctor, Zhang Wei carefully adjusted his life and rest. He began to eat less high-purine foods, drink more water, stay up less late, and insist on jogging and exercising.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

At the same time, take the uric acid-lowering medication prescribed by the doctor and have regular check-ups.

After half a year, the uric acid has dropped to normal levels, and symptoms such as joint pain have disappeared.

This gout experience made him deeply realize that eating more vegetables is not always better, and the key is to follow scientific dietary principles that vary from person to person.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

For the statement that "broccoli and cauliflower are high in purines", it needs to be viewed objectively and rationally.

It reminds everyone not to ignore the specificities of certain vegetables while promoting a vegetarian diet.

After all, each ingredient has its own nutritional advantages and disadvantages, and it cannot be simplistic one-sidedly.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

Especially for people at risk of gout, it is necessary to understand the purine content of different foods when formulating daily recipes, so as to be targeted.

But there is no need to talk about the discoloration of "vegetables", moderate intake is still good for health.

Such as green leafy vegetables such as oilseed lettuce, cabbage, etc., soy products such as tofu, soy milk, etc., roots such as radish, yam, potatoes, etc.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

Fruits such as bananas, grapefruits, peaches, etc., are all low-purine foods and can be chosen more.

In general, regardless of meat and vegetarian food, a balanced diet is the key.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to healthy lifestyle and habits, so that you can better prevent metabolic diseases such as gout.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

After all, health is not only about what to eat, but also about how to eat and how to live, and you must take a holistic view and learn to manage your physical health.

As the saying goes, "the body is the capital of the revolution", only the body is healthy.

Is broccoli and cauliflower higher in purines than meat? These vegetables require everyone's attention

Only then can we better devote ourselves to work, study, and life, and enjoy the beauty of life.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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