
Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Aunt Li, what are you going to buy today?"

Uncle Zhang walked slowly to Aunt Li's side on crutches, with a curious smile on his face. Aunt Li was carrying a bamboo basket and was about to go to the market, "Buy some beans, my old man likes to eat beans the most." Uncle Zhang's eyes lit up, "Hey, this bean is good, it's cancer-proof!" My wife said that. ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

After hearing this, Aunt Li was also a little puzzled, "Really? Then let's go to Dr. Liu and ask. The two hit it off and walked towards the hospital with a leisurely pace. Dr. Liu is a well-known good doctor in the neighborhood, he was an expert in a big hospital when he was young, and when he returned to the county hospital in his hometown after retirement, he always wore his signature smile, which made people feel kind at first sight.

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

As soon as he entered the door, Dr. Liu was busy treating the child in front of him, and when he saw Aunt Li and Uncle Zhang, he hurriedly greeted, "Aunt Li, Uncle Zhang, sit down, sit down, wait a while." After a while, the children left after seeing the disease, and Dr. Liu had time to greet them, "Aunt Li, Uncle Zhang, what kind of wind blew you here today?" ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

Aunt Li smiled and said, "Dr. Liu, we want to ask today, is this bean anti-cancer?" Hearing this, Dr. Liu smiled even more, "That's a good question!" However, you can't blindly believe that beans can prevent cancer. Beans are a good thing, rich in fiber and vitamins, which are good for the body, but it is not realistic to eat beans alone to prevent cancer. ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

Uncle Zhang scratched his head, "Then Doctor Liu, what kind of food can we eat to really prevent cancer?" Dr. Liu touched his chin and said seriously, "If you want to prevent cancer, in addition to beans, there are several kinds of dishes to eat." Such as broccoli, tomatoes, garlic and carrots. Each of these dishes has its own benefits, and if you really want to stay away from cancer, you have to eat a balanced diet and eat more of these dishes. ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

Aunt Li's eyes lit up, "Then Doctor Liu, tell us how to prevent cancer with these dishes." Dr. Liu nodded and began to explain, "First of all, broccoli, there is a substance called 'glucosinolated' in broccoli, which can help our body detoxify, and eating broccoli can reduce the risk of many cancers, especially lung cancer and stomach cancer. ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

He paused for a moment and continued, "And then there's the tomatoes, and there's something in the tomatoes called 'lycopene,' which is so powerful that it inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Especially for prostate cancer, eating some tomatoes every day can effectively reduce the chance of prostate cancer. ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

Aunt Li listened attentively and nodded again and again, "What about garlic?" Dr. Liu smiled, "Garlic is the most familiar thing to us Chinese, right?" Garlic contains allicin, which not only kills bacteria, but also has some cancer prevention effects, and people who eat garlic regularly have a lower risk of stomach cancer and colorectal cancer than those who do not eat it. ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

Uncle Zhang was also interested, "What about carrots?" "Carrots contain β-carotene, which is a good substance in preventing lung cancer, oral cancer, and stomach cancer. Eating more carrots can not only improve immunity, but also prevent a variety of cancers. ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

Aunt Li nodded with satisfaction, "Then Doctor Liu, what else should we pay attention to when we usually eat these dishes?" ”

Dr. Liu patiently said, "Eating vegetables to prevent cancer is a long-term process, and you can't just count on one or two dishes. The most important thing is to eat a balanced diet and ensure the intake of various nutrients. Also, you should exercise more and maintain good lifestyle habits, so that you can really prevent cancer. ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

Aunt Li and Uncle Zhang nodded again and again when they heard this, and Aunt Li couldn't help but ask, "Doctor Liu, if you have cancer, can you still rely on these dishes to cure your disease?" ”

Dr. Liu shook his head and said seriously, "After getting cancer, eating these dishes can only play an auxiliary role, and the real treatment still depends on the doctor's professional treatment plan." However, eating more of these dishes is good for the body, which can enhance the body's resistance and help the body recover better. ”

Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

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Are beans a cancer "killer"? Reminder: If you want to stay away from cancer, you can eat more of these 4 vegetables

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