
Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)
Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

In order to further promote the pilot work of standardizing the community (village) family education guidance service system, Shangcheng District gives play to the awareness and ability of parents in family education. The District Women's Federation and the District Community College jointly organized parents who had learned in their jurisdictions to use the WeChat public accounts of "Hangzhou Shangcheng Social Education" and "Shangcheng Women's Federation" to share and exchange scientific parenting experience and practices, fully mobilize parents' enthusiasm and initiative in self-service and self-management, give play to the role of the family education gang volunteer team in 14 streets, and strive to improve the ability and level of parents to educate and cultivate their children. We will introduce the knowledge and methods of parent science family education in stages for everyone to learn from.

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

How to treat a child who talks back

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

‖ Zhang Zhihan family in class 404 of Dinghe Primary School in Hangzhou

The family is equal, parents and children have the right to speak, parents must protect the child's right to speak, encourage children to express their opinions, and parents must control themselves, less to say and more to listen, although the child is not right, but also listen to the child to finish, do not interrupt, do not judge. However, you also have to clearly tell your child: "I will allow you to lose your temper, but don't say something hurtful." At the same time, the eyes must be looking at the child, listening carefully to the child's ideas, why should we resist, what is the appeal? Learn about your child's appeal by listening to his thoughts. At the same time, it will also make children feel respected. In the process of self-defense, children will also clear their minds.

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

"Love" is the best education

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

‖ Zhang Jingke family, primary class of Hangzhou Jianqiao Garden Kindergarten

The family is like soil, and fertile soil promotes children to be positive and healthy and thrive. The opening words of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina are very shocking: "Happy families are all similar, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes." Happy families are summed up as: mothers are pampered, fathers are respected, and children are accepted, all in one word, that is, "love." A family full of "love" should allow everyone to get comfort from it, our children are like seeds, let children blossom, bear fruit, and thrive in the soil of "love", which is our greatest achievement.

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

Practice yourself to become a child

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

‖ Xu Zhebin family of Class 211 of Hangzhou Tianhang Experimental School

In the company, it is good at discovering the child's talent, so that the talent is free, so that the child has the motivation and ability to create the future. Exploration, trial and error, and creativity can build the meaning of life. My son has been extremely talented in sports since he was a child, I have been silently supporting him in roller skating, taekwondo, football, and later encouraged him to join the Hangzhou roller skating team, over the past few years, large and small experienced countless difficult games, overcome one psychological difficulty after another, although all this process is not easy, but seeing his son a little stronger, step by step, more and more like a man!

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

Those three sentences made me read out tears

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

‖ Zeng Xiwen family of Class 901 of Hangzhou Four Seasons Youth Middle School

"It is not enough to love children, we must also love unconditionally, to love themselves, not to love what they do." These three sentences made me feel enlightened. Once the Chinese teacher called, I did not answer the phone at the first time, but questioned my son, but the teacher who answered the phone told him that his son's Chinese score had improved. Because of this phone call, my heart began to thaw, I actively participated in school activities, and I wanted my son to see that I was not ashamed because he was learning to count down. At the same time, according to the guidance of the teacher, I constantly enlarge the child's advantages, encourage and affirm in time, and give a warm hug from time to time. Teachers also do everything they can to give children the opportunity to grow. When the haze cleared, I felt that my son and I were a beam of light, shining on each other and growing up together.

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

Listening is the key to communicating with your child

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

‖ Shangcheng District Jianqiao Garden Kindergarten Kindergarten Primary One Class Tang Chenyun Family

As parents, we always have big and small anxieties, each family has different educational standards for their children, and there may be no common answers to deal with them, but how to deal with these problems I always use a common method: listen to the child's heart, empathize with the child. Listening to the needs of children and empathizing with children, I found that the original children's various non-cooperation was only because we did not have the heart to understand them; it turned out that children could be treated without using parental authority to achieve good results. While respecting children, we also respect ourselves, and we hope that we can all be active listeners for children.

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

"Love" and "teach" are not wrong, and conflicts lead to growth

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

‖ The family of Sun Shujia, Class 805, Dongcheng Middle School, Hangzhou Normal University

Communicate and communicate more with children, stimulate children's self-motivation in the right way and method, and actively explore the answer with children. Every day when I come home from work, my favorite thing to do is to ask my child about the happiest, or unhappy thing that happened at school today. When tutoring or guiding children to do math problems, they will analyze and prompt, so that children can try to complete the problems that they would not have done before with a little prompting. Then instruct the child to pay attention to the teacher's explanation the next day.

Hui Parents | Shangcheng District Launched Family Education "Scientific Parenting Everyone Talks" Activity (1)

【Source: Shangcheng Women's Federation】

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